64 Cell (8x8) PRD (Skyline Diffuser) question

Uh, let's not. ;)

@kareface: Yes, it looks like FORTRAN, but I'd have to write it out to see what's going on in the loops. There are other ways of generating the numbers and I am sure there must be some calculators on the web. IIRC, you need not use the least primitive root.
Hello forum!

Terry sent a link to this thread. Interesting topic!

Unless I'm mistaken the formula does not require the least primitive root and seems to work with any primitive root. I suspect the creator of the calculator used the least primitive root as a simple starting point and because it was the example used in the patent. However from what I've read any primitive root of the prime of (C*R)+1 will work.

Indeed! Hadn't thought of that before. Did some tests now and it seems to work out fine. The Bible also says "primitive root", not "least primitive root".

Though I fail to see the practical application. Unless you want modulation for some reason? What's your plan for this?

Regarding the original topic. Diffusers are based on neat pieces of math. The goal is basically to create the same response as white noise. This implies an equal distribution. This can also be checked in the autocorrelation properties. The PRD algorithm scrambles the numbers from 1 to (prime number)-1 in a perfect fashion! The wrapping into 2D space preserves this property.

Have a look at a PRD, any PRD. Adding the numbers in a 1D PRD will result in a number that is an integer multiple of the prime number used. The wrapping into 2D space preserves this property as well. The sum of the numbers in each row or coloumn will result in a number that is an integer multiple of the prime number used. I belive this little number neatnes is a rather crucial point in the diffuser operation.

Prime 7 is a quick example(with prime root 3):

wrap into 2d:
3 5 6
4 2 1

The sum of each coloumn is either prime root or prime*2. Any PRD have this <integer multiple of the prime number used> property across both directions.

So how bad is it to remove one?

This link to a setup in Oliver Primes PRD calculator shows a potential setup for a prime 73 PRD. (hit "calculate" when the page loads)

This is the sequence grid for the 9x8 prime 73 PRD:

5	39	56	28	14	7	40	20	10
50	25	49	61	67	70	35	54	27
62	31	52	26	13	43	58	29	51
36	18	9	41	57	65	69	71	72
68	34	17	45	59	66	33	53	63
23	48	24	12	6	3	38	19	46
11	42	21	47	60	30	15	44	22
37	55	64	32	16	8	4	2	1

All the vertical coloumns adds up to 292 (73*4). The horisontal rows adds up to 3/4/5/6 times 73 (219, 292, 365, 438 respectively).

Removing the ninth coloumn produces the same 292 sum in the vertical coloumns. The horisontal rows, on the other hand, doesn't add up neatly anymore. First row should have added up to 219 and is now ending up at 209. Second row should have been 438 and is now ending up at 411. Third row 365-51=314, fourth 438-72=366 and so on. The once so neat mathematically perfect randomness in the horisontal lines have turned into disorder. This is the equivalent of filtering a white noise signal. It's not truly random anymore in the horisontal direction. It'll scatter, but it'll be uneven scattering pretty much like you'd get from using a lookalike "random" pattern. This is why I believe it's important to use the full diffuser design when you're first at it.

If you've looked at the PRD setup linked above, you may have noticed there's some very particular frequency numbers used. As explained in this and this forum post.

The high cutoff was set at a low 2286Hz to make the array 60cm wide. I saw "1 foot deep" mentioned and this corresponds to a base diffusion frequency at a bit more than 550Hz. I used a design frequency of 73*4=292mm=587.328Hz as this gives 72 steps spaced 4mm's apart. (geeky tidbit: the 73'rd (zero depth) step is implied in the design and comes as a bonus beyond the physical depth). Now here's the important part: the panel have to be large enough to effect this frequency. The wave will diffract around the obstactle if the wavelength is larger than the obstruction. Back to the 60cm width! This gives a panel cutoff at 343/0.6=571 Hz, below the design frequency.

Make sure the panel is larger than the design frequency of the diffuser! Otherwise you'll only have the second multiple of the design frequency as the first true diffusion frequency. These diffusers gives the designed response at the design frequency and integer multiplies thereof. Meaning, in this case, 587/1175 and 1762 Hz. The high cutoff at 2286Hz is lower than the fourth multiple of the design frequency at 2349Hz. Using thinner wells/beams and a larger prime number makes more sense if the goal is to have a 1 foot deep diffuser. This will spread the true diffusion across a larger range. There is nice scattering between and beyond these frequencies as well, but it's not the mathematically predicted pattern one achieve at the design frequencies.

PS: Do not get confused by the square BBC diffuser! The 12x12 PRD they made may superficially look like a truncated 13x12 PRD. It isn't! It's a series of smaller PRD's set up in a 12x12 grid. That's another way of doing it. But you'll sacrifice lower frequency range that way, due to the small size of each diffuser, as described above.

PPS: here's a list of nearly square PRD's (y = x+1) - that particular PRD build thread is also well worth having a look at in general!

PPPS: my own plastic PRD build thread and another thread with the application of the diffusers to my humble LEDE type mastering room.

Now to the big questions: does it really have to be rectangular? If a bit of asymmetry truly is out of the question, can't you make asymmetrical wells/beams instead? :)

Best regards,

Andreas "Lupo" Nordenstam
Indeed! Hadn't thought of that before. Did some tests now and it seems to work out fine. The Bible also says "primitive root", not "least primitive root".

Though I fail to see the practical application. Unless you want modulation for some reason? What's your plan for this?
Exactly that. I'm building an array of diffusers that alternate with broadband absorption every foot and I wanted the some degree of modulation in the dispersion.

Regarding the original topic. Diffusers are based on neat pieces of math. The goal is basically to create the same response as white noise. This implies an equal distribution. This can also be checked in the autocorrelation properties. The PRD algorithm scrambles the numbers from 1 to (prime number)-1 in a perfect fashion! The wrapping into 2D space preserves this property.
When I do calibrations one of the things I test is for autocorrelation in rooms where there is a large amount of diffusion, I mentioned earlier I plan to test the results of the diffuser in the same manor.

