Fred Crane at Prana Distribution - my personal audio journey

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Fred Crane

Industry Expert
Apr 23, 2020


Greetings, I'm Fred Crane of Prana Distribution

We’re headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts with a small format salon in West Medford and a large format showroom in Gloucester. We opened our Gloucester showroom after a year of preparation, the same week that Massachusetts closed public venues to curtail the spread of Covid 19. Like most, we battened down the hatches and prepared for what lay ahead.

Unlike most, we had lots of tubes, horns, vinyl, a cold press juicer, an espresso machine and a fully stocked bar to help us endure. Okay, we have solid state gear and traditional 2 ways as well, but you won’t see much in the form of a traditional cone 3 way loudspeakers on our floor. You’ll have to settle for horns, coaxial midranges, full range drivers, OB’s, dipoles, panels, bending wave drivers, etc.


Over the years we’ve accumulated untold air miles, and over 50,000 miles driving, (excluding shows) in search of the best listen. These mini listening fests were derived from the finest sounds we’ve encountered at shows, in print or from the recommendations of trusted ears. The resultant portfolio has become Prana Distribution and on a local level, the newly named dealership, Boutique Audio Design. It’s a never-ending quest and one that has brought us long lasting relationships with some of the finest makers and engineers in the world.

Having had extensive time before live music and the recording process, (I am the sole non-professional musician in my immediate family, with my father having been a jazz pianist, my mother a singer and my sister a hybrid of the two) my approach to audio reproduction is promulgated around system synergy and engineering that limits amplification stages and complex crossover networks in favor of more direct forms of playback. “As simple as possible but not simpler.” could be our mantra but whatever the approach, the ears are our final arbiter. Can you relax? Does your spine tingle? The ability to portray dynamic shadings at low volume and a strong presence factor would be earmarks of our systems. Some of these traits were present in the playback systems of recording studios where I worked as a teen. Studios, like most businesses, are subject to trends, which could lead to their best gear being sold or even gifted to make way for the new and shiny. Hence the Urei Monitors that were shoe-horned into my tiny bedroom and anchored what became my first ‘high end’ audio system. (yes, Urei used Altec 604s in the 80's).


In my teen years - my first 'hifi speakers.

After I left home, I lived with my surrogate aunt, Carmen McRae, was part of the original staff at SXSW, helped open a jazz club (Zanzibar Blue) in Philadephia where I stayed for 4 years. During my Philly tenure, aside from working at the jazz club, I attended the Philharmonic regularly and taught jazz history. Upon moving to New England, I lived in a house owned by Joel Press (7 years) that featured daily live music and tea.


Zanzibar Blue, a jazz club in Philadelphia

As my late thirties commenced, the 5 plus days of live music per week began to scale back to a mere few days. So it has remained with the occasional reprieve for a festival or project. With our recently minted relationship with Fazioli Pianoforti, we aim to boost that average once more. During all of these years, achieving sound that honored music and the great endeavor of musicianship became more and more a fanatical undertaking to the chagrin of family and friends. Eventually they became converts and I felt justified to leave a perfectly good career to pursue high end audio full time.


The Fazioli Pianoforti F-308

The high-end audio business has been the hardest job I’ve ever loved in this, my 12th year. Tess, my wife is my right hand and we have a helpful staff of audio experts that work part time when they’re not mixing for some of the venerable concert halls in the greater Boston area. Working with some of the finest audio manufacturers in the world has been, and continues to be, our privilege.

We’ve recently become worldwide head of sales for Destination Audio based in Poland. After travelling the globe and hearing every high-sensitivity speaker we could locate for a custom project, we came upon Destination Audio by chance in the parking lot of the Capital Audio Fest. Such coherence and natural presentation from a horn, we had not heard. Adding to that their magnificent array of electronics led Destination Audio and Sam Wisniewski to become a mainstay of our brand. With new field coil options and two new loudspeakers; the Ruby for smaller rooms and the ‘Malta’, launching later this year as an all out assault on the horn paradigm, round out an impressive collection.

