50k people attend concert with pre-recorded music

"Concert" is not the right word and was used by the OP, not by Lisa Ling. It's an electronic dance music festival, and it is more akin to a giant party than anything else. It's about being in a crowd, dancing to good music and, for a lot of people, doing copious amounts of Molly.

Some DJs are hacks who press play and dance while their entire set plays. The good ones are playing pre-recorded tracks, yes, but the mixing between those tracks is happening live. The best ones are mixing live in response to the crowd, and it is an amazing to be a part of that experience.

I attend as many live concerts as I can -- classical, blues, rock, pop, jazz... you name it, I've sat and enjoyed it. But none of them will match the energy you get from dancing in the middle of the crowd at an EDM festival.

Norman, I'm totally with you man...right on right on right on! :b

Is it Norman, or is it Mike...John?

By the way, that video above...I wish I was sixteen again.
If this is what we are talking about, I know for sure I would have enjoyed being there. Yes, the synthetic drum loop gets tiring if you are just listening to it. But being among so many happy people listening to that music and the light show? Would have loved to be there, thinking I am not a day older than all of them there :).

As was just said, it seems like a huge club scene.

This was part of it. One of my all time favorite songs.
This is a poor recording but i urge you to listen to it, I love this interpertion of her original. Listen to her voice, grrrrrr!

Thank you - what a great performance - loved it.
I watched this show on CNN last night. It is hosted by Lisa Ling. She talked about a 3 day concert she attended on the grounds of the original Woodstock. It drew 50k people that danced to pre-recorded hosted by disc jockeys.
She said in times past the musicians would of been the stars of the show. She said at this show the DJ's are the stars.

I always thought the idea of a concert was to listen to live music. I must be getting old because I can not relate to this at all. If they call this progress I want no part of it.

1. We're all old here. :b
2. We're all prejudice people here. :b
3. We all have kids and grand kids here.

4. Lisa Ling, she could be our daughter; she have her own life as a reporter and more.
5. In 1969 the stars were all the people gathering to a live music show outside and it was a phenomenon.
6. In 1969 the artist performers were the artist musicians and singers of our generation.

7. That DJ show with 50K people outside with all the kids from various ages (average teenagers); it is "their" generation in the age of less creativity and more prefabricated computer generated noises mixed with mixed feelings.
8. The stars are again the people all gathering and having fun dancing smiling and feel good among each other; that's the main essence.
9. Us, we are older, living in another generation of our planet, with ultra hi-end hi-fi stereo systems and listening to analog classical and tubed jazz music.

* Personally; of course it's not the type of live discotheque shows that brings satisfaction in my brain, but I can see the gathering of the young people living in the world we all live today...they are part of our world...like it or not. We teach our children what we believe in but we forgot to let them free and expand and express themselves freely...evolution and life's experiences with all the consequences it encompasses...good and less good depending of our field of view (mind).

The OP watched that show; I couldn't. It's just not in my aura. I would check it out, just like I did for no more than two minutes only for curiosity sake and then exit the viewing and go somewhere else where I'm more in my own element; Jazz, Blues, Classic music.

It's cool though a thread like this because it's different than most of the other threads where we are all losing it more than those kids themselves @ those DJ music shows outside with all the kids having their own fun evolution time; it's their life their experience in a world where it's very hard to make sense of it all and respect all each other with words and actions.

We're all good; we all came from the belly of our mothers and we were all babies and adorable babies loved by the ones surrounding us.
But! Not all of us were so lucky to experienced love on our first day on earth, and that, is important to realize and adjust accordingly depending of our demographic regions of the world and the people living there and around.

As a human race we have all type of handicaps and attributes, and living our generations and adapting and accepting and respecting and supporting and helping and discovering and learning and advancing...is all part of living among all ourselves, just like the kids we once were just like the kids today in this environment which is part of the entire global metamorphosis of a less than perfect world with less than perfect robot machines...us all humans of all ages and generations.

In the seventies (mid) I was lost; I was going to disco music venues...that time of my life was stalled, nothing good came out of it.
It did not last; I was right back on my feet after about a year...with the Rolling Stones and Pink Floyd.

Today, I'm older than 18-19, and my music genre changed with my education and growing up; from Classical to Rock to Alternative and Pop and New Age and then Jazz and Blues, and back to Classical. I love Tango music. I love Gypsy music. I love Brazilian music. I love Cuban music. I love Mozart, Bach, Chopin, Beethoven, ...

RAP music, disco, electronica...not so much. ...Not my bag. But once I was lost, and I can understand others being lost too, today. It's their own music evolution; they'll get over it eventually because nothing last that is not growing up with us in true harmony...in our heart, mind and soul. The music ? we all love today wasn't necessarily the music we all loved once before; we have evolved with our passion, and all that jazz...
I have never understood why anyone would go to disco's where DJ's are playing music rather than to a club/bar with a band playing live. Just the way I grew up I guess.
1. We're all old here. :b
2. We're all prejudice people here. :b
3. We all have kids and grand kids here.