Removing the ninth coloumn produces the same 292 sum in the vertical coloumns. The horisontal rows, on the other hand, doesn't add up neatly anymore. First row should have added up to 219 and is now ending up at 209. Second row should have been 438 and is now ending up at 411. Third row 365-51=314, fourth 438-72=366 and so on. The once so neat mathematically perfect randomness in the horisontal lines have turned into disorder. This is the equivalent of filtering a white noise signal. It's not truly random anymore in the horisontal direction. It'll scatter, but it'll be uneven scattering pretty much like you'd get from using a lookalike "random" pattern. This is why I believe it's important to use the full diffuser design when you're first at it.
There's a problem with your theory. You can create an array that would be lacking those columns that WOULD scatter based on your logic. Just as you can create a 8 row x 9 column, you can create a 9 row by 8 column and the results will be identical short of a new mathematical sequence for the newly added row. To suggest by removing that column diffusion stops is to say that only one of the 2 combination of rows and columns will produce proper diffusion.

The high cutoff was set at a low 2286Hz to make the array 60cm wide. I saw "1 foot deep" mentioned and this corresponds to a base diffusion frequency at a bit more than 550Hz. I used a design frequency of 73*4=292mm=587.328Hz as this gives 72 steps spaced 4mm's apart. (geeky tidbit: the 73'rd (zero depth) step is implied in the design and comes as a bonus beyond the physical depth). Now here's the important part: the panel have to be large enough to effect this frequency. The wave will diffract around the obstactle if the wavelength is larger than the obstruction. Back to the 60cm width! This gives a panel cutoff at 343/0.6=571 Hz, below the design frequency.

Make sure the panel is larger than the design frequency of the diffuser! Otherwise you'll only have the second multiple of the design frequency as the first true diffusion frequency. These diffusers gives the designed response at the design frequency and integer multiplies thereof. Meaning, in this case, 587/1175 and 1762 Hz. The high cutoff at 2286Hz is lower than the fourth multiple of the design frequency at 2349Hz. Using thinner wells/beams and a larger prime number makes more sense if the goal is to have a 1 foot deep diffuser. This will spread the true diffusion across a larger range. There is nice scattering between and beyond these frequencies as well, but it's not the mathematically predicted pattern one achieve at the design frequencies.
Yes, I've read about this problem, however this is only taking into account 1 of the diffusers in the array. Just like a telescopic array you aren't required to cover total surface area, this is the neat principle behind waves. By placing them at the right distance apart, you can use many smaller points of reception that will have the same effect as if the total period width would have been covered. The reason why you need the diffusers that long is because of the phase of the wave, however it works just as well to have a second diffuser tuned to the same frequency 1/2 a cycle away. This is perfect for the frequencies at or near the target low because their wave lengths under normal air pressure and temperature are around 2 feet, @ 3/4, 1/2, & 1/4 of the cycle places them well within the bounds of my other diffusers. Even if the individual diffuser doesn't produce all 3 lobes necessary for that given frequency, the sum effect of the array will be the same.

PS: Do not get confused by the square BBC diffuser! The 12x12 PRD they made may superficially look like a truncated 13x12 PRD. It isn't! It's a series of smaller PRD's set up in a 12x12 grid. That's another way of doing it. But you'll sacrifice lower frequency range that way, due to the small size of each diffuser, as described above.
I know how they did the design, tho they should still have a greater verity of well depths based on my estimates.

Edit: By the way, I wasn't asking if there would be a difference, I was asking if there would be an audible difference. I believe the answer would still be no.
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When I do calibrations one of the things I test is for autocorrelation in rooms where there is a large amount of diffusion, I mentioned earlier I plan to test the results of the diffuser in the same manor.

That won't tell anything about the dispersion pattern though. Unless you can replace the ones you build with proper ones and compare the result!

The outcome of removing one of the rows is probably an asymmetry in the response in that direction(vertical or horisontal). The dispersion will end up with some directions having more energy than others. This limitation can probably be alleviated a bit by using symmetry along the middle line of the room. If you build two of each unit and mirror them, the response will at least be even on both sides of the center line.

There's a problem with your theory. You can create an array that would be lacking those columns that WOULD scatter based on your logic. Just as you can create a 8 row x 9 column, you can create a 9 row by 8 column and the results will be identical short of a new mathematical sequence for the newly added row. To suggest by removing that column diffusion stops is to say that only one of the 2 combination of rows and columns will produce proper diffusion.

The difference between 9x8 and 8x9 is that the wells are mirrored along the diagonal line(which stays the same as the 2D wrapping starts by putting the first numbers in the 1D sequence in the diagonal line). The pattern/mathematical sequence is the same, it does not generate a new pattern. Removing one of the rows or coloums does the same mess to the total sum of the row or coloumns that remains after the removal.

Ie; the prime 73 root 5 2D PRD always starts with 5, 39 and 56 along the first 9 length row. This line of numbers is horisontal in 9x8 and vertical in 8x9.

Yes, I've read about this problem, however this is only taking into account 1 of the diffusers in the array.

A series of diffusers placed next to each other will have the same lack of low end performance (ref Cox and D'Antonios book). The low end performance of the diffusion wont increase if every other diffuser is removed, the diffuser itself is still too small. However, your array will be a lump of mass alternated with absorption and that will do something to the sound, indeed! Though it will not provide diffusion as such to any frequency below the cutoff.

Even if the individual diffuser doesn't produce all 3 lobes necessary for that given frequency, the sum effect of the array will be the same.

Interesting idea. Being the same doesn't seem logical, but something similar seems achievable in the spatial domain. Do you have a quick explanation to drop or some links to reading more about the dispersion from checker board reflector/absorber layouts?

