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  1. S

    Rowland 555

    Have you tried the Capri S2 with the 555? I have a Continuum S2 which I can use the preamp section when I demo the 555 in my system. I also have an Emotive Audio Epifania tube preamp but it's single ended only.
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    Rowland 555

    What are you using for a preamp?
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    Rowland 555

    Does anyone have any info on this new class ab amp from Rowland? Any specs? There's a short YouTube video of the chassis construction.
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    Tube Pre with Rowland Amp

    Thank you for your feedback.
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    Tube Pre with Rowland Amp

    Has anyone tried a tube preamp with their Rowland amp? I recently took delivery of a Continuum S2 and I am so impressed with the sound and build quality that I started wondering if I could use my Emotive Audio Epifania preamp with a 625 S2. I realize that one issue is that I would have to use...
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    Remaking My Bache Audio Metro 001's

    My Emotive Audio Vita amps are set for 4 ohms.
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    Remaking My Bache Audio Metro 001's

    The original tweeter was the AMT. Good move going with the Fostex tweeter.
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    Remaking My Bache Audio Metro 001's

    I agree with Cellcbern 100%. I remember first hearing Bache Audio at a NY Audio Show. It may have been the show hosted in Westchester. Fast forward to the NYC show in 2019, the speaker I wanted to hear was the Pure Audio Project. It was open and airy, but thin sounding. Considering the size of...
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    Crossover Designs without Capacitors

    The crossover in my Bache Audio Tribeca's is a simple cap on the super tweeter and a coil for the woofers. The modified wide band driver is a direct connection to the amp. In the past I have had speakers with complicated crossovers and single-drivers with no crossover. These are my favorite...
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    Bache Audio Tribeca

    i replaced the drop ceiling with a sheet rock ceiling. I have 3 Mondo traps behind the speakers, and RPZ panel on both side walls, and and a diffusor sitting on top of a small Mondo trap. With the throw rug placed between the speakers and listening chair the acoustics are really good. At my...
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    Bache Audio Tribeca

    I like Quads for jazz and acoustic music, but for orchestral music and rock music they lack, IMO. The Tribeca is built around a modified wide band driver, sans the whizzer cone, and augmented by a Fostex horn super tweeter and two 8" woofers. Your getting the coherency of a single driver...
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    Bache Audio Tribeca

    I was impressed with Bache's Lexington speaker at the New York Audio Show this past November I decided to go to Bache's showroom in Brooklyn and take a listen to the Tribeca speakers. To make a long story short, I took delivery of my pair about 10 days ago. I have owned many speakers including...
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    USB cable suggestions

    I just installed a Triode Wire Labs "Split Power & Data" USB cable. With about 6 hours use I think it's a great sounding cable. The maker states the cabe needs 100 hours to settle in. Compared to the AudioQuest Black Diamond cable I have, the TWL has a fuller sound.
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    Audio Physic Tempo Plus vs Avanti

    I recently had a demo of these speakers. While I was able to hear better detail, tighter bass, and a sweeter top end with the Avanti speakers, I thought the Tempo's fuller sound and presentation made the music easier to enjoy. THe system was all solid state. I am going to go and take another...

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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