Hello from the beautiful city of Lindau in Germany


Let me introduce the first member of the 'Intrepid' line of electronics, an all silver differential 10Y line preamp without any capacitors in the signal path. All electronics of the intrepid line have these things in common:

All signal relevant transformers and chokes are silver wound.
The power supply has it's own chassis
All chassis milled from solid blocks of aluminum.

This product line complements the Compactron line which represents the entry level.
The intrepid line will be completed with phono stage, DAC and mono blocks soon. All to be demoed at the upcoming Munich show, Hall2 Booth F06

A mid tier product line will be introduced soon as well.

More info and photos on my blog:

Introducing the INTREPID product line

Best regards


Hi All,

My mid tier product line called 'Heritage' just got completed with a set of single ended mono amplifiers. There are phono and line stages, mono amps and a DAC in this series.

All to be shown in Munich in May.

More info on my blog: https://vinylsavor.blogspot.com/

Best regards



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What will be your set-up in Munich together with Admire Audio?
Quite a departure from your previous designs - visually. How does the amplifier design differ, if you wish to mention?

Since years I wanted to introduce an alternative design to the existing ones for those who want a different look. The new design does not replace the old one which continues to be offered. The idea for the new design language started when I developed the Compactron preamplifier. A compact (relative to my other designs) full function preamplifier in a single chassis. I really liked the look of the new Compactron Preamp so I decided to adapt a similar chassis style to pretty much all of my amps and preamps. This resulted in the Heritage product line. During the development of the first amps and preamps the chassis concept evolved such that it also became suitable for a series with the chassis milled from a solid block of metal. I always wanted to have chassis with a seamless surface. This then resulted in the Intrepid product line.

In terms of electronic design, all of the amps and preamps in the Compactron series are entirely new designs. The heritage line consists of the previously most often requested products. There are some refinements in the design and parts choice, but these things had always been ongoing during the years. Everything in the Intrepid line represents my personal statement in ultimate fidelity. Again base don existing designs like the differential phono and line which I built before but also with refinements in parts choice and circuit. However the main principles are the same as before.

Best regards

What will be your set-up in Munich together with Admire Audio?
The setup is explained in my blog post about the High End:


We will mainly use the Intrepid amps and preamps. There will be a full set of Heritage products on display and will also be demoed if there is interest. There will also be a variety of Compactron amps, preamps and DAC. However we will not be constantly swapping amps and preamps. If there its interest we will do separate sessions with Heritage and Compactron products at certain time slots.

Best regards

what will you use as source upstream to your Intrepid DAC?
Will it be possible to listen to music from streaming services like Qobuz or Tidal?
We will play digital sources only off line either from a laptop or from a CD Player. However we can play music from a stick if you want to bring your own. I will try to get an extensive library ready for the show. We will of course also play vinyl (probably 50% each vinyl and digital). Visitors can bring their own records too.

We will play digital sources only off line
Two years ago Admire Audio provided music from streaming services which was very convenient.
Maybe you can ask them to arrange the same this year.
Two years ago Admire Audio provided music from streaming services which was very convenient.
Maybe you can ask them to arrange the same this year.
We are discussing that and if possible we will set it up. but just to be on the safe side there will be a off line library.
The setup is explained in my blog post about the High End:


We will mainly use the Intrepid amps and preamps. There will be a full set of Heritage products on display and will also be demoed if there is interest. There will also be a variety of Compactron amps, preamps and DAC. However we will not be constantly swapping amps and preamps. If there its interest we will do separate sessions with Heritage and Compactron products at certain time slots.

Best regards

Thanks for the link.
This looks VERY interesting and I'm very much looking forward to hearing your system next week :cool:
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