It seems reasonable to assume that this may lead to spatial dispersion, but not temporal dispersion as provided in proper diffuser operation. Any thoughts on this?

I know how they did the design, tho they should still have a greater verity of well depths based on my estimates.

Yeah, that part is a bit strange. The reasoning behind it is explained at page 11 in the .PDF (http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/rd/pubs/reports/1990-15.pdf). I don't buy the idea though. It's placing the flat plate frequency of the panel smack bang in the audible range. Having the flat plate freq. beyond audible range seems like a good idea, given that these devices are supposed to provide incidental scattering beyond proper operation frequencies. Seems the BBC diffuser only cares for the HF performance within the proper operation range. Granted, things are different when there are no well dividers and most of the sound is not perpendicular incidence. The scattering should be highly complex well beyond the apparent flat plate frequency.

Edit: By the way, I wasn't asking if there would be a difference, I was asking if there would be an audible difference. I believe the answer would still be no.

That's a slippery slope! If you can just as easily build devices with guaranteed results, why not? You'll never know if these almost-correct diffusers work as good as the real ones. Unless you measure both under similar circumstances using expensive or extremely time intensive test setups. Placing them in a room and saying "this sound good" obviously does not answer the audible difference question. You'll need to compare the two types in the same room using blint tests to know if there's audible difference. And so forth. I hope you understand what I mean! Generally speaking, it's a train of thought that can easily derail.

OTOH: you'll probably end up with some nice scattering anyway. :)

That won't tell anything about the dispersion pattern though. Unless you can replace the ones you build with proper ones and compare the result!
You'll be able to see the results if you run all 3 tests that I mentioned. Even a simple polar response will give you a good idea if it's beneficial.

The outcome of removing one of the rows is probably an asymmetry in the response in that direction(vertical or horisontal). The dispersion will end up with some directions having more energy than others. This limitation can probably be alleviated a bit by using symmetry along the middle line of the room. If you build two of each unit and mirror them, the response will at least be even on both sides of the center line.
I would question this, but I'll get into the details of that in a moment.

The difference between 9x8 and 8x9 is that the wells are mirrored along the diagonal line(which stays the same as the 2D wrapping starts by putting the first numbers in the 1D sequence in the diagonal line). The pattern/mathematical sequence is the same, it does not generate a new pattern. Removing one of the rows or coloums does the same mess to the total sum of the row or coloumns that remains after the removal.
I understand the mathematical principle behind it. However, if you have an object that works fine by interchanging the last column or row I'm questioning the impact of removing both. For instance, if a normal diffuser would be 8x9, but a diffuser that's 8x8 then produces asymmetry along the horizontal axis, how would 9x8 then not produce the same asymmetrical horizontal axis? This formula was not designed to produce the ideal scattering pattern, it's a byproduct of the random nature of the output. From a physics standpoint I can't imagine a reason why the situation above would be different. I can't think of any acoustic properties that would suggest the asymmetry wouldn't exist in both or neither. Even if the asymmetry existed it would only improve temporal dispersion at the cost of spacial.

A series of diffusers placed next to each other will have the same lack of low end performance (ref Cox and D'Antonios book). The low end performance of the diffusion wont increase if every other diffuser is removed, the diffuser itself is still too small. However, your array will be a lump of mass alternated with absorption and that will do something to the sound, indeed! Though it will not provide diffusion as such to any frequency below the cutoff.
You are mistaken, simply because the cutoff he's referring to is the well depth. The cutoff you're referring to is based on the length of the diffuser in relation to the wavelength. If you are saying that a diffuser that's limited by well depth won't be anymore effective below the well depth limitation, I would completely agree with that comment and add nothing I said would suggest otherwise. However we are talking about low cutoffs based on period width, in this instance additional diffusers will lower the cutoff.

Interesting idea. Being the same doesn't seem logical, but something similar seems achievable in the spatial domain. Do you have a quick explanation to drop or some links to reading more about the dispersion from checker board reflector/absorber layouts?
In this instance the absorption isn't a factor. I was simply talking about the distance of the diffusers in relation to wavelength. If you are interested in diffuser spacing I can provide you with literature. The idea behind it is if the low cutoff established by the well depth is lower than the surface area allowed by the diffuser the difference can be made up by a second diffuser, the spacing between the diffusers can be no greater than 1/2 the cycle of the the highest cutoff point based on surface area. This is from memory, but I'll verify it once I get home.

It seems reasonable to assume that this may lead to spatial dispersion, but not temporal dispersion as provided in proper diffuser operation. Any thoughts on this?
There isn't enough uniformity in the surface. If I was alternating geometric diffusers I'd likely have the problem, but you'll have that problem with any surface where there's no time difference in the reflections. Put simply, even if a skyline diffuser isn't based on a mathematical formula it'll provide a higher degree of temporal dispersion just by the depth differences in the wells breaking up larger reflections into many smaller ones. There's no question it'll be good for that.

Yeah, that part is a bit strange. The reasoning behind it is explained at page 11 in the .PDF (http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/rd/pubs/reports/1990-15.pdf). I don't buy the idea though. It's placing the flat plate frequency of the panel smack bang in the audible range. Having the flat plate freq. beyond audible range seems like a good idea, given that these devices are supposed to provide incidental scattering beyond proper operation frequencies. Seems the BBC diffuser only cares for the HF performance within the proper operation range. Granted, things are different when there are no well dividers and most of the sound is not perpendicular incidence. The scattering should be highly complex well beyond the apparent flat plate frequency.
I haven't read through that paper before, but I'll review it later. I'm glad they at least took into account repetition effects. It's the same reason I was looking into alternate permutations, to reiterate my earlier response.

