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    Munich HighEnd 2024

    Damn glasses and fingers BOULDER lol.
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    Munich HighEnd 2024

    Regarding videos and audio is there a more simpler way to use say cloud share or others yea you tube has its limitations and conversions but access to the un altered version would really benefit all of us. just a thought
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    Munich HighEnd 2024

    Where does builder for in on this group im curious ?
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    Munich HighEnd 2024

    A comment on live performances and what we reproduce in our rooms a live event even if un amped is very different to a studio recording with amps what makes people like Marty as an example and sorry to make it him lol Its his experience in both with Honesty and Truth with the knowledge to...
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    Munich HighEnd 2024

    Your correct digital and analog were very different The analog I thought was more accurate it was not weak and was a very stable image there digital was more powerful sounding so had a better tone the system is very well done so tone can be fixed I’m sure I have videos both ways it was as...
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    New Dedicated Listening Room

    Rex do you really want to have Marty give you an honest answer lol. if it’s what you want make it sound good for you Rex it’s for you and have buds over enjoy Alcohol makes everyone happy
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    New Dedicated Listening Room

    Regarding moving I lived in nyc all of my life and made a good living there two wives lol. 12 years ago I wanted a summer home I’ve never wanted to commute and never did So another state was fine plane ✈️ or drive was easy to work at home run things what I did not see coming was how much...
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    Believe High Fidelity Munich High End Show Coverage

    A very big thanks for all of your videos and It’s very kind of you to make videos I even asked for wow.
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    Munich HighEnd 2024

    Grandi note is as you say but it’s very tipped up I loved them but once you leave and hear a normal tonal bal there not for me They played very loud and yea had a presence the dipq are very good but need a bottom end you can feel not just hear asylvox has a bottom you can feel this fills in the...
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    Munich HighEnd 2024

    I don’t own a dart Mike does is there a setting for reaction of readout this comes down to transient peaks a while back a buddy was at dart makers house Playing on klipsh excuse my spelling display showed Hundreds of watts at times
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    Believe High Fidelity Munich High End Show Coverage

    Let’s ask Carlos what’s correct lol. Also what recording uses the 1.00 $ chip lol. Just kidding Carlos for the record last show I used a real ext mic dual Mono and all Kinds of settings Was it better yea was it like the room yea Was it exactly like the room no way now playback on ear buds or...
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    Why does equipment at shows sound inferior.

    Rex there are many reasons why Some claim power and WiFi well yea but why are some just good all the time every show And location can’t be just this digital is tough at shows not just WiFi or power Warm up settle down a host of reasons reboot or leave on it’s a crap shoot but if I’m...
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    Munich HighEnd 2024

    I think too many are stuck on tubes forcing themselves to make fit and committed no matter what when the right tubes are used it’s magic but not always SS are not always magic but can deliver what’s needed on demand regardless if well suited This allows us more design flexibility what we...
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    Believe High Fidelity Munich High End Show Coverage

    I’ve been taking videos for years I’ve shared and received videos for years a better Mic and app for audio can improve things now having said this a video cannot be considered what is heard by us in any room. Marty is 100 % correct in what he says they are and can be very misleading most all...
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    Believe High Fidelity Munich High End Show Coverage

    I for one really appreciate your videos and time to you took to share While you can’t glean all in videos you can get some points An example the Msb room. the chorales voices are all separated and you can hear words forming
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    Believe High Fidelity Munich High End Show Coverage

    speakers with sleep apnea lol
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    New Dedicated Listening Room

    lol it may looks this way but most of what I did I had to non audio the floors were dug down to make a 10 foot ceiling About 9 when finished My place in nyc so cold winters if I did not insulate floors The entire floor would radiat cold even in dead of winter the floor can be walked on bare...
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    Magnepans 1.6 no sound

    Maggie’s in general really Surprised me in how well they sound but like most any set is paramount and knowing how is always allusive past owners helped me in understanding an example I got mine with the tweeters wide open no given resistors
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    Believe High Fidelity Munich High End Show Coverage

    This room up near sweet spot if you. Another room I’m really interested in the Wadax room with the one box cd player streamer. it’s brand new for this show
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    Munich HighEnd 2024

    Yes seating is critical I agree what stood to me was huge room at axpona and when I got closer It was them. Seemed to have a lot more life and presence then the large one had in that room
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    Munich HighEnd 2024

    This is a great realistic sound the piano is wonderful vocals layered this makes tubes shine thanks
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    Magnepans 1.6 no sound

    Might be cheaper to get a new pair 3.6 r I only paid I think like 2500 for mine Mint in boxes. Seeing that level of corrosion makes me it’s done
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    Munich HighEnd 2024

    The piccolo on cat was much better then larger Clarysis to me but this is my opinion
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    Munich HighEnd 2024

    The deisis play well low but always louder is better to me lol.
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    Munich HighEnd 2024

    I’ve heard diesis a few times at rhapsody never with subs. sounds Amazing to me. they look really well in person and then when played It’s very fast thanks for the videos
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    Munich HighEnd 2024

    Any videos of the piccolo ?
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    Believe High Fidelity Munich High End Show Coverage

    Love the videos good work Do you have a list of rooms your going to ?
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    Munich HighEnd 2024

    Need a video if possible of this room
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    Wadax World Premiere at Munich Highend

    When I looked at the specs Shown I was surprised at how much adjustment there is for the analog outputs for anyone who knows system synergy is a must The adjustable settings makes adapt to I’m thinking anyone’s preamp input. so much tech in one box wow. I know this is Brand new but if I...
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    Munich HighEnd 2024

    At axpona these filled a large space close up. the looks o think is musical art I loved them

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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