playing mono reissus with a stereo cartridge


New Member
Jul 1, 2024
Does anyone else plays mono reissus with stereo cartridge?
I have bought some mono reissus (Kind of Blue for example) and I am using a Ortofon Quintet blue mc cartridge.
I have a mono button on my preamp.
I don't believe I will need another turntable with a mono cartridge and that I can use my stereo turntable.
Is this correct?
Good question. From what I understand mono records stopped being made with a mono cutting head around 1968:

So a stereo cartridge can (should?) be used for mono reissues.
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Does anyone else plays mono reissus with stereo cartridge?
I have bought some mono reissus (Kind of Blue for example) and I am using a Ortofon Quintet blue mc cartridge.
I have a mono button on my preamp.
I don't believe I will need another turntable with a mono cartridge and that I can use my stereo turntable.
Is this correct?

Is that the sound I hear of a pin being pulled from a hand grenade ! Firstly , welcome to the forum , together with a great question , However the subject has been discussed, at some length , within a number of forum threads already over recent times , perhaps a search might lead already to much of the advise and opinion that you seek .

For my part I am a certifiable ;0} true Mono recording enthusiast .
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