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    • totaldac
      totaldac replied to the thread Totaldac new DACs.
      It is 100% hardware. I need 2 working days maximum per box to make it.
    • totaldac
      totaldac replied to the thread Totaldac new DACs.
      A new option is released in the Totaldac line and is already available for new orders or for the upgrade of an existing product. The...
      • d1-triunity-inside-1000.jpg
    • totaldac
      totaldac replied to the thread Totaldac new DACs.
      Here is the Totaldac Qobuz playlist. Some of these tracks were used at the Munich show.
      • playlist.jpg
    • totaldac
      totaldac replied to the thread Totaldac new DACs.
      Not really, but we can talk about the details of such an upgrade by email.
    • totaldac
      totaldac replied to the thread Totaldac new DACs.
      I would rather recommend that you upgrade your d1-monobloc to a d1-digital-sublime reclocker + d1-triunity, or better to a d1-sublime.
    • totaldac
      totaldac replied to the thread Totaldac new DACs.
      It is a new DAC with unity architecture, based on 2 R2R ladders per channel, so the price is just between the d1-unity and d1-triunity...
    • totaldac
      totaldac replied to the thread Munich HighEnd 2024.
      The feeling of very high frequency is not the same with a big horn, it sounds like rolled off (for me).
    • totaldac
      totaldac replied to the thread Munich HighEnd 2024.
      Only a small horn allows to get 20KHz or above.
    • totaldac
      totaldac replied to the thread Munich HighEnd 2024.
      that's confidential sorry.
    • totaldac
      totaldac replied to the thread Munich HighEnd 2024.
      Indeed, due the the (solid state) amplifier AND the digital source as well, including the DAC, roon core, streamer, ethernet siwtch...
    • totaldac
      totaldac replied to the thread Munich HighEnd 2024.
      The d120 uses a 1inch compression driver, with non-metal dome, and with an extreme extension to the high frequency (25KHz at -6dB), due...
    • totaldac
      totaldac replied to the thread Totaldac new DACs.
      Thank you. Some people are expecting a feedback about the Totaldac room here...
    • totaldac
      Thank you Thank you. Some people are expecting a feedback about the Totaldac room here...
    • totaldac
      The sound in the room was one of the best of Munich 2024, indeed. Returned there three times
    • totaldac
      A feedback from The Absolute Sound about the Amp-1-sublime amplifier in the Totaldac room at the Munich High End show 2024: "The Sublime...
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