Munich HighEnd 2024



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Is Schetl audio there this year? Phantastic speakers
Thanks - to Marty, this is the only horn I come to Munich to listen to.
In my last two Munich visits, Cessaro were my favorite horns by far — even though I totally share my view/bias of horns with Marty.
Looking cool at HiFiDeluxe. Sounding alright, too.

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Volume cranked and in this large room the scale is great. Really nice tone, space and air.

I play the drums these days and whilst a dedicated drum track sounded good, there was a complete lack of speed i.e. the system is too slow to do realistic drum playback.

It does sound very nice in here, though. Very nice indeed.
In my last two Munich visits, Cessaro were my favorite horns by far — even though I totally share my view/bias of horns with Marty.
If Cessaros were my favorite horns, I would share that bias too.
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I m trying some well proven sound enhancers .
After listening to UBIQ AUDIO on willson XVX and DCS Apex .

My mind hasnt changed .

Neither Wilson nor DCS is Apex .
The XVX smears the sound ,overpriced imv.

Besr sound at hifideluxe imv.

First CAT clarysis.
Second NAF stenheim. / FM acoustics


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Update from day two.

A few nice things caught my attention. To begin, the karma speakers and associated electronics and cables were very good. Musical sounding, and formidable.

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Has anyone ever heard bad sound at a Von Scweikert/ VAC room? This was no exception. Good sound because, above all it was musical. Piano reproduction was very good on the VR-55 SE. As some of you may know, Gary Leeds is now a Von Schweikert ambassador ( if that’s the appropriate term?) I watched Gary interact with a potential Japanese distributor and it was like watching a Masterclass of salesmanship. I told Gary he could sell the fkn Brooklyn Bridge, to which Kevin Hayes, not missing a beat chimed in and looked at Damon and said “ don’t we already own the Brooklyn bridge?”

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A surprise to me was that the big Cessaro horns sounded pretty good, even with my bias that horns are not my first choice for strings and piano (the wood resonance deficiency for both is a liability IMHO). But I must admit this was the best big horn I heard at the show. I think a lot of that was due to the Doehmann, Helix II turntable with a Supatrack arm, an Air Tight cartridge and the splendid Aleno tube electronics. View attachment 130560

I returned to the Lorenzo room ( you need a treasure hunt map to find it) and saw the room was now graced with a SAT TT and arm. This took the sound to an even higher level than I heard yesterday. Missa Criola was outstanding as was Belafonte at Carnegie and Mutter’s Carmen fantasy. This is what violin reproduction is supposed to sound like (because it sounds quite like the real thing!). Then I asked them to play Satchmo’s St. James Infirmary (which hardly sounded like the monstrosity I heard at Ares Cerat earlier today). People spontaneously applauded after each piece. When that happens, you know your’re at a different level; more like a show than an audio show. And all this in a not great room at MOC. Beautiful sound. Have I mentioned the woodwork of the cabinets?

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That’s about it for now. Will continue to hunt for more good sound.
Careful there Marty, you might have to start a thread “Musical Sound”.

(;) Peter)
  • Haha
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I thought horn production was supposed to be a strength of horn loud speakers?

Yes, this is one of my views.
His horn came from somewhere within the space of about 20 ft.², no matter where I listened.

The Contendo speakers look extremely weirdly widely spaced apart. Do you think this is the problem?

Stavros is delightful. Maybe ask him what's going on?

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