That's a slippery slope! If you can just as easily build devices with guaranteed results, why not? You'll never know if these almost-correct diffusers work as good as the real ones. Unless you measure both under similar circumstances using expensive or extremely time intensive test setups. Placing them in a room and saying "this sound good" obviously does not answer the audible difference question. You'll need to compare the two types in the same room using blint tests to know if there's audible difference. And so forth. I hope you understand what I mean! Generally speaking, it's a train of thought that can easily derail.
Even with out side by side results, if polar response, MLS and AC all return expected results, I'll survive. I agree that relying solely on your ear isn't worthwhile, but I'm not looking to write up a white paper on the subject. This is something I'm doing for my benefit, I just need to meet my burden of proof to know it's having some measurable impact.

OTOH: you'll probably end up with some nice scattering anyway. :)
If not I can always redesign it. :p It's like $50 worth of materials.

Edit: I feel old when I have to look up acronym's like "OTOH".
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You'll be able to see the results if you run all 3 tests that I mentioned. Even a simple polar response will give you a good idea if it's beneficial.

How are you suppposed to do polar response measurement? Do you have access to a suitable test facility? I think that's the only way you'll know for sure. The autocorrelation test can tell you some vague hints if measure at many points and compare the results between normal and modified diffuser.

I understand the mathematical principle behind it. However, if you have an object that works fine by interchanging the last column or row I'm questioning the impact of removing both. For instance, if a normal diffuser would be 8x9, but a diffuser that's 8x8 then produces asymmetry along the horizontal axis, how would 9x8 then not produce the same asymmetrical horizontal axis?

The 8x9 does not become a 9x8 by taking the last row of numbers and moving them to the last coloumn. It's not an interchange of the 9'th row with the rest remaining the same. It's a flip of the pattern in total along the diagonal line.

Here's a prime 13 root 2 sequence: 2, 4, 8, 3, 6, 12, 11, 9, 5, 10, 7, 1.

Wrapping this into 2D is rather straightforward. You'll see the pattern if you follow the number sequence as it enters the diagonal line, then the corner, back to the diagonal, then the cornerS, and so forth.
With a 4x3, this turns into:
2	10	11	3
6	4	7	9
5	12	8	1

Notice that all the horisontal and vertical lines add up to an integer multiple of 13, the prime number used.

The proper operation for creating a 3x4 instead of 4x3 is to do the 2D wrapping into the new grid. It produces this result:
2	6	5
10	4	12
11	7	8
3	9	1

The sum across each row and coloumn is still the expected outcome, integer multiplies of the prime number. This 3x4 is the same pattern as the 4x3 above, mirrored across the 2-4-8 diagonal line. What used to be the first horisontal line is transformed into the first vertical line. And so forth.

By your logic, it should end up like the example below, by moving the last row above to the end coloumn below:
2	10	11
6	4	7
5	12	8
3       9       1

Now each row adds up to 23, 17, 25, 13, 16, 35, 27. That's way off from how a diffuser should look like!

You're right in that they are asymmetrical if you look at these as geometrical objects. If you look at them as rows of numbers, the symmetry is very clear. It's the math that makes these things work as diffusers, not the look.

The question here is how much the results will be skewed by messing with the numbers. The normal performance of a single diffuser is a slight asymmetry. The symmetrical response is seen in periodic arrays, not in a single unit. I suspect you may end up with a significantly larger asymmetry in the response by doing the trick you plan. Hence, these posts!

Diffusers are built on a huge number of simplifications and presumptions that doesn't quite live up to the real world. Like the fact that the theoretical scattering response is only seen at the design frequncy and multiplies thereof. Yet, in real world tests, they fare well enough. Not quite as good as the theories suggests, but much better than polycylinders and other purely geometrical scattering objects. This is because theory is perfect and real world is less than perfect. The QRD and PRD diffusers are the very first and most primitive types. The modern solutions as RPG produces shows way much better results! I fear that by taking an already pretty weak theory and messing with it, you'll end up with an even weaker result.

This formula was not designed to produce the ideal scattering pattern, it's a byproduct of the random nature of the output.

The formula was designed to be the best (and as far as we know, the only safe) public key encryption. PRD's use this formula: "r^n modulo p" where r is the primitive root, p is the prime number and n is the step number from 1 to P-1. Compare that to RSA encryption and you'll see where D'Antonio got the idea from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA#Encryption

The good scattering is a byproduct of the random nature, indeed! Achieving random is not easy unless you have practically infinite time. Using typical ways to achieve noise (random distributions) will not result in a random output if there's a severe limit on the available time (number of steps). White noise only works if there's a significant amount of time. All sequences used for diffusers shares the common trait that they produce a "random" distribution within a very limited number of steps. (checked by autocorrelation, far field fourier response etc) Removing or adding one step to those very short sequences will remove the near random nature, skewing the total distribution.

Basically, it's the same as applying a filter to white noise. The fourier magnitude spectrum will not be flat anymore. This translate into a non-flat spatial dispersion in diffusers.

You are mistaken, simply because the cutoff he's referring to is the well depth. The cutoff you're referring to is based on the length of the diffuser in relation to the wavelength. If you are saying that a diffuser that's limited by well depth won't be anymore effective below the well depth limitation, I would completely agree with that comment and add nothing I said would suggest otherwise. However we are talking about low cutoffs based on period width, in this instance additional diffusers will lower the cutoff.

The logic is exactly the same in both limitations: the diffuser have to be big enough to diffuse the waveform in question.

This is dealt with in section 9.3 in the Cox and D'Antonio book and illustrated in figure 9.4 and 9.5. Here it is in google books..

Pay particular attention to figure 9.5. Notice how the diffusion doesn't take off before it reaches the predicted period width cutoff at 343/0.21=1633Hz. This is a repetetive array of many diffusers. If you use a one foot wide diffuser, you'll get a somewhat similar performance with the diffusion reaching the expected level around 343/0.3048 (metes) =1125Hz.

