Kharma Exquiste Midi 3.0 vs Sonus Faber il Cremonese ex3me ?


Apr 27, 2024
Hi everyone.
I am a long time Sonus Faber user and love the brand because of its great deap soundstage but some times it is too warm and lack of treble detail. My speraker is at the reference line and limited to 50 pieces all over the world and has a düamond like berilium tweeter but it is even lacking some treble detail. I am using CH Precision C1.2+ X1 + M1.1 stereo (will add L1 soon) with all kubala sosna eletion cabling. My dealer suggested me to change my speaker with Kharma Exquisite Midi 3.0 He will try to bring it at my home to try but i want to know what to espect from this upgrade. Or is it really an upgrade :)

Hi. Before I begin, let me say that I listen to and judge by classical, I like dynamics and a subjective sense of "speed", and resolution when I can get it. I.e., mu sound is not "relaxed" by any stretch of the imagination... Finally, your amplification is highly resolving.
SO: the two models you're comparing have very different voicing; the Kharma will produce more clarity and draw attention to detail, and the frequency response is not tailored to sound "warm" (i.e. a little extra in the mid-bass). You might even find they lack bass compared to the SF.
The only useful advice I think is this: listen closely to the Kharma to determine if you like this type of sound. If you do and want to investigate further, you have a range of constructors with similar approaches (Avalon, Marten, Tidal, etc -- they are far from identical, but they share characteristics).
The SF sound is special in its own way.
Hi. Before I begin, let me say that I listen to and judge by classical, I like dynamics and a subjective sense of "speed", and resolution when I can get it. I.e., mu sound is not "relaxed" by any stretch of the imagination... Finally, your amplification is highly resolving.
SO: the two models you're comparing have very different voicing; the Kharma will produce more clarity and draw attention to detail, and the frequency response is not tailored to sound "warm" (i.e. a little extra in the mid-bass). You might even find they lack bass compared to the SF.
The only useful advice I think is this: listen closely to the Kharma to determine if you like this type of sound. If you do and want to investigate further, you have a range of constructors with similar approaches (Avalon, Marten, Tidal, etc -- they are far from identical, but they share characteristics).
The SF sound is special in its own way.
Thank you for your quick and informative respond
What can you say about the soundstage and imaging-seperetion ?
Hi everyone.
I am a long time Sonus Faber user and love the brand because of its great deap soundstage but some times it is too warm and lack of treble detail. My speraker is at the reference line and limited to 50 pieces all over the world and has a düamond like berilium tweeter but it is even lacking some treble detail. I am using CH Precision C1.2+ X1 + M1.1 stereo (will add L1 soon) with all kubala sosna eletion cabling. My dealer suggested me to change my speaker with Kharma Exquisite Midi 3.0 He will try to bring it at my home to try but i want to know what to espect from this upgrade. Or is it really an upgrade :)

Try to get different cables first....Kharma Midi 3 are amazing, but make sure their soundstage height is to your liking, both when you are sitiing and when you stand up, if you are sensitive to that particular aspect of the soundstage. If you sit too close to the speakers, the soundstage might seem too miniaturized. Again depends what kind of music you play and your room. Sonus Fabers have taller soundstage.
Kharmas have astonishing tone colors and tone differentiation capacity, especially with great tube amplifiers, that no other dynamic speakers can match in my experience, which to me is most important aspect of high fidelity speakers, especially if you are classical music lover. Also, you can order the Kharma DB 11S with diamond tweeter option from the company, and these play really BIG, and less money. You may even like the DB-11 with their beryllium tweeters more than Midi 3. Also, If I were you I d try to use Cardas Clear Beyond speakers cables with Kharmas.
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Thank you for your quick and informative respond
What can you say about the soundstage and imaging-seperetion ?
Typically, the SF have a more laid-back soundstage than the Kharma. You might also find that the Kharma sound more detailed -- but again, you'll have to decide if you like this type of sound.
Typically, the SF have a more laid-back soundstage than the Kharma. You might also find that the Kharma sound more detailed -- but again, you'll have to decide if you like this type of sound.
Thank you.
I am mostly after a deep,wide and holographical soundstage. I did not get it when you say laid back?
The Kharma soundstage will be wide and precise, but the SF will probably seem deeper.
Try to get different cables first....
I would second this advice as per my experience with KS they tend to "sound" exactly as you described what bothers you and what You miss. Of course, in some systems that is perfect match but not it yours.
Lending and trying other cable loom might be much less costly and difficult exercise vs swapping the speakers.
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The Kharma soundstage will be wide and precise, but the SF will probably seem deeper.
Then this is gonna be missed. As you said il cremonese has the deepest soundstage i have experienced but it is not focused pin sharp.

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