I just visited David for five days around New Year’s Eve. From music listening and audiophile points of view this effectively was my first experience with David’s audio system.
1) It was very fun to see “my” turntable — a Vintage Audio Specialities (“VAS”) AS-2000— for the first time! Exactly...
Here is my somewhat lengthy review of the Lamm LP2.1 Deluxe phonostage at Positive Feedback.
Published today, this was written Dec 2019 - March 2020.
Comments welcome.
Don Saltzman's very favorable review of Jim White's Aesthetix Atlas Eclipse hybrid amplifier:
This is my personal favorite amplifier for driving MBL 101E Mk. II...
I have visited JeffreyT, a member of the Long Beach, CA division (of which I consider myself an honorary member) of WBF, several times over the last couple of years. Jeff, like me and PeterA, is 100% analog, 0% digital. Like me (someday, anyway) Jeff plays only vinyl and tape.
Jeff’s primary...
The natural companion of the Lamm ML3 arrived today, I could not resist listening before straightening and ranging everything, even is such poor conditions - yes, I know thick undercarpet and wheeled platforms are not Vladimir Lamm vision of audio racks. :) All I can say for now is transients...