Since a repeat of several too narrow diffusers does not work, why do you assume removing every other diffuser will change the situation for the better?

BTW: It's interesting to note the relation between the physical well depth compared to the design frequency. You'll find that the diffusers always work at some frequency lower than the physical depth indicates. This is because the diffusers work down to a frequency as indicated by the prime number used, not as indicated by the deepest well.

The difference is largest in the prime 7 QRD where the deepest physical well is "4" and the actual performance starts at "7". Ie, the design frequency is 1.75 times deeper than the physical depth indicates. The PRD sequences use all numbers from 1 to prime number minus 1. This means that you'll have to divide the physical depth of the deepest well by the prime number minus one and multiply it with the prime number to find the true design frequency. Ie; the prime 73 PRD setup I linked to in my first post is 28.8 centimeter deep, while the design frequency is 587.32 Hz which is a depth of 29.2 centimeters.

There's a point here. It's the sum of the array that matters, not each individual well. That's also why I'm so hung up on the sum of each row as duly noted above.

This quote from Trevor Cox in the .PDF linked below deals with both repeat distance and the perils of using some sort of math that is not prime number based:

"Over recent years, many methods have been developed for extending the repeat distance of diffusers. If the aim of a diffuser is to generate reflected energy at oblique angles, it is necessary for the diffuser to have a period width (or repeat distance) larger than the wavelength of the lowest frequency where scattering is required. For a periodic device, having the width equal to the wavelength means that three reflection lobes are generated in the directions - 90º, 0º and 90º (relative to the surface normal). Some socalled diffusers, produce no significant scattering over the bandwidth expected, because the bandwidth has been assumed to be defined by the diffuser depth, and no account of the period width has been taken.

This list excludes other misuses of the concept, such as not understanding what a quadratic residue sequence is. To quote from one web site: “The ********** is a high-performance quadratic residue diffuser that employs a series of 15 wells of specific depths to break up and scatter acoustic energy.” A quadratic residue design must be based on a prime number, otherwise it is no better than a diffuser based on the lowest factors, in this case 3 an 5. Even stranger, the picture of the diffuser on the web site shows it to have 16 wells!"


In this instance the absorption isn't a factor. I was simply talking about the distance of the diffusers in relation to wavelength. If you are interested in diffuser spacing I can provide you with literature. The idea behind it is if the low cutoff established by the well depth is lower than the surface area allowed by the diffuser the difference can be made up by a second diffuser, the spacing between the diffusers can be no greater than 1/2 the cycle of the the highest cutoff point based on surface area. This is from memory, but I'll verify it once I get home.

Please do provide the literature! If you don't want to link it here, please send to 'andreas nordenmaster no' with the at and dot signs.

Even with out side by side results, if polar response, MLS and AC all return expected results, I'll survive.

Have subscribed to the thread. If you do build these and measure the polar response, I'm mighty curious on to the outcome.

If not I can always redesign it. :p It's like $50 worth of materials.

Good thing! If you're able to do proper measurements, you'll know for sure. How about spending those $50 to build a normal diffuser too and measure both? Or a set of both as you intend to use them in the array? That would be the most interesting measurement in this situtation.

PS: As I scanned through the thread again, I saw that you mentioned that you've received a PM from an acoustican that said it won't matter. As far as I know, there's only three people able to properly design diffuserse. Cox and D'Antonio obviously knows this way too well. The only other man I truly trust on this subject is Thomas Jouanjean of Nortward Acoustics. AFAIK, there's no other people who design math diffusers from scratch. If this acoustican you're reffering to happens to be one of them, I'd take his word for it without doubt. If it's anyone else, well.. I don't know. There doesn't seem to be that many people around who really understands these devices.

Best regards,

Andreas Nordenstam
The logic is exactly the same in both limitations: the diffuser have to be big enough to diffuse the waveform in question.

This is dealt with in section 9.3 in the Cox and D'Antonio book and illustrated in figure 9.4 and 9.5. Here it is in google books..

Pay particular attention to figure 9.5. Notice how the diffusion doesn't take off before it reaches the predicted period width cutoff at 343/0.21=1633Hz. This is a repetetive array of many diffusers. If you use a one foot wide diffuser, you'll get a somewhat similar performance with the diffusion reaching the expected level around 343/0.3048 (metes) =1125Hz.

Since a repeat of several too narrow diffusers does not work, why do you assume removing every other diffuser will change the situation for the better?

BTW: It's interesting to note the relation between the physical well depth compared to the design frequency. You'll find that the diffusers always work at some frequency lower than the physical depth indicates. This is because the diffusers work down to a frequency as indicated by the prime number used, not as indicated by the deepest well.

The difference is largest in the prime 7 QRD where the deepest physical well is "4" and the actual performance starts at "7". Ie, the design frequency is 1.75 times deeper than the physical depth indicates. The PRD sequences use all numbers from 1 to prime number minus 1. This means that you'll have to divide the physical depth of the deepest well by the prime number minus one and multiply it with the prime number to find the true design frequency. Ie; the prime 73 PRD setup I linked to in my first post is 28.8 centimeter deep, while the design frequency is 587.32 Hz which is a depth of 29.2 centimeters.

There's a point here. It's the sum of the array that matters, not each individual well. That's also why I'm so hung up on the sum of each row as duly noted above.

This quote from Trevor Cox in the .PDF linked below deals with both repeat distance and the perils of using some sort of math that is not prime number based:

"Over recent years, many methods have been developed for extending the repeat distance of diffusers. If the aim of a diffuser is to generate reflected energy at oblique angles, it is necessary for the diffuser to have a period width (or repeat distance) larger than the wavelength of the lowest frequency where scattering is required. For a periodic device, having the width equal to the wavelength means that three reflection lobes are generated in the directions - 90º, 0º and 90º (relative to the surface normal). Some socalled diffusers, produce no significant scattering over the bandwidth expected, because the bandwidth has been assumed to be defined by the diffuser depth, and no account of the period width has been taken.