We are also very fortunate to represent Trafomatic Audio. Sasa Cokic, who helms Trafomatic, has developed amplifiers for most every situation. At their pinnacle, amplifiers based upon circuits for Eimac transmitting tubes which must be heard to be believed. (not for the faint of heart with approximately 2600v on the rails in their largest Drina Mono Blocks) The Collins phono stage also breaks new ground, tipping its hat to the circuit advances made by Arthur A. Collins in the early 20th century. Likewise, the Tara 30A preamplifier is an entirely unique circuit, the dividend of which is being a boon for every system in which it's placed. Trafomatic has a large range of amplification, from the affordable to the humbling. The upper echelons are impossible to fathom until they’ve been experienced while the smaller offerings never fail to surprise. 'Trafomatic' means 'transformer' in Serbian, and as you might expect, they roll their own iron.

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Synaestec Audio is an anomaly in our portfolio, at least at first glance. Massive, overbuilt solid state isn’t necessarily our forte’. Look closer and you’ll see that it’s not so ordinary. Octal circuits, (think 6SN7 holography portrayed via solid state) with a transconductance (current based) first stage in their amplifiers and you know Walter Weiss is up to something special. Paired with Open Baffle speakers from SoulSonic results in an holographic vista with the kind of breadth and dynamics associated with live music.

I fear I can blather on ad infinitum about each of our partners. Prana Distribution is a passion project and our partners each hold a very special place in our distillation of the musical experience. Not the least of which is Falken’Ohr Audio Furniture. Ten minutes tuning a system with a Falken’Ohr rack puts to bed any conversation about the validity and importance of a proper foundation for a high-end system. Add to these, brilliance from Dynamikks Audio, Ilumnia Audio, SoundKaos, Camerton, Audionec, Kora, Ascendo, Diptyque, Semper Sonus and others, and we feel in a unique position to create special moments in a variety of listening environments.

Our latest passion project is The Epitome; A room-specific bespoke multi-disciplinary concept featuring a Fazioli F-308 grand piano, Credenza Basshorn Technology and the finest in both playback and recording equipment. A room for the enjoyment, performance and study of music which has its roots in European salons dating back to the early Renaissance. Features include media storage (matching the basshorns), furnishings by Timothy Oulton, retractable espresso and bar stations and much much more. It is a room far removed from the overdamped ‘high-end’ audio ethos borrowed from old studio lore.

In keeping with our love of music, we have aligned ourselves with a small number of similarly impassioned dealers in the US and Canada. It is our aim to keep our products in the hands of the few who will treat the music and the end user with equal care and respect.

It is our pleasure to share our love of audio with you and to join the What’s Best Forum Community. A big thank you to Ron, Steve and Julian for creating a niche out of their own interest and desire. It’s the best of what the world wide web embodies.

If you are interested in any of our brands, have a question about a component, or a particular audio goal in mind, I'd be happy to speak with you.

Prana Distribution LLC
Frederick Crane


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Looking at the products you represent is like eye candy. What a stable of great gear you represent. I hope you'll be able to take some time and tell all of us the virtues of each of these components

Looking at the products you represent is like eye candy. What a stable of great gear you represent. I hope you'll be able to take some time and tell all of us the virtues of each of these components
Thank you Steve. That's very kind of you to say. We will be doing threads of varied pieces and what it is that sets them apart both technically and aurally. Of course, I'm also here to answer questions should anyone have a particular interest.
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Hello Fred, just FYI, I own Ascendo System MS MKII that I have had for about 15 years now. Great speakers and a great company. I visited their factory before purchasing them ( I am based in Ireland). I heard about them through Ken Stevens owner/designer of CAT as he was using them as his reference speakers back then. I use them with CAT amps as well. Best of luck with your business.
Hello Fred, just FYI, I own Ascendo System MS MKII that I have had for about 15 years now. Great speakers and a great company. I visited their factory before purchasing them ( I am based in Ireland). I heard about them through Ken Stevens owner/designer of CAT as he was using them as his reference speakers back then. I use them with CAT amps as well. Best of luck with your business.
Hi Ashandger, Ascendo is a class organization with some of the most advanced speaker designs in my experience. Their Live 15 (an active coaxial speaker, with a brilliantly over-sized horn tweeter) is one of the single best components I've had the pleasure of using near its price point. When fronted by a superb valve preamp, it really does get you into the top class. Of course, their totl M5S is similarly gob smacking (in a relaxed, live music fashion.) I'd look for something from Ascendo this year at Munich as well. There may be a new top speaker in the not too distant future. Thanks for saying 'hello'. I look forward to seeing you around the Forum.
Seems the common denominators of your approach are point source high efficiency speakers to avoid unwanted interaction between non- co-located drivers and amplification from valves with moderate power to avoid large scale power supplies for trannies with their issues on linearity and EMI. I‘ll say Amen to that approach wholeheartedly. And btw: your approach goes back to what Western Electric et al propagated in the ‘30s.
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Seems the common denominators of your approach are point source high efficiency speakers to avoid unwanted interaction between non- co-located drivers and amplification from valves with moderate power to avoid large scale power supplies for trannies with their issues on linearity and EMI. I‘ll say Amen to that approach wholeheartedly. And btw: your approach goes back to what Western Electric et al propagated in the ‘30s.
Thanks for the input. In truth, I don't subscribe to one approach 'over all'. It's not too often in audio that you begin with an entirely blank canvas with a client. So, you have to know how to make something tasty with a variety of ingredients, so to speak. (not the least of which is the room) For instance, I love a pair of OB's, properly placed and fed. Regardless, yes, so much rests upon the shoulders of the WE and RCA engineers of the early 20th century. One can't help but wonder, what they would do today with the material, parts and circuit advances which have come our way over the subsequent 100 years. (I think about that all of the time.)

