The Devil's Trill


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2014
Hi all

i was wondering if i could ask the community if there were any really good versions of The Devil's Trill i should seek out?

I'm currently listening to this version which i love.

The brilliant young Japanese violinist Tatsuki Narita has the Tartini Devil's Trill on a very fine album, only available on tape, through UltraAnalogue tapes in Canada. The tape (15ips 2 track) is amazing sounding and also includes Kreisler Prelude and Allegro and the Sarasate Carmen Fantasy. The pianist is Yun-Yang Lee. Highly recommended if you have the ability to play 15ips 2 track tape.

The brilliant young Japanese violinist Tatsuki Narita has the Tartini Devil's Trill on a very fine album, only available on tape, through UltraAnalogue tapes in Canada. The tape (15ips 2 track) is amazing sounding and also includes Kreisler Prelude and Allegro and the Sarasate Carmen Fantasy. The pianist is Yun-Yang Lee. Highly recommended if you have the ability to play 15ips 2 track tape.

thx Larry

at this stage, no tape :(
Hi all

i was wondering if i could ask the community if there were any really good versions of The Devil's Trill i should seek out?

I'm currently listening to this version which i love.

View attachment 51268
Interesingly, I came across your post on the Devil's Trill... I'm happy to tell you I've just released the tape Larry's talking about on Digital Download along with Tatsuki's 24 Paganini Caprices recordings...

In 2016 he played a live concert of the 24 Caprices of Paganini... with 2 intermissions, it was an unbelievable feat, never played in a live concert...

That video us here:

. He's playing gut strings in these recordings, true to Paganini's time...

We also made a "studio" recording of the 24 Caprices, which has a slightly softer, more musical is these studio recordings in the downloads.

The 4 downloads are:
1) Paganini Caprices No.1-8
2) Paganini Caprices No.9-18
3) Paganini Caprices No.19-24, Sarasate - Habanera
4) Violin Favourites: Kreisler - Prelude & Allegro, Tartini - Devil's Trill, Sarasate - Carmen Fantasy

Violin Favourites was also played on gut strings... amazing performances!

Please have a look:


Hi all

i was wondering if i could ask the community if there were any really good versions of The Devil's Trill i should seek out?

I'm currently listening to this version which i love.

View attachment 51268

You have to get the Oistrakh original, only available in mono, for over a 1000. It is absolutely brilliant. Everything else pales to it.
I like this piece a lot, and of course, I like Oistrakh... @bonzo75 do you have a catalog # for this version?
And @pweg, can I get a catalog # for yours too?

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