2017 Cable Guide

I wish people would stop saying how much better the Sigma is versus the Anaconda. I want to retire someday. :)

Bud - I have both. Unfortunately, for both you and me, the Sigma is much better.

Curses. I have to work another year. I guess I will skip buying the Lexus and stick with Mazda. :)
My brother bought a Delta NR power cord a few days ago. He says on the plastic collar on the cable, that there is a sticker that says Zitron. I had understood that the Delta series did not have Zitron technology. Is this just a mistake with the sticker?

I have 2 Venom digitals with a Zitron sticker on the collar. I know for the Venom digital that there is no Zitron technology.
Grant, what's the diameter of the plugs for a Sigma HC? Need to drill some holes in a cabinet top for them to pass through.
Just to be sure, the Sigma HR now replaces and combines the functions of the Sigma High Current AND Digital AND the Analog?
Just to be sure, the Sigma HR now replaces and combines the functions of the Sigma High Current AND Digital AND the Analog?

Yes, both the Alpha NR and the Sigma NR models combine wider-bandwidth noise reduction with larger gauge conductors to make it easier to select power cords with greater application potential. The Delta NR, Alpha NR and Sigma NR can cover high-current and offer broad-band noise reduction common to emissions from both analog and digital electronics.


Grant, what's the diameter of the plugs for a Sigma HC? Need to drill some holes in a cabinet top for them to pass through.

My apologies for the delay. I've been traveling every week for the past month. The diameter of the Sigma power connectors is 1.60" (I had to confirm that at the factory) :)


My brother bought a Delta NR power cord a few days ago. He says on the plastic collar on the cable, that there is a sticker that says Zitron. I had understood that the Delta series did not have Zitron technology. Is this just a mistake with the sticker?

I have 2 Venom digitals with a Zitron sticker on the collar. I know for the Venom digital that there is no Zitron technology.

Yes, that is an error. The zi-tron sticker was misapplied in those cases and I've let the factory know of the issue. Thank you for the follow up.


The diameter of the Sigma power connectors is 1.60" (I had to confirm that at the factory) :)


Do you have any clients that "mix and match"? I've got an extra 8' Sigma Analog and a 4' Sigma High Current and a 3' Sigma Digital and I'd like to use one of the two shorter ones along with the one longer one on some new Kii3 speakers. They use nCore amps inside so they don't have massive current draws.

Do you have any clients that "mix and match"? I've got an extra 8' Sigma Analog and a 4' Sigma High Current and a 3' Sigma Digital and I'd like to use one of the two shorter ones along with the one longer one on some new Kii3 speakers. They use nCore amps inside so they don't have massive current draws.

While I wouldn't call it "ideal", the longer Analog and short Digital models would be ok used together as the difference between them in terms of the different filters is rather small, as opposed to the more massive gauge of the HC model, which may sound a bit unbalanced by comparison. The length differences are likely fine as unlike speaker cable length differences, power cord length differences are very subtle. It would be ideal to match two cords of the same design, but based on the application it may work to use one Analog and one Digital.


Can anyone clarify whether or not the new alpha and sigma digital interconnects such as SPDIF and AES contain the zitron technology ?

I'm almost certain it was on the previous generation of those repspective cables.

I’d like to know this too. I just purchased the Sigma AES and should have it in a couple of weeks. I’m currently using the Anaconda, so I’m curious to see how it compares.
I have a PS Audio P3 regen with Viper power cables all around and Anaconda XLRs. As I mentioned in my prior post, I have the Sigma AES incoming. Any advice on whether upgrading the Viper power cables or Anaconda XLR would have more impact on sound?
I have a PS Audio P3 regen with Viper power cables all around and Anaconda XLRs. As I mentioned in my prior post, I have the Sigma AES incoming. Any advice on whether upgrading the Viper power cables or Anaconda XLR would have more impact on sound?

The new digital cables do not use ?TRON® tech.
They are made with a technology we call PMZ - Precision Matched Impedance.

High-speed digital transmission is very different from audio frequency signal transmission and requires a different knowledge base and design criteria. Audio cable signal transmission is governed by the principles of inductance, capacitance, and resistance. By contrast, high-speed digital signals are governed by a principle known as ‘transmission line theory’. The performance of a transmission line is governed by the characteristic impedance of the cable. Certain types of cable require a specific characteristic impedance to achieve optimal performance — for instance, cable TV coaxial cables are 75 ohms, while test equipment cables require 50 ohm cables. Modern audio and entertainment systems may have multiple digital connections, each with potentially different characteristic impedances.

While the characteristic impedance is a critical factor in the optimal performance of digital cables, our research also indicates that the precision with which a digital cable is constructed has a significant impact on its performance. Shunyata Research digital cables are produced using a Precision Matched Z concept. This dictates that tolerances of the conductor surface, dielectric extrusion, and the precision of the braided shield are held to smaller variances. To achieve these tight tolerances, the extrusion and braiding machines must be run at one-quarter speed during the manufacturing process. The result is better performance through a reduction of cable-induced ‘signal jitter’.

