I hope that this forum is forgiving, but I'd like to start a thread that relates to specifically to the WADAX Studio player. Forum threads often go off the rails, but I'm hoping that members will limit their posts on this thread to their knowledge of and experience of the WADAX Studio player...
Lately there have been a number of posts once again reigniting the endless debates of analog versus digital. There was also a new crop of digital devices that debuted at the Munich show this year. All those topics are subjects for debates. But what I don’t believe can be debated, but we shall...
Hi Everyone,
Has anyone listened to the MSB Select Transport (now discontinued. link: https://msbtechnology.com/select-transport-features/) and/or the Wadax Atlantis Transport (link: https://wadax.eu/?q=atlantis/transport)? There doesn't seem to be much on the internet about these. These two...