This list excludes other misuses of the concept, such as not understanding what a quadratic residue sequence is. To quote from one web site: “The ********** is a high-performance quadratic residue diffuser that employs a series of 15 wells of specific depths to break up and scatter acoustic energy.” A quadratic residue design must be based on a prime number, otherwise it is no better than a diffuser based on the lowest factors, in this case 3 an 5. Even stranger, the picture of the diffuser on the web site shows it to have 16 wells!"

Nothing of what you just said changes the fact that you are still mistaken. Once again, I agree both cutoffs apply. However, this all came about because of the cutoff based on period width. You are saying that the low cutoff of 500hz based on cell depth can't be achieved because the period width is too short. I agree, however adding a second diffuser can correct for period width cutoffs. You cited an article that suggested the cell depth limitation wouldn't be affected by adding more diffusers, and I agree with this. The period width limitation can be changed. Think about all the different PRDs out there that use several different patterns to form a larger diffuser, where individual period width would be too low given the cell depth but the sum still produces the functional results down to the cutoff. You've yet to provide a single piece of information that suggests that period width limitations can't be overcome by additional diffusers.

How are you suppposed to do polar response measurement? Do you have access to a suitable test facility? I think that's the only way you'll know for sure. The autocorrelation test can tell you some vague hints if measure at many points and compare the results between normal and modified diffuser.
If the lowest test frequency is 500hz I'll be able to preform the test using Mike's dead room. Any lower and I wouldn't be able to test it to the cutoff.

The 8x9 does not become a 9x8 by taking the last row of numbers and moving them to the last coloumn. It's not an interchange of the 9'th row with the rest remaining the same. It's a flip of the pattern in total along the diagonal line.

Here's a prime 13 root 2 sequence: 2, 4, 8, 3, 6, 12, 11, 9, 5, 10, 7, 1.
I wasn't talking about the entire pattern, I was talking about from the perspective of that individual row. The pattern will have to shift if you change the rows, what I'm saying is either both permutations or neither will have the asymmetry.

You're right in that they are asymmetrical if you look at these as geometrical objects. If you look at them as rows of numbers, the symmetry is very clear. It's the math that makes these things work as diffusers, not the look.
I agree, if you look at them strictly as mathematical structures. However what is the intention of the mathematics? The calculations does not directly correlate to a physical manifestation of dispersion, it's simply a generating a random 2 dimensional structure. If you are talking about newtons laws where the mathematics describe the outcome, I'd fully agree. In this situation you are generating something random with the intention of scattering, which as you know commonly doesn't manifest. I think it's safe to say no one knows the impact with any certainty, assumptions can be made but the results will really come down to the measurements.

Removing or adding one step to those very short sequences will remove the near random nature, skewing the total distribution.
I agree, truncating the sequence will have a negative impact. That wasn't my question, it simply comes down to will it produce an audible difference. Even if the sequence is truncated it'll only impact the lobes near the cutoff and a new permutation starts within 1/2 a cycle or less of that point. Based on the intention of the design, the limitations of period width, mid-hi emphasis and truncation should be minimized. I'm mounting the diffuser in the room once I get out of lab. It's not done, but it's far enough along that I'll be able to hear the results. If I'm not too distracted I'll post my thoughts. I won't have time to test it likely till this weekend tho.
Mounted the diffuser, but it's 3" off center. I'll have to stop by the hardware store later to pick up some supplies to adjust the mounts. I haven't finished the diffusers, I still don't know what color or stain I plan to use.

In case anyone cared here's a couple images:


First: it looks great! Good handicraft skills! :)

The period width limitation can be changed. Think about all the different PRDs out there that use several different patterns to form a larger diffuser, where individual period width would be too low given the cell depth but the sum still produces the functional results down to the cutoff.

I know 1 such diffuser, the BBC PRD diffuser. Do you know any others?

Diffusers are complicated objects producing some useful scattering both above and below their cutoff. Placing many different small diffusers next to each other will produce an incidental scattering below their cutoffs that is more complicated than what a repetition of one of those diffusers alone would give. I think this is the major reason the BBC diffusers measure fine/complex down to their cutoff at about 800Hz.

You've yet to provide a single piece of information that suggests that period width limitations can't be overcome by additional diffusers.

The Trevor Cox PDF states: "Some socalled diffusers, produce no significant scattering over the bandwidth expected, because the bandwidth has been assumed to be defined by the diffuser depth, and no account of the period width has been taken."

The measurements linked to earlier (in The Book) clearly shows that adding more diffusers does not overcome the period width limitation.

I like the idea of your array and would love to see the litterature you hinted to earlier! Your own criteria is that the distance between the diffusers have to be less than half the wavelength of the diffuser cutoff. The cutoff of each device is set either by depth or by width. In this case, width is the limiting factor. The gaps between the diffusers in your array is larger than the width of each unit so it does not meet the criteria you set.

I wasn't talking about the entire pattern, I was talking about from the perspective of that individual row. The pattern will have to shift if you change the rows, what I'm saying is either both permutations or neither will have the asymmetry.

Going from 9x8 to 8x9 shifts the total pattern along the diagonal line, otherwise it's the same. There's no asymmetry in either direction if you look at each row as a single PRD diffuser. In your design, only one direction of the rows are randomly diffusing, with the other direction being compromised.

I agree, if you look at them strictly as mathematical structures. However what is the intention of the mathematics? The calculations does not directly correlate to a physical manifestation of dispersion, it's simply a generating a random 2 dimensional structure.

"Simply generating a random 2 dimensional structure" ain't that simple. The math is very precise. The far field fourier response of the math is a flat magnitude spectra. That's the basic criteria for any diffuser and the reason they give a flatish physical dispersion pattern. This is also within the defintion of "random". A random function (flat noise distribution, as in white noise), will produce a flat magnitude spectra as observed in the frequency domain. A non-random object, as your diffusers are, will not have that flat far field response. Hence it's reasonable to assume that they do not have a reasonable uniform physical dispersion.

