Bache Audio Tribeca


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2018
I was impressed with Bache's Lexington speaker at the New York Audio Show this past November I decided to go to Bache's showroom in Brooklyn and take a listen to the Tribeca speakers. To make a long story short, I took delivery of my pair about 10 days ago. I have owned many speakers including Thiel, ProAc, Verity, Coincident, Rethm, Nola, Shahinian, and I still own Quad 57s and Audio Physic Tempo Plus speakers. These Bache speakers are music makers; very coherent, perfectly balanced from top to bottom, have tight, articulate bass, and throw off a huge 3 dimensional soundstage. Having lived with PK rebuilt Quad ESLs for many years I'm very sensitive to the midrange. The Tribeca's have a beautiful midrange that's very smooth and transparent with absolutely no fatigue.

In my speaker search I was considering speakers that were 3 times the price. I can confidently say that the Bache speakers perform well above their price.
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Hard for me to imagine a ELS owner getting too excited about any box speaker.

How does this speaker handle scale, at low, medium and loud levels?

Tell us about your listening room, that's typically half the sound one hears, right?
I like Quads for jazz and acoustic music, but for orchestral music and rock music they lack, IMO.

The Tribeca is built around a modified wide band driver, sans the whizzer cone, and augmented by a Fostex horn super tweeter and two 8" woofers. Your getting the coherency of a single driver without the peakiness from the whizzer cone, plus an extended top end and tight articulate bass. The crossover is a simple design: an Audyn copper cap on the tweeter and a coil for the woofers.

Sense of scale is excellent. I've been listening to Mahler symphonies and simple acoustic music and loving every minute of it. Massed strings, tympani, horns, vocals and especially piano, all sound great.

I have a dedicated room, 13' X 21'. It's in the basement so ceiling height is 7'. Tile floor with a rug and acoustics handled by Real Traps. My electronics are tube by Emotive Audio. Epifania preamp and Vita amps. I also have a Pass XA25 and First Watt SIT-3. Digital front end is a Mac mini with a Wavelength Audio Crimson DAC (32/192). My analog set up is a Gyrodec/SME 309/Lyra Kleos/JC3+. All cables are Triode Wire Labs, except for the power cables for the preamp and amps, which are JPS Aluminata.
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...I have a dedicated room, 13' X 21'. It's in the basement so ceiling height is 7'.
Sounds like a very nice equipment set-up.

The walk-out basement room I'm going to finish will only be 11'W x 15'-6" L x 6'-9" H.

The height is ridiculous but the wife and I are short so we do not mind, however the stereo might.

What did you do to get your ceiling to disappear without deadening the space and make it even lower?
i replaced the drop ceiling with a sheet rock ceiling. I have 3 Mondo traps behind the speakers, and RPZ panel on both side walls, and and a diffusor sitting on top of a small Mondo trap. With the throw rug placed between the speakers and listening chair the acoustics are really good.

At my last house I had a similar size dedicated room but used ASC tube traps and their wall strips but I’m getting better results with Real Traps.
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I was impressed with Bache's Lexington speaker at the New York Audio Show this past November I decided to go to Bache's showroom in Brooklyn and take a listen to the Tribeca speakers. To make a long story short, I took delivery of my pair about 10 days ago. I have owned many speakers including Thiel, ProAc, Verity, Coincident, Rethm, Nola, Shahinian, and I still own Quad 57s and Audio Physic Tempo Plus speakers. These Bache speakers are music makers; very coherent, perfectly balanced from top to bottom, have tight, articulate bass, and throw off a huge 3 dimensional soundstage. Having lived with PK rebuilt Quad ESLs for many years I'm very sensitive to the midrange. The Tribeca's have a beautiful midrange that's very smooth and transparent with absolutely no fatigue.

In my speaker search I was considering speakers that were 3 times the price. I can confidently say that the Bache speakers perform well above their price.
I was impressed with Bache's Lexington speaker at the New York Audio Show this past November I decided to go to Bache's showroom in Brooklyn and take a listen to the Tribeca speakers. To make a long story short, I took delivery of my pair about 10 days ago. I have owned many speakers including Thiel, ProAc, Verity, Coincident, Rethm, Nola, Shahinian, and I still own Quad 57s and Audio Physic Tempo Plus speakers. These Bache speakers are music makers; very coherent, perfectly balanced from top to bottom, have tight, articulate bass, and throw off a huge 3 dimensional soundstage. Having lived with PK rebuilt Quad ESLs for many years I'm very sensitive to the midrange. The Tribeca's have a beautiful midrange that's very smooth and transparent with absolutely no fatigue.

In my speaker search I was considering speakers that were 3 times the price. I can confidently say that the Bache speakers perform well above their price.

Shakey's assessment of the Bache Tribecca applies to all of the Bache models I've heard. I have the smaller Metro 001 model which I was able to get with a custom crossover and bamboo cabinet. It has a single four inch wideband driver covering 400 hz to 10,000 hz, an eight inch woofer, and an air motion transformer tweeter. I auditioned Devore O/93's as a replacement for my Merlin VSM's but ultimately found the Bache Metro 001's to be superior to both.

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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