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  1. agencal

    Decrease power amp’s gain to increase resolution of preamp?

    Thank you. Than if i understood rigt i can give it a try. It will not increase distortion or noise up to some leveş. My speakers are 92db il cremonese ex3me. Maybe i can ask yo CH Precision team for the sweet spot of their pre amp volume level.
  2. agencal

    Decrease power amp’s gain to increase resolution of preamp?

    Hi I heard from PS Audio videos that at low volumes pre amps loose some resolution. When you increase volume they open up. I am living in an apartment and mostly listen in low volume levels. I hava a CH L1 pre and M1.1 power set up. The power amp allows to reduce gain uo to -12db. If i do that...
  3. agencal

    Kharma Exquiste Midi 3.0 vs Sonus Faber il Cremonese ex3me ?

    Then this is gonna be missed. As you said il cremonese has the deepest soundstage i have experienced but it is not focused pin sharp.
  4. agencal

    Kharma Exquiste Midi 3.0 vs Sonus Faber il Cremonese ex3me ?

    Thank you. I am mostly after a deep,wide and holographical soundstage. I did not get it when you say laid back?
  5. agencal

    Kharma Exquiste Midi 3.0 vs Sonus Faber il Cremonese ex3me ?

    Thank you for your quick and informative respond What can you say about the soundstage and imaging-seperetion ?
  6. agencal

    Kharma Exquiste Midi 3.0 vs Sonus Faber il Cremonese ex3me ?

    Hi everyone. I am a long time Sonus Faber user and love the brand because of its great deap soundstage but some times it is too warm and lack of treble detail. My speraker is at the reference line and limited to 50 pieces all over the world and has a düamond like berilium tweeter but it is even...
  7. agencal

    M1.1 Gain Setting with C1.2

    Ahahah my bad. Sorry :) So you are using C1.2 for pre as me ? Did you try to put L1 in the chain. Everyone tells me run and buy L1 and use c1.2 as dac.
  8. agencal

    M1.1 Gain Setting with C1.2

    So you are using your amps gain ay -25db Isn’t it to much?
  9. agencal

    M1.1 Gain Setting with C1.2

    Thanks but i did not get the idea. I am trying to use my C1.2 at its analog only section and then to understand at which volume level it works analog only. Then try to decrease the gain of M1.1 to use the C1.2 at its best with the volume control. So what will that racks do for this?
  10. agencal

    M1.1 Gain Setting with C1.2

    Thanks Jack for your detailed answer I defenetly will try the app. Sould i buy a qualitiy switch-router or is it better to buy an audiophile switch to use with C1.2 roon as well? Bu the way i really wanna have L1 right now after your this words:) “can't wait until you get the L1” I hope i will...
  11. agencal

    M1.1 Gain Setting with C1.2

    Hi everyone. I am now a happy C1.2 + X1 + M1.1 user. My speakers are Sonus Faber il Cremonese ex3me and all cabled with Kubala Sosna Eletion. Roon+Qobuz (c1.2 add on card) The sound is amazing. It is crystal clear and articulate. Sound stage is the deepest i have heard till now and wide. I am...
  12. agencal

    CH Precision L1 vs C1.2 Pre-Dac?

    Thank you. Now i use C1.2 with X1 and M1.2. What i feel is sound is great so far. I really want to try L1 to understand if it is worth the extra budget. Even with it i am very happy with the sound. Especially the soundstage depth and seperetain. What sould expect to improve with L1 ?
  13. agencal

    CH Precision L1 vs C1.2 Pre-Dac?

    “The improvements are there but most will not say WOW WHAT A DIFFERENCE!” This made me think L1 is my upgrade to feel a resl sonic jump after my C1.2-X1 set up with M1.1 Thank you
  14. agencal

    CH Precision L1 vs C1.2 Pre-Dac?

    Maybe i am wrong but what i understand from upgrading monos from stereo is some power gain. At least some brands’ specs show the power increase. I do not see it at the tech specs of my M1.1. Stereo power output and monos are same other than 1 ohm drive. So what sould i expect to upgrade monos...
  15. agencal

    CH Precision L1 vs C1.2 Pre-Dac?

    Thank you Roy. Maybe i can buy a A1.5 to drive mid and highs and m1.1 will take care of the bass drivers. They say A1.5 is a more open and detailed amp.
  16. agencal

    CH Precision L1 vs C1.2 Pre-Dac?

    What can i say for a detailed answer like this :) Thanks again. So i will not in a hurry to buy X1 but go for L1 at first which i hope wil nake the biggest differebce in my system. Then i will try X1 for C1.2 or L1 or maybe to use for both. M1.1 seem ok for now but if i will have budget i will...
  17. agencal

    CH Precision L1 vs C1.2 Pre-Dac?

    Thank you Jack So what i understand is i can live happyly with C1.2+ X1 as a pre , at least for some time to drive my M1.1. May i ask you about m1.1 stereo vs mono? I spoke to sonus faber if m1.1 is enough for driving il cremonese ex3me. They said it is ok but it is always better to have more...
  18. agencal

    CH Precision L1 vs C1.2 Pre-Dac?

    Ohh my bad,sorry
  19. agencal

    CH Precision L1 vs C1.2 Pre-Dac?

    My amp before gryphon was d’agostino prıgression integrated. Such a great brand. I hope you are enjoyğng it. Can you tell some more about the msb vs ch c1.2? Do you use X1 for both L1 and C1.2? Which one values more from X1? By the way you have a great system
  20. My Evolution

    My Evolution

  21. Gryphon Essence

    Gryphon Essence

  22. iL Cremonese

    iL Cremonese

  23. Gryphon - Sonus Faber

    Gryphon - Sonus Faber

  24. agencal

    CH Precision L1 vs C1.2 Pre-Dac?

    Thanks a lot. I will slow down a bit and enjoy what i have then. Thank you
  25. agencal

    CH Precision L1 vs C1.2 Pre-Dac?

    T Thank you Elliot. The c1.2 was occassion if buy it with x1 so i did it but any time i create a budget i will go with the L1 as well. It would be great to buy L1 wth C1.2 first but could not organize it that way.Do you think volume control of C1.2 is that bad that i can not live with it...
  26. agencal

    CH Precision L1 vs C1.2 Pre-Dac?

    Thank you. Never tried Townshend Podiums but i Have Gaia II feet and they are great for bass tightness with this spealer. Yhey were magic with my Wilson sabrina x but not so with this ex3mes
  27. agencal

    L1 or X1 At First?

    I use 1m Kubala Sosna Eleations. Speaker cables and power cords are all the same.
  28. agencal

    L1 or X1 At First?

    Thank you. Sure i will ask for a try. So if the budget is tight for now adding X1 to imprure the dac’s resolıtion is a wise choice ? And then add L1
  29. agencal

    CH Precision L1 vs C1.2 Pre-Dac?

    I have tried C1.2 and found.a great synergy than msb. But did not have the chace to try L1 yet.

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