Eversolo DMP-A8: the sound of Velvet


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2022
Recently, Eversolo has become a well-known brand stateside, with an array of attractive offerings of DACs and all-in-one products that combine a streamer, a DAC and a preamp. I recently bought the Eversolo DMP-A8, which uses the so-called "Velvet" AKM DACs. Here, on WBF, we largely focus on state-of-the-art (read very expensive and very heavy) products that are designed as statement pieces, and rightly so. But, we shouldn't forget that every once in a while, a product line appears that offers a huge bang for the buck, which although doesn't replace the high end line of streamers or DACs made by such elite WBF industry representatives, such as Taiko or Lampizator, can give you more than a taste of what the high end is all about. The Eversolo DMP-A8 is one such product that I can recommend unhesitatingly to be used with the finest systems.

To begin with, it's an attractively designed svelte black box that can be easily picked up with one hand (don't try that with your Taiko server or Lampizator Horizon!). It doesn't use tubes, which is what attracted me to it in the first place. My main system uses the Lampizator Pacific (which uses 6 tubes) feeding into an ARC 6SE preamp (add another 8 tubes) which in turn feed into two ARC Ref 210 tube mono block behemoths (each with 10 tubes, including 8 KT120 power tubes). If my math is right, that is 34 tubes that need to be fired up to listen to music. While this system is indeed glorious sounding, it takes an hour or more to come on song, and is best suited to relatively cool temperatures and long listening sessions. The Bay Area is reaching into the upper 90s this week (unless you live in Carmel, an hour from my house -- - where it always remains relatively cool in the low 60s!). I was looking for a cool running summer alternative to my 34-tube system. Hence the Eversolo DMP-A8.

OK, first lets' get the negatives out of the way. The DMP-A8 is not Roon ready. That's actually a good thing in my book. Although I am a lifetime Roon subscriber, I have also been looking for alternatives to Roon, and the DMP-A8 lets me stream Qobuz or Tidal without Roon. I can also insert a 4 TB NVME drive at the bottom, which holds around 6000 CDs and SACDs, pretty much my entire 40-year music collection (except my precious vinyl). The lower-priced DMP-A6 is Roon Ready. It is not built to the same standards, however, and while its DAC is highly rated by audiosciencereview.com, I prefer the DMP-A8 as it comes with a fully functional balanced preamp that uses a R2R ladder control preamp that like my CJ GAT S2 preamp goes clickety-clack when adjusting volume.

So, the DMP-A8 combines a streamer, a built-in NVME drive for playing locally stored music in the Taiko style from NVMEs, not SSDs, a great AKM "Velvet" DAC, and a very well-designed analog balanced preamplifier. It costs $2000, which is for most people not cheap, but on WBF, probably counts as chump change! You can read more about these DACs on AKM's web page, so I'll spare you the tech details, except that it's clear that these latest Velvet DACs are quite special. They sound much more analog like and far smoother than the previous generation of AKM DACs that I heard on low-end products like Topping D90 etc.

The DMP-A8 has sensibly put money into this product where it counts: the part selection is unusually well done, right up to using quality capacitors, femto-clocks and sensible layout. Yes, you get a switching power supply, not a linear one, although you can get aftermarket linear power supplies from Teddy Pardo if you want to gild the lily. The best part of the DMP-A8, which clinches it for me, is that it works well without a glitch. Streaming, playing back from local disk, and the iPhone app controlling the device all do their jobs without any errors, which is what I want from such a device.

The sound is not Lampizator tube like, but then, you'd hardly expect that from such a device. It is neutral, and pleasant to listen to on a high end system. It does not sound bright. It does not sound like it's malnutrioned in the midrange. It sounds warm and pleasant, and fairly dynamic (no, you won't get Lampi Pacific KR 242 tube dynamics here!).

So, if you are like me, wanting a slice of the high end of Taiko and Lampi at a shoestring budget, and one that runs cool, I recommend the Eversolo DMP-A8. It might free you of your addiction to Roon
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Should be Roon ready any day now, it’s already showing up as such on Roon’s website, Eversolo just hasn’t released a public software update yet, only beta.
Yes, the DMP-A8 is now officially Roon ready. Just installed the update and it seems to be working fine. Thanks for the tip!
it is a nice convenient gadget for running in my brand new Playback SACD player. nothing more.

I remember the emm lab NS1 as a streamer (via the emm lab DA2) sounded better.
the NS1 had a ST optical cable running into the DA2 directly. the sound was so, so good.
the A8 first had USB output going into the Playback Designs USB-X4, and then output via ST optical going into the MPS-8.
of course, this is not apple-to-apple comparison. the sonic quality of the USB cable might leave questions to be answered.

i then had it setup as streamer/dac/pre-amp in the living room system

but I find Tidal on the DMP-A8 sounding lightweight and lacking deep bass extension compared against the the Tidal app on my Philips OLED936 TV.

