Announcing the new HPA-10,000 OTL/OCL Headphone Amplifier AND linestage preamp!
Twice the power as the original OTL/OCL amplifier by Allnic, the HPA-5000xl and featuring the coveted 61-step Constant Impedance Attenuator. Its preservation of soundstage and dynamics across a large volume range...
Allnic has recently released a Mu-8R phono cable. The new phono cable’s debut follows customers’ and professional reviewers’ rave and award netting assessments of Allnic’s ZL-Technology audio cables, both the original Mu-7R and the new Mu-8R series of interconnects, phono...
We are proud to announce two awards at this year's end! For the original reviews published in 2023, see our Allnic Review Page for all professional print and video reviews for the current production line. This page is updated regularly.
July, 2023 Review of D10,000 by HiFi+'s Alan Sircom...
Continuing to think about the theme of the last few blog entries here, it’s appropriate to pause from time to time and recognize again the incredible choices we are so lucky to have to enable the reproduction of music in...
For those who live in the Toronto region or a reasonable driving distance to Freelton, Ontario, Canada, this upcoming weekend is Corby’s Audio new showroom opening!
Some may ask why I’m promoting a competitor. Don Corby is anything but a competitor; he is, in many ways, my mentor, very...
Announcing the new circuit design by KS Park featuring the coveted 61-Step Constant Impedance Attenuator which preserves dynamics at any volume. New driving stage 6F4 and the KT170 tubes with a modified and excellent looking chassis. MSRP $13900 USD. Black or Silver chassis.
The goal with this thread is to provide an updated go-to list of reviews for Allnic's product line as a reference. I will try to keep this current with the help of the Allnic family of Distributors and Dealers. Please PM with new material or future broken links.
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