4. Lisa Ling, she could be our daughter; she have her own life as a reporter and more.
5. In 1969 the stars were all the people gathering to a live music show outside and it was a phenomenon.
6. In 1969 the artist performers were the artist musicians and singers of our generation.

7. That DJ show with 50K people outside with all the kids from various ages (average teenagers); it is "their" generation in the age of less creativity and more prefabricated computer generated noises mixed with mixed feelings.
8. The stars are again the people all gathering and having fun dancing smiling and feel good among each other; that's the main essence.
9. Us, we are older, living in another generation of our planet, with ultra hi-end hi-fi stereo systems and listening to analog classical and tubed jazz music.

* Personally; of course it's not the type of live discotheque shows that brings satisfaction in my brain, but I can see the gathering of the young people living in the world we all live today...they are part of our world...like it or not. We teach our children what we believe in but we forgot to let them free and expand and express themselves freely...evolution and life's experiences with all the consequences it encompasses...good and less good depending of our field of view (mind).

The OP watched that show; I couldn't. It's just not in my aura. I would check it out, just like I did for no more than two minutes only for curiosity sake and then exit the viewing and go somewhere else where I'm more in my own element; Jazz, Blues, Classic music.

It's cool though a thread like this because it's different than most of the other threads where we are all losing it more than those kids themselves @ those DJ music shows outside with all the kids having their own fun evolution time; it's their life their experience in a world where it's very hard to make sense of it all and respect all each other with words and actions.

We're all good; we all came from the belly of our mothers and we were all babies and adorable babies loved by the ones surrounding us.
But! Not all of us were so lucky to experienced love on our first day on earth, and that, is important to realize and adjust accordingly depending of our demographic regions of the world and the people living there and around.

As a human race we have all type of handicaps and attributes, and living our generations and adapting and accepting and respecting and supporting and helping and discovering and learning and advancing...is all part of living among all ourselves, just like the kids we once were just like the kids today in this environment which is part of the entire global metamorphosis of a less than perfect world with less than perfect robot machines...us all humans of all ages and generations.

In the seventies (mid) I was lost; I was going to disco music venues...that time of my life was stalled, nothing good came out of it.
It did not last; I was right back on my feet after about a year...with the Rolling Stones and Pink Floyd.

Today, I'm older than 18-19, and my music genre changed with my education and growing up; from Classical to Rock to Alternative and Pop and New Age and then Jazz and Blues, and back to Classical. I love Tango music. I love Gypsy music. I love Brazilian music. I love Cuban music. I love Mozart, Bach, Chopin, Beethoven, ...

RAP music, disco, electronica...not so much. ...Not my bag. But once I was lost, and I can understand others being lost too, today. It's their own music evolution; they'll get over it eventually because nothing last that is not growing up with us in true harmony...in our heart, mind and soul. The music ? we all love today wasn't necessarily the music we all loved once before; we have evolved with our passion, and all that jazz...

I had about 5 clubbing years from age 30 -35 (Amsterdam IT club). I had an absolute blast. You could also find me in the Concertgebouw, the BIM house for avantgarde Jazz or Paradiso to see a Prince aftershow. I owned Klipschhorns and tubes at the time. Call me schizo, but I can switch between late Beethoven and Eminem on a dime. Should I be worried?
I watched this show on CNN last night. It is hosted by Lisa Ling. She talked about a 3 day concert she attended on the grounds of the original Woodstock. It drew 50k people that danced to pre-recorded hosted by disc jockeys. She said in times past the musicians would of been the stars of the show. She said at this show the DJ's are the stars.

I always thought the idea of a concert was to listen to live music. I must be getting old because I can not relate to this at all. If they call this progress I want no part of it.

That's completely normal. In Europe they have done that for at least two decades.
I had about 5 clubbing years from age 30 -35 (Amsterdam IT club). I had an absolute blast. You could also find me in the Concertgebouw, the BIM house for avantgarde Jazz or Paradiso to see a Prince aftershow. I owned Klipschhorns and tubes at the time. Call me schizo, but I can switch between late Beethoven and Eminem on a dime. Should I be worried?

No, fortunately I am just as crazy as you effortlessly switching between types of music, so no worries ;)

Next to Beethoven, Eminem, AC/DC and Mozart I like avant-garde jazz and avant-garde classical as well -- some of it music that would make some people's ears bleed, but makes mine rejoice (in fact, the three composers I admire most are Bach, Beethoven and Stockhausen). I must be a musical omnivore then.
I have never understood why anyone would go to disco's where DJ's are playing music rather than to a club/bar with a band playing live. Just the way I grew up I guess.

