MSB DAC Preamp Volume Levels

Perhaps a less costlier route that could yield a more audible effect would be to get a second power supply for the MSB Discrete first?

It does make a difference having the digital and analog component of the DAC running on their own dedicated power sources.
I need to drive my turntable too…
Perhaps a less costlier route that could yield a more audible effect would be to get a second power supply for the MSB Discrete first?

It does make a difference having the digital and analog component of the DAC running on their own dedicated power sources.

I was going to say the same thing. @Ricco275 Having had the Discrete with one power supply then adding one I can tell you it does fill things out. I also wouldn't chase the preamp until you have a chance to listen to it in your room before you purchase it. TAD is hideously expensive for what it is, there should be no reason you shouldn't have been able to figure this out before you purchased that amp.
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I was going to say the same thing. @Ricco275 Having had the Discrete with one power supply then adding one I can tell you it does fill things out. I also wouldn't chase the preamp until you have a chance to listen to it in your room before you purchase it. TAD is hideously expensive for what it is, there should be no reason you shouldn't have been able to figure this out before you purchased that amp.

I was going to say the same thing. @Ricco275 Having had the Discrete with one power supply then adding one I can tell you it does fill things out. I also wouldn't chase the preamp until you have a chance to listen to it in your room before you purchase it. TAD is hideously expensive for what it is, there should be no reason you shouldn't have been able to figure this out before you purchased that amp.
Unfortunately the preamps I like are sold at good prices from retailers abroad. It means I risk losing around 500 euros shipping to receive it and send it back.
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The only variable that changed was the power amplifier (Vitus to TAD). That suggests that you are less enamoured with the sonic performance of the TAD. It may need some time to settle (hard as that is to rationalise). The MSB DACs are pretty honest via their passive or hybrid volume controls. The MFA passive would fall into the same category.
The only variable that changed was the power amplifier (Vitus to TAD). That suggests that you are less enamoured with the sonic performance of the TAD. It may need some time to settle (hard as that is to rationalise). The MSB DACs are pretty honest via their passive or hybrid volume controls. The MFA passive would fall into the same category.
That’s the thought that scares me… I thought going full TAD would give me more satisfaction.
Did you get the M1000 or the M2500? I forget. (It says the 'M2000' in an earlier post)

Another idea on what you may be hearing is a possible impedance mismatch between the MSB driving the TAD direct? Could just be that MSB likes the Vitus better in that respect. So the question would be what about a TAD preamp? If you got the M1000, you could ask TAD if it pairs well with the C2000 preamp. I can tell you that the M2500 TAD amp and C2000 TAD pre work very very well together. Just got done listening for a few hours and only quit because I needed to eat dinner and my wife wants the room back!

Right now, with the TAD amp and the MSB DAC, I doubt you are experiencing the 'full TAD'.
Did you get the M1000 or the M2500? I forget. (It says the 'M2000' in an earlier post)

Another idea on what you may be hearing is a possible impedance mismatch between the MSB driving the TAD direct? Could just be that MSB likes the Vitus better in that respect. So the question would be what about a TAD preamp? If you got the M1000, you could ask TAD if it pairs well with the C2000 preamp. I can tell you that the M2500 TAD amp and C2000 TAD pre work very very well together. Just got done listening for a few hours and only quit because I needed to eat dinner and my wife wants the room back!

Right now, with the TAD amp and the MSB DAC, I doubt you are experiencing the 'full TAD'.
I’ve got the M1000. I thought (and I hope) the TAD preamp would make a large difference. Several say the preamp will be neutral, but I can’t believe what I’m hearing is what TAD is. The Vitus is ahead by a good distance as of now.
Playing it with the TAD amp, with or without the MFA passive preamp, delivers a smaller and less rich and less detailed sound than with the Vitus. My speakers are TAD ME1. I’m so disappointed. I imagine if I add a TAD preamp I should have a better sound. But the trial requires 20k euro investment…
Designing "do all" products can be tough, those TAD amps may need their specific preamp to perform well. Adding the preamp may fix what is lacking overall, but impedance or whatever the case may be aside, more boxes will equate to more degradation of the signal. Adding the preamp may help the sound, but I worry you will lose some of the finesse the Discrete DAC has to offer. Sounds like a tough decision. I am a firm supporter of hearing before you buy... but doesn't sound like an option for you. Curious to hear how it resolves.
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Designing "do all" products can be tough, those TAD amps may need their specific preamp to perform well. Adding the preamp may fix what is lacking overall, but impedance or whatever the case may be aside, more boxes will equate to more degradation of the signal. Adding the preamp may help the sound, but I worry you will lose some of the finesse the Discrete DAC has to offer. Sounds like a tough decision. I am a firm supporter of hearing before you buy... but doesn't sound like an option for you. Curious to hear how it resolves.
Thanks. Perhaps the TAD amp sound is not my cuppa. I may move to full Soulution preamp and amp. Will be back to these supportive group with next steps.

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