Andreas Nordenstam
First: it looks great! Good handicraft skills! :)
I hope you realize that flattery will get you everywhere. :eek:

I know 1 such diffuser, the BBC PRD diffuser. Do you know any others?
I know I've worked with square skylines that claim to be PRDs. I can only assume they used a combination of patterns, but I couldn't identifiably say so with out calling the company to verify. I'm not a huge fan of plastic molding for PRDs as a lot of the materials they use have a unwanted hysteresis which can dampen sporadic ranges. Wood has some properties of absorption as well, but it's easier to define and correct for because the ratio is fairly linear. I've tried to avoid them, but every once in a blue moon someone with a suspended ceiling wants to tack a few on around the room.

Diffusers are complicated objects producing some useful scattering both above and below their cutoff. Placing many different small diffusers next to each other will produce an incidental scattering below their cutoffs that is more complicated than what a repetition of one of those diffusers alone would give. I think this is the major reason the BBC diffusers measure fine/complex down to their cutoff at about 800Hz.
I agree, and this is all I'm looking to achieve. I'm hoping the audible difference is going to be minimal. When I modeled the specular reflections I seem to achieve the intended results, but we all know that models don't necessarily reflect reality (especially in acoustics), and this wasn't taking into account the dampening factor.

The Trevor Cox PDF states: "Some socalled diffusers, produce no significant scattering over the bandwidth expected, because the bandwidth has been assumed to be defined by the diffuser depth, and no account of the period width has been taken."

The measurements linked to earlier (in The Book) clearly shows that adding more diffusers does not overcome the period width limitation.

I like the idea of your array and would love to see the litterature you hinted to earlier! Your own criteria is that the distance between the diffusers have to be less than half the wavelength of the diffuser cutoff. The cutoff of each device is set either by depth or by width. In this case, width is the limiting factor. The gaps between the diffusers in your array is larger than the width of each unit so it does not meet the criteria you set.
No, you're misinterpreting. Let's say you have a cutoff of 500hz at cell depth, which would require a 68cm minimum length (I'm using theses as generic values, the idea applies to any length). You want to use a specific pattern, like the molded plastic PRD's that are designed to hang from a suspended ceiling, and the only way to make the pattern match the space required is to use several smaller PRDs in conjunction. The sum of the width of the 2 diffusers equates to the target low. The only reason period width is a limitation is because of the property of sound to diffract around objects smaller then their given wavelengths. If the wavelength is shorter than the physical size of structure then that frequency can be diffused. The same is true of ANY diffuser, it's not something that's specific to PRD's. If the diffuser is too small, the wave will literally flow around it regardless of it's 'target low'.

Going from 9x8 to 8x9 shifts the total pattern along the diagonal line, otherwise it's the same. There's no asymmetry in either direction if you look at each row as a single PRD diffuser. In your design, only one direction of the rows are randomly diffusing, with the other direction being compromised.
Assuming that diffusers always worked as intended, that very well could be the case. However, I would have 2 diffusers compromised on the horizontal axis, and 2 on the vertical, so I'll still achieve some degree of intended diffusion either way. I actually think it'll be less problematic than expected. Even if what you describe is the case, it'll only apply below to frequencies below 1100hz, where the wavelengths need the full length of the diffuser, below that it's hard to predict the impact of the other diffusers that fall withing 1/2 the cycle of the highest cutoff.

"Simply generating a random 2 dimensional structure" ain't that simple. The math is very precise. The far field fourier response of the math is a flat magnitude spectra. That's the basic criteria for any diffuser and the reason they give a flatish physical dispersion pattern. This is also within the defintion of "random". A random function (flat noise distribution, as in white noise), will produce a flat magnitude spectra as observed in the frequency domain. A non-random object, as your diffusers are, will not have that flat far field response. Hence it's reasonable to assume that they do not have a reasonable uniform physical dispersion.
This is where I think we diverge. I've done calibrations in rooms with professionally built PRDs designed for the space they were in, and they were unable to produce uniform dispersion. We ended up augmenting them with a few additional diffusers to try and correct for this. The math doesn't represent the manifestation of dispersion, it's trying to attempt to achieve this through the random nature of the structure. If you read the patent, not every permutation will produce ideal results, and in many cases it's just trial and error to find the ones that work best. At this point it'll mostly come down to test results, I'll see if my theory holds up under examination. I'll test what I can in my room and I'll let mike run a batch is his room. I'll post the test data regardless of results and we'll see if my acoustical experiment holds up. I'll have to fix the mount first, the f-ing thing is so close yet so far. If I didn't have to mount it to the joists it wouldn't be a problem, but the sucker weighs almost as much as I do. Anyways, I should at least pretend I'm working before someone gets upset I spent the last hour term-serving.
This is where I think we diverge. I've done calibrations in rooms with professionally built PRDs designed for the space they were in, and they were unable to produce uniform dispersion. We ended up augmenting them with a few additional diffusers to try and correct for this. The math doesn't represent the manifestation of dispersion, it's trying to attempt to achieve this through the random nature of the structure. If you read the patent, not every permutation will produce ideal results, and in many cases it's just trial and error to find the ones that work best. At this point it'll mostly come down to test results, I'll see if my theory holds up under examination. I'll test what I can in my room and I'll let mike run a batch is his room. I'll post the test data regardless of results and we'll see if my acoustical experiment holds up. I'll have to fix the mount first, the f-ing thing is so close yet so far. If I didn't have to mount it to the joists it wouldn't be a problem, but the sucker weighs almost as much as I do. Anyways, I should at least pretend I'm working before someone gets upset I spent the last hour term-serving.

how much DO they weigh?? Is there a reason why you did not colour them before you put them together?? (me, I hate extra work and would most likely have stained/painted them first just to make life easier..) or perhaps another way of asking the same question, do you have an easy way to stain or paint them once built?

anyhow, very much looking forward to the results of your tests, with (if you don't mind) a reasonably comprehensive descritption of HOW you measured their effectiveness...so other dummies who may be watching can gain insights!

