FYI: Wellfloat Babel - A Towering Achievement in Vibration/Resonance Control

Looks interesting. how much is it?
Does Well Float have a US dealer, or how can one purchase one of their products?
Thanks, Steve
None listed on their website. Closest is AV Solutions in the UK.
I just learned the North America distributor is Worldwide Wholesales, who is also the North America distributor for Aries Cerat. They haven't updated their website yet but my Aries Cerat dealer, Unlimited Audio, was discussing it with me today. He has a couple coming in.
New base for Babel is available

New release??Aug.09.2023

The exclusive option board “Babel BASE” for Wellfloat Babel,​

Enables precise positioning of Wellfloat Babel at the accurate center of gravity using the attached movable attachment on the backside and the included push-pull gauge.
Compatible with audio equipment of any bottom plate shape, including spike legs.

Design: Adjustable center of gravity
Materials: Stainless steel, aluminium
Dimensions: 480mm X 450mm X 15mm
Weight: 6.8kg
Accessories: Push-pull gauge, Positioning template

New base for Babel is available

New release??Aug.09.2023

The exclusive option board “Babel BASE” for Wellfloat Babel,​

Enables precise positioning of Wellfloat Babel at the accurate center of gravity using the attached movable attachment on the backside and the included push-pull gauge.
Compatible with audio equipment of any bottom plate shape, including spike legs.

Design: Adjustable center of gravity
Materials: Stainless steel, aluminium
Dimensions: 480mm X 450mm X 15mm
Weight: 6.8kg
Accessories: Push-pull gauge, Positioning template

View attachment 119370
FYI - newer still:

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I recently added 2 of the Double 4548 under my Aries Cerat Concero 25 monobloc amplifiers. Amazing build quality.
If you could share your impressions of how the Wellfloat platforms change the sound quality of your music, I believe many readers would be quite interested. Have you tried those amplifiers on other platforms or bases?
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If you could share your impressions of how the Wellfloat platforms change the sound quality of your music, I believe many readers would be quite interested. Have you tried those amplifiers on other platforms or bases?
Unfortunately that wasn't my only change. I replaced my speakers with Symphony 13s from hORNS and upgraded my power to an Inaukustic AC-4500 with a 2M Inaukustic AC-4004 power cord. I can say the change was a significant improvement.

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