I have the A8 receiving Tidal from the Philips OLED936 TV via its ARC input, then take it's analogue output into the Sony TA-N1 power-amp driving the Sony loudspeakers. I have Tidal app setup on the 936 TV.

i don't enjoy listening to Tidal on the A8 at all.
bass is lightweight. the deep low end of many test tracks that i used for comparisons were missing.
the sound from the Tidal app on the Philips 936 TV sounds more complete spectrally.

I chose the A8 on account of its ARC input and much-praised app-user experience. both passed with flying colours!
I don't have any serious issue with A8 as a dac/pre-amp
i'm just puzzled with the sonic performance of the on-board Tidal app

anyway, back to the A8=>USB-X=>MPS-8 combination, i found that using Tidal on my handphone and Tidal-Connect out into the A8 sounds more opened and cleaner compared to running Tidal directly on the A8.
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I’m listening now to one of my favorite jazz albums on Qobuz streamed through Roon on the DMP-A8. I’ve heard this through my Lampizator Pacific on an all tube system that costs 50x the price of the A8. It’s a screaming bargain for the price. These Velvet AKM DACs are a true breakthrough. I’ve heard lots of low end DACs that have not impressed me. This one does. I’d put it up against my Chord Bu2/Dave and my Mola Mola Kaluga DACs for comparison. Tube DACs sound different of course. Tubes always romanticize the sound. But this little DAC/streaner/preamp is the bargain of the decade.
I’m listening now to one of my favorite jazz albums on Qobuz streamed through Roon on the DMP-A8. I’ve heard this through my Lampizator Pacific on an all tube system that costs 50x the price of the A8. It’s a screaming bargain for the price. These Velvet AKM DACs are a true breakthrough. I’ve heard lots of low end DACs that have not impressed me. This one does. I’d put it up against my Chord Bu2/Dave and my Mola Mola Kaluga DACs for comparison. Tube DACs sound different of course. Tubes always romanticize the sound. But this little DAC/streaner/preamp is the bargain of the decade.

If you were using the lampi pacific that means bypassing the akm dacs inside the A8, no?
Value for money is as much a reflection of company size, production efficiency, distribution costs and sales volume. EverSolo is one brand of a very large business (Zidoo). I've never looked at let alone heard a Lampizator DAC and I'm no fan of tubes. I just looked at their website and it basically seems to be a hand-made product, which is likely sold in relatively modest quantities. So the price of the A8 relative to a Lampizator is not surprising, but I doubt would reflect a far smaller difference in sound quality.

Ever since I started streaming 15 years ago I expected digital technology to become increasingly better and cheaper, there is no real need for it to be hugely expensive to get transparent high resolution sound.
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it is a nice convenient gadget for running in my brand new Playback SACD player. nothing more.

I remember the emm lab NS1 as a streamer (via the emm lab DA2) sounded better.
the NS1 had a ST optical cable running into the DA2 directly. the sound was so, so good.
the A8 first had USB output going into the Playback Designs USB-X4, and then output via ST optical going into the MPS-8.
of course, this is not apple-to-apple comparison. the sonic quality of the USB cable might leave questions to be answered.

i then had it setup as streamer/dac/pre-amp in the living room system

but I find Tidal on the DMP-A8 sounding lightweight and lacking deep bass extension compared against the the Tidal app on my Philips OLED936 TV.

I have the A8 receiving Tidal from the Philips OLED936 TV via its ARC input, then take it's analogue output into the Sony TA-N1 power-amp driving the Sony loudspeakers. I have Tidal app setup on the 936 TV.

i don't enjoy listening to Tidal on the A8 at all.
bass is lightweight. the deep low end of many test tracks that i used for comparisons were missing.
the sound from the Tidal app on the Philips 936 TV sounds more complete spectrally.

I chose the A8 on account of its ARC input and much-praised app-user experience. both passed with flying colours!
I don't have any serious issue with A8 as a dac/pre-amp
i'm just puzzled with the sonic performance of the on-board Tidal app

anyway, back to the A8=>USB-X=>MPS-8 combination, i found that using Tidal on my handphone and Tidal-Connect out into the A8 sounds more opened and cleaner compared to running Tidal directly on the A8.
I always thought that Tidal sounds different depending what OS is used. Android as used in the A8 is lightweight compared to the Windows app for example but since your Philips (Android) TV isn't lightweight, I guess Android can sound good?
If you were using the lampi pacific that means bypassing the akm dacs inside the A8, no?
Nope, I ran the A8 with its internal DACs. I use my Lampi Pacific with the Lampi server. It’s far larger and certainly sounds great with the tube romanticization of sound you’d expect. But it’s really hard to beat the A8 for convenience, as you can insert a 4 TB NVME for storing your music, as I do. I hooked up a LG Blu-Ray player to rip some CDs as well. Eversolo really got this right.

But on WBF, where folks like large expensive and very heavy hifi, Eversolo won’t get much attention.
Some of us are paying attention...

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