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    Ron’s New System

    Carlos you live to be driven into arguments where there can’t be a right or wrong just relax read contribute and even if you get no reply there are plenty lurkers Learning I mostly get ignored when I am making correct points let it be arrogance is the twin of ignorance does this seem right...
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    Ron’s New System

    anyone or damn near most need some kind of Guidance going to shows or live events is helpful now who knows that’s a list to figure out almost as difficult as knowing what to do to set up audio. If a person chooses for a simple audio system even this needs some work to buy and think you got...
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    Speakers isolation from resonance and angry neighbours — Critical Mass Center, Revopods, EVP.

    Maybe I missed something but have you gone into the person who is complaining? if not this is a complete waist of time if spikes don’t help it’s acoustic The purpose of spikes is to decouple the speaker box by creating a tiny contact it’s mostly used for subs in a home theater if you have...
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    Can digital get to vinyl sound and at what price?

    How do you feel about spinning cd s. does it get you closer to vinyl ?
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    Can digital get to vinyl sound and at what price?

    magic can happen in transfers and most of the best analog was tape to vinyl This alone is a transfer and a process so this makes me wonder what is correct another thought is our play back Methods might be adding to the loss. correct me if I am wrong but all formats are lossy in that it’s...
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    LampizatOr Introduces Native XDMI Functionality-The Next Horizon

    Very good news and it shows how hard Lampi continues to improve an excellent product thanks for the feed back. enjoy your system music is new yet again
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    LampizatOr Introduces Native XDMI Functionality-The Next Horizon

    Steve while I’m sure both dacs sound amazing Have you tried a compare of inputs same dac and taiko ? Curious
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    Dac shootout

    I did one years ago and took my Msb stack needles to say they hated me lol even from a Apple laptop it killed all.
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    Dac shootout

    I’ve done this years ago and while it’s fun I doubt it’s useful in the end especially if there is alcohol involved what does happen I know of is Lampi tube rolling Lampi brand is cult like and I do love them still on a lesser scale is headfi meets this is purely not speakers and is people...
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    Ron’s New System

    How is the timing on this one lol. timing being off is a nice way of saying the leading and trailing edge is blurred a very good way to comment now in the above video it’s not just extremely good but the vocals are there even while the sax and piano is playing on vinyl when the stage don’t...
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    Does magic happen in format transfers

    My point is some of us up sample some change formats some do vinyl rips and so on I’ve always wondered is this a way to improve not make better. tape transfers to digital is far from tape yet can be enjoyed Some ive been given are vinyl transfers to me this is a very good way to store and...
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    Why, oh why, does vinyl continue to blow away digital?

    Tape was 4 track two sides 1/4 inch 3 3/4 speed Still was better then my vinyl speakers or headphones
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    Why, oh why, does vinyl continue to blow away digital?

    I totally agree and saying analog is better is just not justified if not more descriptive I grew up on analog , but never had the knowledge or help to get beyond a start no internet just magazines and stores Stores were rude and filled with bullshit but who knew so when cd came about it’s...
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    Ron’s New System

    So for you not good ? a little info ? This is for all of us ok
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    Looking for a long-distance trip vehicle. Suggestions?

    I own a Cadillac xt400 Loaded I lease always it was supposed to have e a super cruise for high ways but no chips I do 500 miles every 2 months to nyc from NC for me a few things are a must one is silence in the car love dead Silence next is bad weather driving No wide tires or low profile...
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    Why, oh why, does vinyl continue to blow away digital?

    I’ll never understand how a needle dragging on vinyl is possible or good Then this proves we really need a long ast to go on digital
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    Why, oh why, does vinyl continue to blow away digital?

    Play this old apps
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    Why, oh why, does vinyl continue to blow away digital?

    Let’s not argue lol. but still the two I mentioned are really different and very musical Not tuby not clinical just really good to me anyway
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    Ron’s New System

    Here is a set of apogees let me know how this sounds
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    Ron’s New System

    So no amp speaker interaction in t is ? Does anyone else hear her vocal shout at Times while as some said things are very difficult to accept if we don’t consider the situation of room and huge speakers in them.
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    Hopkins' System

    ok so single driver but line source it sounds very nice to me but a bit rolled off but im Old lol I see you lowered the vol a bit I think that cleaned things up and some say videos are a waist lol nice sound
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    Ron’s New System

    I think the jadis are not up to challenge of the Clarysis lol. but this is opinion The VTL are much more powerful and this should level things out I think a compare should be VTL and JADIS same track but different amps alt speakers my money is on VTL
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    Ron’s New System

    You’re saying what you hear and that is fine. I’ve next to people I know and this is how it can be.
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    Ron’s New System

    You nailed it Rex now why is her voice like this. First off headphones needed to remove all except the pre amp and headphones
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    Ron’s New System

    Post 5429 is boomy on headphones 5430 more balanced little to no boom Both have nice attack Both videos have shouts on peaks on her vocals but 5430 has more is this analog or digital ?
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    Why, oh why, does vinyl continue to blow away digital?

    Have you heard Rivera amps ? they don’t sound like either tube nor SS as they are hybrids Same with arie cerate hybrids Both not the same both to me extremely musical
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    Hopkins' System

    I’ve tried my own speaker cables just to hear what happens 12 gauge zip cord was used copper stock Then apart with a twist various turns per foot even just one twisted around the other one straight every change made effected the sound obviously
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    Hopkins' System

    What speakers ?

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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