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    • Vangelis
      Vangelis replied to the thread Innuos Pulsar ????.
      I didn’t mean any disrespect regarding your Pulsar potentially not fully run in. I have nothing but admiration for anyone that can...
    • Vangelis
      Vangelis replied to the thread Innuos Pulsar ????.
      Mike, in his review, mentioned “hours of break-in”. As we have all experienced, it requires a full 6 weeks of 24/7 music for the...
    • Vangelis
      Along the same topic. I have an extra Synergistic Research 5A fuse that I would like to use in the Tempus. Since power supply draws so...
    • Vangelis
      I was going to order an SR fuse. Just to be sure, I felt I should double check what was inside the Tempus. I was a little suspect...
    • Vangelis
      There is definitely a consensus occurring here on the Network Acoustics Tempus. It takes me months to really assess a new addition to...
    • Vangelis
      Vangelis replied to the thread Innuos Pulsar ????.
      Are you using the Ground Master city or a dedicated ground line outdoors? Regarding i2s there seems to be more DACs coming out that look...
      • IMG_1250.png
    • Vangelis
      Vangelis replied to the thread Grimm Audio MU2 "Major Dac".
      I have had only one Roon freeze up, in five weeks, where I simply rebooted my iPad and problem solved. My Mu2 is sounding more fleshed...
    • Vangelis
      Vangelis replied to the thread Innuos Pulsar ????.
      I’ve sent three emails to Innuos asking if the i2s is generally better /preferred over USB if a DAC has both inputs, but I can’t get...
    • Vangelis
      Vangelis replied to the thread Innuos Pulsar ????.
      That was a confusing post of mine, that had to be read carefully. What I was trying to convey was, if you’re coming out from a Pulsar...
    • Vangelis
      What’s the fuse size in the Tempus? I pulled the fuse to look at it and forgot to write down the spec. I remember it’s a Slow T 5x20 but...
    • Vangelis
      Vangelis replied to the thread Innuos Pulsar ????.
      I’m not aware of cables you’re using to compare between AES and USB. I moved from the Audioquest Diamond to a Sablon 2020 and then to...
    • Vangelis
      Vangelis replied to the thread Innuos Pulsar ????.
      I’m currently breaking in a Grimm MU2 but I still have my Pulsar which I will retain until make any clear judgments on the differences...
    • Vangelis
      I also ruled out the SwitchX due to the requirement of dual routers and a proprietary second IP address. Fuses, power cords and of...
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