All New Akiko-Audio Speaker Improver Review !

interesting. I have never seen such a product before. Anyone has?
Price for a couple around 1000 Euro. And as always. 30 days to return and get refunded.
I am curious…
I think this is not dissimilar from Entreq and any number of other grounding solutions that provide options for spkrs grounding.
They also have to be specifically connected to negative terminal alone.
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I think this is not dissimilar from Entreq and any number of other grounding solutions that provide options for spkrs grounding.
They also have to be specifically connected to -ve terminal alone.
Didn't know. New for me. Grounding for me has alway been power. Thanks for the info
What is -ve terminal?
Sorry. Negative terminal.
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From their website:

What improvements can you expect:

  • Clean, natural sound with a beautiful stereo image.
  • Increased dynamics due to reduced background noise.
  • Music is perceived as more natural.
  • Even less-than-perfect recordings can pleasantly surprise.
  • Spatiality increases as small details are better perceived.
  • Bass reproduction sounds very natural.

Really? Sorry to be so blunt, but that sounds like complete BS.

And then "The efficacy of our products has been demonstrated through measurement." I'd like to see the measurements! Why are they not published on their website?
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From their website:

What improvements can you expect:

  • Clean, natural sound with a beautiful stereo image.
  • Increased dynamics due to reduced background noise.
  • Music is perceived as more natural.
  • Even less-than-perfect recordings can pleasantly surprise.
  • Spatiality increases as small details are better perceived.
  • Bass reproduction sounds very natural.

Really? Sorry to be so blunt, but that sounds like complete BS.

And then "The efficacy of our products has been demonstrated through measurement." I'd like to see the measurements!
Looks like a pretty bog standard list of audiophile traits.
Measurements should appeal to the ASR crowd.
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Looks like a pretty bog standard list of audiophile traits.
Measurements should appeal to the ASR crowd.

I only mentioned measurements since they claim to have them, but don't publish them.

Check out the 6Moons review which basically concludes that they have no effect:

Of course, Ebaen explains this "dud" by the fact that his system must already be optimized.
From their website:

What improvements can you expect:

  • Clean, natural sound with a beautiful stereo image.
  • Increased dynamics due to reduced background noise.
  • Music is perceived as more natural.
  • Even less-than-perfect recordings can pleasantly surprise.
  • Spatiality increases as small details are better perceived.
  • Bass reproduction sounds very natural.

Really? Sorry to be so blunt, but that sounds like complete BS.

And then "The efficacy of our products has been demonstrated through measurement." I'd like to see the measurements! Why are they not published on their website?
Send them an email instead of whining here.
I only mentioned measurements since they claim to have them, but don't publish them.

Check out the 6Moons review which basically concludes that they have no effect:

Of course, Ebaen explains this "dud" by the fact that his system must already be optimized.
All reviews are very, very, very, subjective. I have no horse is the race but the measurements crowd is really boring and predictable. Order them and give them a spin, nothing like experience. ;)
Thanks for the nice comment.

I don't consider myself part of a "measurement crowd", but this smells like snake oil.
Smells like cheese to me. Love people who disparage a product and never even giving it a real sniff.
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Smells like cheese to me. Love people who disparage a product and never even giving it a real sniff.

I try to keep an open mind, but in this case I cannot help but be skeptical. The signal does not even flow through this thing, I just don't get it. But I'm not stopping anyone from trying it.
This reminds me of discussions about Entreq grounding boxes. Many audiophiles use them, and swear that they do change the sound. But they don't actually offer any "grounding" (there is no connection to earth). So how do they work? Well, one hypothesis is that they actually work as antennas that introduce noise into your system! You could argue that as long as you enjoy the results, the technical explanations are irrelevant. I am always curious to understand.
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This reminds me of discussions about Entreq grounding boxes. Many audiophiles use them, and swear that they do change the sound. But they don't actually offer any "grounding" (there is no connection to earth). So how do they work? Well, one hypothesis is that they actually work as antennas that introduce noise into your system! You could argue that as long as you enjoy the results, the technical explanations are irrelevant. I am always curious to understand.
Did you ever try one? Do you own a system that it would benefit from a grounding box? As my father told me once and only once, you either know or you don’t know, if you don’t then seek to find out and educate yourself, otherwise keep your yap shut as there is no debate.
You could not have made things clearer :)
Okay sure. Either you know or you don’t. Try them or don’t, time to move on.
From their website:

What improvements can you expect:

  • Clean, natural sound with a beautiful stereo image.
  • Increased dynamics due to reduced background noise.
  • Music is perceived as more natural.
  • Even less-than-perfect recordings can pleasantly surprise.
  • Spatiality increases as small details are better perceived.
  • Bass reproduction sounds very natural.

Really? Sorry to be so blunt, but that sounds like complete BS.

And then "The efficacy of our products has been demonstrated through measurement." I'd like to see the measurements! Why are they not published on their website?
I would imagine the results would vary depending on the magnetic radiation of the speaker. But not all will need this as some amps would cancel that high frequency noise so the speakers don't radiate it. There are frequencies above 50Khz that if it leaks into the crossover, the capacitors esr aspect of them becomes inductive and as a result, lowers the efficiency in the circuit. As someone who designed classic tube amplifier circuits, I look at this, especially when the output transformer ends up having a lot of insertion loss and the plates have excessive RF tube noise..
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A few years ago I bought an Akiko Corelli and it is not Snake Oil. I now have one on each of my 3 dedicated lines. I am willing to try the Speaker product and hope it has a similar benefit. If not I will send it back.
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I have the Corelli too. Doesn't do much for me.
I brought the Corelli to a friends house and it was very profound in a a bad way.

This device says Piezoelectric stuff inside. So its a inexpensive ground box. I have tried a inexpensive ground box, Putitan. Heard nothing. Others I trust have very positive experiences with ground boxes. Generally ones that suck well over $10,000 from their wallet to fully apply it to the system.

My experience is everyone has noise to some degree. Every system has its own degree of susceptibility to the noise. Some people will therefore hear a large impact from this device. Others nothing. And some maybe hear a negstive impact. I would guess negative would be very infrequent. A has little reason to make the sound bad. It should be a soak for electrons that seem to float all over the chassis and in the circuit of equipment. Its easy to put a quality true rms meter on the chassis of your gear and measure mV of potential all over the chassis and between chassis. As well as on the ground studs. Its hard to measure a change in these voltage as they are constantly fluctuating.
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