The all new Silent Pound Challenger MK2 speakers will be at this Show please give us some feedback on these speakers Thanks !
I visited TAD room yesterday and the room was very beautiful , maybe the best room in this show.Amir, can you tell us anything about those very cool looking diffusers? First I’ve seen them I’m sure they’d be beneficial for a lot of installations.
How long before the honey can be harvested
I have listened to Aries Cerat two times and it was not good. I will check this room today again but I am not hopeful to get better sound.Thanks Marty. Can you describe the sound of the AC room? People usually rave about Aries Cerat. What did you think of the new turntable?
High price is the best way to get people to take crap seriously. And nothing epitomises this rule like the Munich show.To begin, it blew my mind that somebody is offering this piece of crap for 4M. No idea who makes it and I don’t care. It was a sonic abomination and just horrifying.
Tell him to go to Grandinote…realistic prices and good sound…even at the show…High price is the best way to get people to take crap seriously. And nothing epitomises this rule like the Munich show.
I was checking with a friend who was visiting the show the first time on what he thought of certain rooms, only to find he had avoided them due to the price tags on the door. He was really looking to find realistic prices to make future purchases for himself. He is going to have a a very short show.
Tune was pretty good. Pleasant and no nasties. Acapella was outstanding, probably the best sound I heard yesterday .Please check out Acappella and Tune Audio.
Is that Anima - what ampsTune was pretty good. Pleasant and no nasties.
No, one model smaller…two-way with Fostex backloaded and horn tweeter.Is that Anima - what amps
No, one model smaller…two-way with Fostex backloaded and horn tweeter.
Amp was a Trafomatic 300b
And high prices ⇏ crap.High price is the best way to get people to take crap seriously // So true...
[please forgive my poor English]I think if I want listen to AC horns for right judgment, I should listen to AC in right condition, not all but most of negative judgments are related to setup, not audio equipment.