Isolation for Kondo Overture pm-2i


Active Member
Nov 26, 2022
Looking to better improve my Kondo Overture pm-2i performance,
So i was wondering if there are any recommendations..

and Is it true over springy/floaty vibration control can "smudge" SQ especially with tube amplification?
There are few space limitations of my stand (Quadraspire SVT) columns

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i found a few 450x350 isolation base options

- Wellfloat 3545S
- Acoustic Revive RST-38H
Acapella made custommade base ( dimensions) sounds phanstatic under the kondo overture. Ask there for price maybe the base intressting for you
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I've found two great solutions from Oyadie and Acoustic Revive,
and got great result with Quartz damping!

I didn't need to buy anything new as i already had the stuff.
Once in a while i get bored and do trail and error with the "Junk" I've accumulated over the years.

Acoustic Revive SIP-8Q (with QR-8 Quartz Resonators),

they have been plugged to the Overture for a couple of months now and when i unplug them, there is a sort of "Fuzziness" to the sound.
odd, but now i can't listen to the amp without them being plugged in as they add some sort of "Cleanliness" to the SQ.
I think the QR-8 Quartz Resonators have more do to with it then the SIP-8 termination.

Oyaide INS-BS + Oyaide INS-SQ,
I've tried just the INS-BS under the amp, 5 of them, as the Overture have five feet.
Didn't notice or felt anything special so back to the "junk" box they went.

A few months have passed and i got bored again and thought maybe i try a INS-BS + INS-SQ (smoky quartz) combo and for my amazement the effect was immediate, something definitely has change now!
SQ has gotten a bit more refined, tighten, better bass control..
Simply put the Overture got a bit more engaging and musical :)

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