Westminster Labs REI Amp Eval

Zappadaddy, I am very interested to hear your results of the test with Rei. I have a colleague in Los Angeles who recently received Clarisys speakers and will be running our own tests once his room is ready. We will try both a single pair of Rei, as well as a bridged pair which should be something special.
Zappadaddy, I am very interested to hear your results of the test with Rei. I have a colleague in Los Angeles who recently received Clarisys speakers and will be running our own tests once his room is ready. We will try both a single pair of Rei, as well as a bridged pair which should be something special.

Would love to hear your thoughts on pairing Clarisys with Rei amps.
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When I return from Seattle we will do this test, right now the best results are with Challenge SE-833 monoblocks
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Do these sound as good balanced as opposed to using the single-ended connections?
Do these sound as good balanced as opposed to using the single-ended connections?
WestminsterLab Rei is balanced only. Same with Quest preamp, although a plug-in single ended module is available for one (or both) of the expansion slots (I use one of the expansion slots for the balanced phono stage module).
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Vicks 7, good morning. The Rei amplifiers are designed for balanced mode operation. If, for example, you were to use your 18NS pre-amplifier, you would use your balanced outputs for the best results. I will ask Ed at The Audio Association, a long-time dartZeel dealer and one of our WestminsterLab partners, to try the Reis in this configuration so we know the results.
Thanks both, this is super helpful. Looking for a cheaper solid state amp for my Dartzeel pre so you read my mind gleeds!.
WestminsterLab Rei is balanced only. Same with Quest preamp, although a plug-in single ended module is available for one (or both) of the expansion slots (I use one of the expansion slots for the balanced phono stage module).
good news and thanks, would use in balanced only.

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