Why, oh why, does vinyl continue to blow away digital?

But here is the deal Peter. You have no experience with the latest advancements in digital playback. When I listen to the sound of your system over your system videos, I find it very lacking of the low level details, nuances, and resolution that I hear when listening with HQPLAYER.

I think that for you to make this statement: “the same music on vinyl will be a more enjoyable, and ………for me a more realistic/natural listening experience.” You have to compare analog playback to what digital playback can really do.

You claim that DDK’s “The Absolute Nothing” turntable is the pinnacle of your analog playback experience. I claim that “HQPLAYER 5 outputting DSD512x48 or DSD1024x48 to a chipless DSD digital to analog converter” is the pinnacle of my digital playback experience. Neither of us has heard the other in person, but when I listen to the comparisons of system videos playing the same song to me is like comparing a Black & White (Analog) television set to an 8K OLED (Digital) television. If that soft, homogenous, and slightly out of focus sound with weight is what you prefer than so be it, but stop calling it more natural. When you get prescription glasses for the first time you don’t realize how bad your vision is until you first put on the prescription lenses and then take them off. Is time for you to experience HQPLAYER and feel that same sensation about analog versus digital playback and then come back and state which one is more “natural”.

Is the deal about critiquing the systems of members who disagree with you and commenting on their lack of experience? It does little to further your argument.
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Is the deal about critiquing the systems of members who disagree with you and commenting on their lack of experience? It does little to further your argument.

All I’m saying is that you don’t have a basis to speak of digital playback with such conviction without experience with the latest cutting edge implementations.

Everyone has different preferences and we should respect them, no matter what they are. We like what we like and have opinions about what others like.
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We all love our gear and no doubt are biased in all kinds of ways. I suggest checking out the EC Designs NL offerings especially the SX which is a DAC Amp. They are a small outfit (2 brothers) in Holland but have created some innovative devices that in my opinion put the digital v vinyl discussions to bed. I’m not affiliated to them in any way and but surprised they don’t garner more attention.
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All I’m saying is that you don’t have a basis to speak of digital playback with such conviction without experience to the latest cutting edge implementations.
the question, of course, is whether HQ PLAYER with pedestrian hardware is cutting edge.

and that is a question. very few are going down that road.

not saying it's good or bad or in between. but not much gravity toward it. Taiko moved away from HQ Player a few years ago.
you missed one. the only one.

my goal for a normal listening session is to enjoy the session and be immersed in the experience. and maybe i want to hear what a particular performer(s) or piece of music, or musical genre, might sound like. parts of this are the dynamics, scale, authority and sounds that hopefully sound real enough to make me connect and be affected say wow! or smile. get my shoulders to relax, take me someplace.

OTOH if i am listening critically or investigating things then yes, i start thinking objectively about these ideas. but most times i want that crap far away from my mind. i want to melt into the music, or if i'm multitasking i want the music to embrace me.

sometimes my mind slips into a critical listening mode, i have to get it back to cruise and enjoy mode. if we are investigating things then maybe we switch back and forth. but hopefully that is not anything typical for your listening.

but importantly my objective generally is not to be objective. period. and for our systems to pull us into that mind set. so we can be open to the musical message. we walk away thinking about the music and not the sounds. if our systems are not accomplishing this, we have work to do or attitudinal opportunities.

accurate as a general conscious objective? who cares besides forum posters? real is what we want.
“Attitudinal Opportunities.” I certainly have plenty of those! And a very nice diplomatic turn of phrase.
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When I listen to the sound of your system over your system videos, I find it very lacking of the low level details, nuances, and resolution that I hear when listening with HQPLAYER.

Appraising low level detail, nuances, and resolution through iPhone videos is a risky proposition!
the question, of course, is whether HQ PLAYER with pedestrian hardware is cutting edge.

and that is a question. very few are going down that road.

Since when are the T+A DAC200 or T+A SD 3100 HV Reference streaming DAC coupled with ultra-high speed custom servers considered pedestrian hardware?

Are these more Hallucinations of Grandeur?
Appraising low level detail, nuances, and resolution through iPhone videos is a risky proposition!

What is your better proposal? To fly thousands of miles in the air and then rely on aural memory? Let’s hear what you consider a less risky proposition.
not saying it's good or bad or in between. but not much gravity toward it. Taiko moved away from HQ Player a few years ago.

Yes, because the Taiko servers do not have enough processing power and processing speed to handle HQPLAYER’s real-time processing. Taiko had no choice in the matter as they could not get their passive cooled servers to cope with the HQPLAYER requirements, related to speed required for real-time processing.
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Everyone has different preferences and we should respect them, no matter what they are.


But it seems to me that your posts often explicitly or implicitly disparage this correct view.
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What is your better proposal? To fly thousands of miles in the air and then rely on aural memory? Let’s hear what you consider a less risky proposition.

There is no alternative to "live" listening. Videos should be seen as teasers.
Ask Taiko and they will tell you what their servers can do with regards to HQPLAYER. HQPLAYER 5 requires not only the fastest CPU in the market but also the fastest GPU for DSD1024x48. Taiko has neither and far from them.

But it seems to me that your posts often explicitly or implicitly disparage this correct view.
That’s not correct. I put supporting evidence in my posts. I had a practice of embedding comparative videos, as supporting evidence, in my responses but the moderator restricted me from doing so.
There is no alternative to "live" listening. Videos should be seen as teasers.
You didn’t answer the question. What is better than videos for comparing two systems in different geographical locations?
...actually, I think it may be contrary to Taiko's philosophy. They have done what they can to reduce noise from processing. The new I/O moves the NIC and USB (or other output) to a separate chassis, and runs it off batteries. Although it may be run inside the new server on battery as well.
You didn’t answer the question. What is better than videos for comparing two systems in different geographical locations?

The fact that there is no alternative does not mean you have to use the only flawed tool at your disposal to draw conclusions. Silence is always an option :)

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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