I grew up the disco way. I guess I must be of a younger generation ;) I did go to live band shows in bars too.
The IT (manfred langer) , that was THE CLUB at the time:D
Holland is also famous for large house dance parties as you know sensation white (ajax stadium) , dance valley (carl coxx tiesto ...
I had about 5 clubbing years from age 30 -35 (Amsterdam IT club). I had an absolute blast. You could also find me in the Concertgebouw, the BIM house for avantgarde Jazz or Paradiso to see a Prince aftershow. I owned Klipschhorns and tubes at the time. Call me schizo, but I can switch between late Beethoven and Eminem on a dime. Should I be worried?
The IT (manfred langer) , that was THE CLUB at the time:D

Tell me about it. I even got my hands on a gay pass for gay night which was the best of all. Gorgeous women with their guard down screaming for attention from largely absent straight men - shooting fish in a barrel. Just needed to make absolutely sure she was actually a girl and not a transvestite. Great times.

We havent had a club like that ever again

A decade earlier, I working summer jobs as a waiter at the Bulldog. I've seen so many people doped up on XTC and weed in Amsterdam and can honestly say they all just has a blast, not a single one ever lost his/her cool (give or take a few stories of people jumping out of hotel windows high on mushrooms), as opposed to people on booze who are prone to aggressive anti-social behavior.
"Concert" is not the right word and was used by the OP, not by Lisa Ling. It's an electronic dance music festival, and it is more akin to a giant party than anything else. It's about being in a crowd, dancing to good music and, for a lot of people, doing copious amounts of Molly.

Some DJs are hacks who press play and dance while their entire set plays. The good ones are playing pre-recorded tracks, yes, but the mixing between those tracks is happening live. The best ones are mixing live in response to the crowd, and it is an amazing to be a part of that experience.

I attend as many live concerts as I can -- classical, blues, rock, pop, jazz... you name it, I've sat and enjoyed it. But none of them will match the energy you get from dancing in the middle of the crowd at an EDM festival.

Call it what you want! It is pure crap to me.
1. We're all old here. :b
2. We're all prejudice people here. :b
3. We all have kids and grand kids here.

4. Lisa Ling, she could be our daughter; she have her own life as a reporter and more.
5. In 1969 the stars were all the people gathering to a live music show outside and it was a phenomenon.
6. In 1969 the artist performers were the artist musicians and singers of our generation.

7. That DJ show with 50K people outside with all the kids from various ages (average teenagers); it is "their" generation in the age of less creativity and more prefabricated computer generated noises mixed with mixed feelings.
8. The stars are again the people all gathering and having fun dancing smiling and feel good among each other; that's the main essence.
9. Us, we are older, living in another generation of our planet, with ultra hi-end hi-fi stereo systems and listening to analog classical and tubed juazz music.

* Personally; of course it's not the type of live discotheque shows that brings satisfaction in my brain, but I can see the gathering of the young people living in the world we all live today...they are part of our world...like it or not. We teach our children what we believe in but we forgot to let them free and expand and express themselves freely...evolution and life's experiences with all the consequences it encompasses...good and less good depending of our field of view (mind).

The OP watched that show; I couldn't. It's just not in my aura. I would check it out, just like I did for no more than two minutes only for curiosity sake and then exit the viewing and go somewhere else where I'm more in my own element; Jazz, Blues, Classic music.

It's cool though a thread like this because it's different than most of the other threads where we are all losing it more than those kids themselves @ those DJ music shows outside with all the kids having their own fun evolution time; it's their life their experience in a world where it's very hard to make sense of it all and respect all each other with words and actions.

We're all good; we all came from the belly of our mothers and we were all babies and adorable babies loved by the ones surrounding us.
But! Not all of us were so lucky to experienced love on our first day on earth, and that, is important to realize and adjust accordingly depending of our demographic regions of the world and the people living there and around.

As a human race we have all type of handicaps and attributes, and living our generations and adapting and accepting and respecting and supporting and helping and discovering and learning and advancing...is all part of living among all ourselves, just like the kids we once were just like the kids today in this environment which is part of the entire global metamorphosis of a less than perfect world with less than perfect robot machines...us all humans of all ages and generations.

In the seventies (mid) I was lost; I was going to disco music venues...that time of my life was stalled, nothing good came out of it.
It did not last; I was right back on my feet after about a year...with the Rolling Stones and Pink Floyd.

Today, I'm older than 18-19, and my music genre changed with my education and growing up; from Classical to Rock to Alternative and Pop and New Age and then Jazz and Blues, and back to Classical. I love Tango music. I love Gypsy music. I love Brazilian music. I love Cuban music. I love Mozart, Bach, Chopin, Beethoven, ...

RAP music, disco, electronica...not so much. ...Not my bag. But once I was lost, and I can understand others being lost too, today. It's their own music evolution; they'll get over it eventually because nothing last that is not growing up with us in true harmony...in our heart, mind and soul. The music ? we all love today wasn't necessarily the music we all loved once before; we have evolved with our passion, and all that jazz...

I watched the show out of curiosity. I wish I had not. The whole scene makes me sick.
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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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