Superficially, digital cables may look the same as analog cables. For example, a S/PDIF cable can be terminated with RCA connectors, much like analog interconnects. Because the terminations appear the same, analog interconnects could be used as a substitute for a digital cable; but since it has not been designed with the correct characteristic impedance, the performance will suffer.

The new digital cables will provide a very significant performance improvement.
I’d like to know this too. I just purchased the Sigma AES and should have it in a couple of weeks. I’m currently using the Anaconda, so I’m curious to see how it compares.

I'm not sure what AES cable(s) you are currently using but earlier this year I went from a top of the line AES cable (2 actually) between my Esoteric P-02 and D-02 that had been in place and
unbeaten for over 4 years in my system; I loved what the cable did for extracting detail and music with my transport and DAC and I had not ever found one that would beat them even at
higher (than their $3K per meter per cable) price.

That all ended with the SIGMA AES cables arrival from Shunyata earlier this year; by the end of day-1 it was clear they were special and were going to stay. By days 3-5 they 'woke up'
even further and revealing amazing improvements in every aspect of musical playback. I called Caelin on days 1-5 to discuss what I was hearing. One conversation on day 1 is
particularly fresh in my mind regarding my overall astonishment at how the SIGMAs took a system that was already at 100% satisfaction with the music and added even better
overall tonality, accuracy in every frequency band and more detailed and impactful bass (without being too much or artificial). Musical tones have 'color' if you will stemming
from the different materials each instrument is made out of; this is particularly evident in the percussion instrument category but no less in all others. I was amazed at how
the system with a straight swap of one pair of widely regarded "SOTA" AES cables for the SIGMAs could improve as much as I was hearing straight out of the pouch and
then continue to improve to the level it did consistently in the first 2-4 weeks of ownership. KPIP processing is the real deal and I've never heard its equal; things sound
great and fully matured in the first day or two without 'burn-in' but they do mature even further with proper burn-in following that.

FWIW....the Sigma AES should make your day IMHO; I'd be interested in hearing back from you in detail once you get them.

What are they going to replace in your system? In my case, the KS "ELATION" AES cables that I had held for many years were easily parted with a few days after
putting in the SIGMAs (and with fond memories as they are a great cable) but frankly now for digital, including all my clocking cables, it will be Shunyata SIGMA
for everything until Mr. Gabriel and team find a way to beat the unbeatable which I would imagine will take a damned long time based upon what I am hearing!

I'm not sure what AES cable(s) you are currently using but earlier this year I went from a top of the line AES cable (2 actually) between my Esoteric P-02 and D-02 that had been in place and
unbeaten for over 4 years in my system; I loved what the cable did for extracting detail and music with my transport and DAC and I had not ever found one that would beat them even at
higher (than their $3K per meter per cable) price.

That all ended with the SIGMA AES cables arrival from Shunyata earlier this year; by the end of day-1 it was clear they were special and were going to stay. By days 3-5 they 'woke up'
even further and revealing amazing improvements in every aspect of musical playback. I called Caelin on days 1-5 to discuss what I was hearing. One conversation on day 1 is
particularly fresh in my mind regarding my overall astonishment at how the SIGMAs took a system that was already at 100% satisfaction with the music and added even better
overall tonality, accuracy in every frequency band and more detailed and impactful bass (without being too much or artificial). Musical tones have 'color' if you will stemming
from the different materials each instrument is made out of; this is particularly evident in the percussion instrument category but no less in all others. I was amazed at how
the system with a straight swap of one pair of widely regarded "SOTA" AES cables for the SIGMAs could improve as much as I was hearing straight out of the pouch and
then continue to improve to the level it did consistently in the first 2-4 weeks of ownership. KPIP processing is the real deal and I've never heard its equal; things sound
great and fully matured in the first day or two without 'burn-in' but they do mature even further with proper burn-in following that.

FWIW....the Sigma AES should make your day IMHO; I'd be interested in hearing back from you in detail once you get them.

What are they going to replace in your system? In my case, the KS "ELATION" AES cables that I had held for many years were easily parted with a few days after
putting in the SIGMAs (and with fond memories as they are a great cable) but frankly now for digital, including all my clocking cables, it will be Shunyata SIGMA
for everything until Mr. Gabriel and team find a way to beat the unbeatable which I would imagine will take a damned long time based upon what I am hearing!


Given your positive experiences using the SIGMA digital cables. Have you considered trying the other respective Sigma cables in your system? Perhaps a synergy of a whole Sigma loom for speaker and interconnects might be just as impressive as the digital cables.
Given your positive experiences using the SIGMA digital cables. Have you considered trying the other respective Sigma cables in your system? Perhaps a synergy of a whole Sigma loom for speaker and interconnects might be just as impressive as the digital cables.

I have 3 SIGMA CLOCK50 cables as well.....have also tested the SIGMA NR power cords and a TRITON v3 power conditioner as of late; they are amazing.
I have to chill out on new and upgrade purchases for a bit of time so no changes possible at the moment. Caelin and team I feel are doing their best
work ever (I used to own a LOT of Shunyata back in the days of the original Hydra8, Anaconda VX, Anaconda and Taipan (VX and regular)....I cannot
wait to put the rest of my plans for their gear in place!

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