In those rare instances where we do have carte blanche, I can't imagine not doing horns and tubes (even low power) or some version thereof...or in a smaller space something like the Dynamikks Athos line. In a medium to large space, Destination Audio and in a larger space, Destination's Malta Horn or our Epitome System. In these instances, a modicum of control makes all of the difference. We fall in love every time.
May I suggest you have a look at Duevel speakers from Germany: point source horn-designed Omnis, truly original. I think you would like them. (No association of mine, just a happy user)
May I suggest you have a look at Duevel speakers from Germany: point source horn-designed Omnis, truly original. I think you would like them. (No association of mine, just a happy user)
Thank you for the suggestion. I have heard the smaller Duevel's (the Planets and the Venus) but not their Sirius or Bella Luna speakers. I would enjoy hearing them. Do you remember Alkemia Vero? Initially they used a Manger driver for the mids, but eventually did speakers with proprietary compression drivers (all drivers made in house in the later iterations). So, it was an omni with 100db sensitivity. Great concept and truly original construction. My all time favorites in the omni camp are the Ilumnia Loudspeakers. Hearing a speaker with a cone, but without any cone distortion is quite a thing. Rather than having a surround or a spider in their driver, the cone is held in place via a vacuum and 3-5v of power. So, it's has some field coil like attributes while not having any cone distortion where the surround would be (no cone break up) nor a spider. Aspects of it are like the best qualities of a Quad ESL. They come on song very early. A sense of dynamics right off of the bat. Studiosessie-026-bewerkt.jpg


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Destination Audio and Prana Distribution are very pleased to announce Audio Limits of Nevada as a new team member representing Destination Audio. Darrin O'Neil the founder and owner of Audio Limits has been in the audio business for 30 plus years. His matter-of-fact, easy-going nature belies his expertise and a long history of firsts in the U.S. industry.

Beginning with Audio 51 some 30+ years ago, Apogee Acoustics and Hales Loudspeakers along with Weiss and CEC formed the genesis of what would become Audio Limits. Audio Limits expanded the undertaking with such venerable brands as Audio Note (UK), Weiss, Forsell, FM Acoustics, Nearfield Acoustics, Tom Evans and Thrax. Those were the early days of distribution.

Now extending their portfolio with Destination Audio Field Coil Nika's and the Destination Audio Reference GM70 Integrated Amplifier, Darrin is writing a new chapter in Audio Limits' long storied history. You can hear the Nika's along with the Audio Note Ongaku or the GM70 from Destination and other top brands to compare and contrast. Here is Darrin and his father, Gene, sorely missed on the audio trail.

Hate to have to do this gents but do not do business with Mr Fred Crane and Prana Distribution. Bought a pair of AGD Vivace monos from him a month or so ago and he has vanished basically with a story about his daughter being ill....I originally bought into it in good faith then saw a Yelp review from 2020 from a couple he screwed over.

