Munich HighEnd 2024


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2018
Every year, Munich HighEnd comes by surprise. It is spring season, and by surprise it's only eight week to HighEnd, the world largest HighEnd fair. I visited this tour de force event first time ten years ago and it catched me. I have to return year for year, so exciting is this time, discovering every highend company you heard of or not. Yes, show conditions, but the majority of companies who spend a lot of money to be present, tries to perform best. Each year I discover several booths being highlights and each year I take new music at home.

This year I will be there again. Who else plans to visit Munich HE? And which companies you expect to be highlights this year?

I am sure I will be surprised again by some presentations. But I will visit this booths for sure:

Vivid Audios new flagship Moya M1

Kronos Audio Perpetual turntable and Discovery Phono Stage


After years of absence, darTZeel decided to present their electronics. Sunday early morning last year it was quiet and they presented some classical music on records (and I am usaully not a fan) and I was flashed.

Living Voice

The design is not my favorite, but closing eyes I forget the time.


Despite the owner has IMO unappealing/unfriendly behavior, the Zensati presentations are outstanding every year.

Audio Components/Wilson Audio XVX

The presentation is an example for show conditions: You realize instantly how much potential/performance the XVXs could have, if they would be freed from show restrictions.


Two years ago the new Extreme Mk 2 blew me away. Last year Aura were impressive with their performance.
I have to add two must-visits:

True Life Audio/Gershman

One of the hid den gems last year in the Atrium. TLA showed it's new Integrated and Gershman a midline speaker. Sounded fantastic with low HighEnd budget, if you found their room.


One of the top of the top speaker companies. Transparence, precision and crazy good soundstage performance. Unfortunately in Munich something is disturbing, don't know if it comes from YS Sound or Schnerzinger. Heard them last year with different electronics and it was a highlight. This year comes the premiere of their second top line with complete new drivers. Must hear.

Who plans to visit HE too?

If anyone else feels like giving a recommendation, feel free!
Most interesting to me is Taiko Audio and Martion Audio at a venue 100 meters from the MOC.
Is there a name for that show?

I was at the Highend Show in 2022 with friends. One of our group wandered off and discovered this offsite venue behind the MOC. He was impressed but the rest of us missed out. I will be attending again this year and will definitely plan to visit this offsite venue.
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You have very interesting speakers :cool:
AFAIK, Coherent Audio is not exhibitor at HE Munich but is it possible to listen to these speakers somewhere in Europe?
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I have to add two must-visits:

True Life Audio/Gershman

One of the hid den gems last year in the Atrium. TLA showed it's new Integrated and Gershman a midline speaker. Sounded fantastic with low HighEnd budget, if you found their room.


One of the top of the top speaker companies. Transparence, precision and crazy good soundstage performance. Unfortunately in Munich something is disturbing, don't know if it comes from YS Sound or Schnerzinger. Heard them last year with different electronics and it was a highlight. This year comes the premiere of their second top line with complete new drivers. Must hear.

Who plans to visit HE too?

If anyone else feels like giving a recommendation, feel free!
Will be there all 4 days and will listen to most of it...
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You have very interesting speakers :cool:
AFAIK, Coherent Audio is not exhibitor at HE Munich but is it possible to listen to these speakers somewhere in Europe?
Thank you. They are interesting and definitely worth a listen!

I will give the designer Frank Fazzalari a call and see if he has a dealer in Europe or perhaps a customer. Coherent Speakers are a very small operation so maybe not. Still I see they are getting some positive reviews from an Asian show so who knows.
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This year, me too! I realized 2-3 days are really stress to visit completely, so huge the fair is.
Unfortunately I have Saturday and Sunday only so I will skip Hifideluxe.
One exhibitor I will be missing is Silbatone and their horns from the last century.
You have very interesting speakers :cool:
AFAIK, Coherent Audio is not exhibitor at HE Munich but is it possible to listen to these speakers somewhere in Europe?
I spoke with Frank Fazzalari the designer and master craftsman that builds the Coherent Speakers. He had a dealer in Norway but that person has retired. So unfortunately no one in Europe at this point.

The speakers are custom built so it isn't the type of speaker that is stocked at your local audio retailer. There are a few dealers in Canada (Corby's) and the United States (True Audiophile) that would be able to demo.
Thank you. They are interesting and definitely worth a listen!

I will give the designer Frank Fazzalari a call and see if he has a dealer in Europe or perhaps a customer. Coherent Speakers are a very small operation so maybe not. Still I see they are getting some positive reviews from an Asian show so who knows.

He did share that he has received a fair amount of interest in Asia. There is a dealer Steve Sai in Singapore ( Sky Audio) that is representing him.

Hope this helps for all that may have been interested.
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I am looking forward to this years show. Is there a place/time at the show where WBF members meet at the show? It would be nice to put a face to the name so to speak.
I like to stay at the Motel One München Parkstadt Schwabing.
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Instead paying 120+ EUR for an expensive hotel in town, I prefer to book a hotel in a village 40-50 kilometers north of Munich. Costs me around 50 EUR, booking early, and a half an hour trip by car, which is O.K. for me.
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Instead paying 120+ EUR for an expensive hotel in town, I prefer to book a hotel in a village 40-50 kilometers north of Munich. Costs me around 50 EUR, booking early, and a half an hour trip by car, which is O.K. for me.
I stay at the Marriott...right in the middle of the action.

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