Totaldac Amp-1-sublime amplifier and driver


Industry Expert
Aug 17, 2012
a new amplifier and the matching driver have just been released by Totaldac

The Amp-1-sublime is the new Totaldac reference amplifier, using solid state components exclusively.
The triode stage used in the previous generation of Amp-1 is now upgraded by an innovating transistor gain stage, using very low component count (all discrete) and no global feedback.
A very high voltage (240Vdc) is used to give the maximum dynamic to the signal and its power supply is based on a discrete regulator as well.
The gain stage is then followed by an equally innovating and powerful transistor buffer, using no global feedback as well.
This design combines no global feedback, low noise, high gain (34dB), high bandwidth (400KHz) and high current (driving 1ohm) thanks to its 2500VA/25kg live-power transformer.
These characteristics produce a transparent, fast, live and natural sound without harshness and at the same time with punch and weight in bass.
The Amp-1-sublime amplifier is available as stereo amplifier with RCA inputs or as fully balanced monobloc with XLR input.

amplifier page:

A new d1-driver is also released to perfectly match the quality of this new amplifier.
The d1-driver-sublime has no volume control because it relies on the DAC volume control but in case the complete system gain is too high (DAC + amp + speakers + room) an analog -15.5dB attenuation can be activated using a switch at the back panel.
This attenuator uses 12 pieces of 0.01% VAR Bulk Metal® Foil resistors from Vishay.
In case the complete system misses some gain with some tracks recorded very low, the latest Totaldac DACs offer a +12dB digital gain option.
These 2 selectable gain settings in a Totaldac system allow to optimize all configurations.

driver page:

You can listen these new amplifier and driver at the Munich High end show in May 2024 and you should notice a very noticeable sound quality improvement compared to the previous years.





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Hello everyone, has anyone tried the new d1-driver (Sublime) and can you share your opinion? THANKS;)
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Here are 3 comments from reviewers about the Totaldac room at the Munich High End show where the Amp-1-sublime amplifier was used:

"The sound in that room was as impressive to me as the D120’s build quality. Played via a pair of D120s, some haunting female vocal music with a sparse piano accompaniment had such a wonderous sense of scale that it was easy to get lost in it. The speakers seemed right on the money tonally as well, and they conveyed the emotion in the singer’s lament just as competently as they did scale." Matt Bonaccio, SoundStage!

"the sound was wonderfully easy to listen to and fall into. Very nice!!" Lin and Stu, HIFIPIG

"second in the favorite room list 'In any event, this system sang out sweetly, filling the large space with high level emotion.'" Michael Lavorgna, TWITTERING MACHINES
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The sound in the room was one of the best of Munich 2024, indeed. Returned there three times
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