Then I reached out to Darren O'neil listed above in Nevada.......Well lets just say the good Mr. Crane and Prana Distribution have ripped off a whole slew of industry people and end customers like myself for well north of $1 Million USD......So I don't feel so bad and thankfully I can easily absorb the loss like many of you fortunate ilk on this website.

But if you see him dumping gear or advertising gear at realy nice prices, run the other direction.....

Darren O'Neil plans to post to this thread to confirm what I have just shared. (I kinda hammered him for not doing it already as his battle with Prana has been going on for months) . Could have saved some people some grief.

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I would like to put up a Very big Warning to everyone out there. Please do not send Fred Crane from Prana Distribution any money! He has turned into a very large thief. he has stolen 100’s of thousands of dollars from people out there. Us included

We have taken over the Destination Audio line so if you have questions about Destination Audio products
please contact Destination Audio USA or Darrin at Audio Limits (702)299-0567
Do not contact Fred Crane from Prana Distribution
All, this thread was shut down for a period of time. There will be some more posts coming that we feel our members should be made aware of. If you have had any first hand experience in this matter, please feel free to reach out to me.


Hate to have to do this gents but do not do business with Mr Fred Crane and Prana Distribution. Bought a pair of AGD Vivace monos from him a month or so ago and he has vanished basically with a story about his daughter being ill....I originally bought into it in good faith then saw a Yelp review from 2020 from a couple he screwed over.

Then I reached out to Darren O'neil listed above in Nevada.......Well lets just say the good Mr. Crane and Prana Distribution have ripped off a whole slew of industry people and end customers like myself for well north of $1 Million USD......So I don't feel so bad and thankfully I can easily absorb the loss like many of you fortunate ilk on this website.

But if you see him dumping gear or advertising gear at realy nice prices, run the other direction.....

Darren O'Neil plans to post to this thread to confirm what I have just shared. (I kinda hammered him for not doing it already as his battle with Prana has been going on for months) . Could have saved some people some grief.

I'm a busy surgeon and do not frequent WBF any longer. This thread was forwarded to me, and I felt it was appropriate to chime in. I am a former customer of Fred Crane and “Prana distribution.” He failed to distribute over $100,000 worth of equipment after I paid for it in full. We had a good relationship in years prior, buying, selling, enjoying and exploring the boutique side of the high end. He introduced me to Destination Audio (Nika/GM70 amp) which was believe it or not an office system. In addition, I had several other systems in the homestead, and Fred suggested the Illumnia Magister speakers listed above, the Sonnet streamer and dac and an ARS Machinae turntable. None of the money I sent Fred made it into the manufactures' hands with the exception of a $14,900 deposit for the turntable, which was sent to the US distributor, Gary Leeds. While I slavishly awaited my equipment, I was fed an endless string of fiction. Eventually, Fred confessed that the monies sent were reappropriated for a health crisis relating to his wife (not his daughter). I am a compassionate person and in medicine, so I gave him grace and a third party (Gary Leeds) kindly helped craft a promissory note to allow payment of this debt over time. He has since defaulted on that note and filed for bankruptcy. I am now out over $100,000. In addition, I have a sizeable consignment of equipment with Fred (around $70,000 on the used market) including two sets of Ascendo speakers (Live15s and the active D7s) and a pair of Destination audio Nika speakers which were meant to be remediated due to issues with the laminate. I have emailed, texted and called Fred on multiple occasions to try and facilitate the return of my equipment, but Fred has ghosted me. I have emailed his lawyer the promissory note, and described my predicament, but again, no answer. This brings my total loss to around $170,000. To date, I’ve not received any of the equipment in question nor the actual money dispersed to the manufacturers or their representatives. Fred did send us several small checks in conjunction with the promissory note, but ironically it was less than what we had to pay a lawyer to authenticate the note.

What motivated me to speak up is the fact that this behaviour has continued unchecked. I had hoped he would repent and change his ways, but that has apparently not occurred. I’ve conversed with several other audiophiles and manufactures who have had similar (and even more recent) experiences involving a comparable magnitude of financial loss. This is completely unacceptable and must stop.

I certainly understand that life does present us with contingencies that can make living very difficult. I’m not here to question the veracity of Fred’s laundry list of contingencies. However, regardless of the implicit logic used, there is zero justification for any of this. Fred Crane is an intelligent and kool guy, and I enjoyed knowing him, but he has strayed from the path.
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