Magico M3 vs M2

So my dealer had A3 and M2 side by side for the past month. There is no doubt M2 has a bit more low bass and sonically is superior. However just looking at the specs, M2 and A3 have the same sensitivity and M2 is supposed to handle 200W max whereas A3 is 300W. My assumption then is if your A3 has trouble filling your current room with sound, you probably need the M3. My dealer’s showroom is not huge so I have never cranked up the volume to ear deafening levels to compare their power handling capabilities.

Thanks, yes I agree, I ordered the M3s.
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just got my m2's on friday. I thought i would miss the bass from the s5 but see improvements elsewhere. nope - the bass has more texture and resolution than the s5. it doesn't have the slam that bigger woofers provide but for my preferences this is just better. the imaging is unreal and the midrange (with the help of my kraft amp) is hands down the best i've heard (for my preferences) in any rig at any cost. bold statement but please don't misread that...i'm not saying the m2 is the best ever, i'm just saying that for me i couldn't ask for a better midrange. it's spooky realistic with just that essence of depth, density, and warmth that leads to toe tapping euphoria. i think if you stepped up to an m2 you'd be quite happy!
Wow!!! Sounds like a grail speaker. I cannot wait to hear a pair for myself. Headed to Vancouver later this month to do just that...
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Wow!!! Sounds like a grail speaker. I cannot wait to hear a pair for myself. Headed to Vancouver later this month to do just that...
deff an incredible speaker and i still love it alot. if you need more low end for your room i found perlisten subs in my other rig to deliver the most magico-esque bass i've heard from a sub. i found cutting the slope to -6db got me there, higher and it sounded more ported. whenever i have a bigger room i'd love to pair m2's with those subs. i'm sure the new s5 is great as is the m7 and that the company continues to push the edge but i personally dont find myself wanting to upgrade as the m2's still do it all for me

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