I am kinda with andreas on this point, (unfortunately) the only way to really test your theory is to build and test for comparison a 'non-compromised' version. Yours may very well test fine (say) and have no obvious audible disadvantage..well having now typed that when I think of it that would satisfy the original criteria set out in the thread..that of no obvious audible disadvantages, but (given how you already 'know' that 'proper' PRDs can also not work to plan) without the comparison between proper and non proper no real knowledge has been gained (other than what you did worked, which may be all you want to know)

But I get the idea you are very much a result and 'wanting to know' type of guy, and I have the sneaking suspicion that you would not be able to let it go without comparison! (that's my bet haha)
how much DO they weigh??
I haven't weighed them, but you can imagine 20 2x2's @ 8 feet per unit + the weight of the frame.

Is there a reason why you did not colour them before you put them together??
Mostly because I didn't know what color I wanted them to be. It's unusual of me to question something like this, I usually have it in my head before I start. I was hoping that seeing the finished product would give me a better idea of what color to use, but even now I'm not sure. I was thinking a light brown, but I haven't made up my mind. It won't be too bad if I apply the stain with a gun. It'll be a little hard to get even application in the cavities, but I'm sure I can manage.

anyhow, very much looking forward to the results of your tests, with (if you don't mind) a reasonably comprehensive descritption of HOW you measured their effectiveness...so other dummies who may be watching can gain insights!
Don't worry, I'll document everything within reason.

But I get the idea you are very much a result and 'wanting to know' type of guy, and I have the sneaking suspicion that you would not be able to let it go without comparison! (that's my bet haha)
It wouldn't shock me if I went that route at some point. The problem is I've got less than a month before classes begin and I want to finish a few more broadband dampers, 2 limp mass membrane bass traps and a MPD with Helmholtz chamber for the ceiling. I've also started work setting up test parameters for the fiberglass LF tests, I've already ordered several different diameter fibers to use. Unfortunately the dead room won't dampen low enough to be effective for traditional coefficient testing (not that the testing structure they use is effective below 100hz anyways). We're brain storming using other methods like using a corridor, but right now everything still very preliminary.

If you are interested in a head to head comparison I could likely get something built that would function as needed, but it'll be a couple months before I would have the free time to do so. Winter break I planned to start on the Poor Mans Strads so I'd have to find time between then and now. I'm not the most anal person when it comes to getting things 'exactly right'. Even perfection would still need to be calibrated and with a blindfold on I doubt there's a human out there that would be able to identify the difference. If I planned to publish the data or resell the product it would be a different story. However, if I'm building it for myself I'd rather build it different, simply because that way I can see first hand the results. I know devices like this work well using QRD's, and I'd wager a truncated PRD will still outperform any QRD of the same surface area, but I'd have to build one to know for sure, lol.

BTW terry. I really liked your array, but what was with the stunning lack of acoustical treatment at the competition? Next time I'll throw something together, maybe the remains of the diffusers used to compare the existing one. :p
P.S. Are you one of the many people who identify as being in Seattle but don't actually live in Seattle? I'm beginning to think I'm the only actual audiophile that lives inside the city limits, lol.
P.S. Are you one of the many people who identify as being in Seattle but don't actually live in Seattle? I'm beginning to think I'm the only actual audiophile that lives inside the city limits, lol.

I think you have me mixed up with someone else. I'm in australia. what threw me was that I have done and built treatments, so at first it sounded like you had seen them, but the rest did not add up. One of those 'lag' moments! Thought for a second you had somehow caught my PRD build thread on GS or sumthin.

You seem to be referencing studio type stuff, all a bit cryptic atm, maybe a link to one of those other 'many threads' you once mentioned, or I just wait till I see the clarifications as they come.
I think you have me mixed up with someone else.
My mistake, I got you mixed up with 'terryo'. I have a habbit of only paying attention to the first few letters in a persons name and for some reason I thought you were him.

You seem to be referencing studio type stuff, all a bit cryptic atm, maybe a link to one of those other 'many threads' you once mentioned, or I just wait till I see the clarifications as they come.
What do you mean studio type stuff? I'm largely confused by this sentence.
Are you talking about the fiberglass testing? IDK why that would be considered 'studio stuff'. The test is to verify the functionality of using lower density fiber as an LF resonator. I was talking to Ethan about it and wanted to provide some A/B comparisons. It's really difficult to test below 100hz tho, I don't have access to a room that's designed to effectively dampen that low. The dynamics also change notably when the frequency exceeds the length of the testing space, adding to the difficulty.
My mistake, I got you mixed up with 'terryo'. I have a habbit of only paying attention to the first few letters in a persons name and for some reason I thought you were him.

What do you mean studio type stuff? I'm largely confused by this sentence.

yeah, been following the diy competition and thought you may have confused me with terryo, still waiting to see what won!

I prob got it wrong, well your reaction tells me I did!, but I was referring to this paragraph

The problem is I've got less than a month before classes begin and I want to finish a few more broadband dampers, 2 limp mass membrane bass traps and a MPD with Helmholtz chamber for the ceiling. I've also started work setting up test parameters for the fiberglass LF tests, I've already ordered several different diameter fibers to use. Unfortunately the dead room won't dampen low enough to be effective for traditional coefficient testing (not that the testing structure they use is effective below 100hz anyways). We're brain storming using other methods like using a corridor, but right now everything still very preliminary.

The use of terms like dead room, and 'we', I just added two plus two and got five is all.
Oh, the 'we' is a guy I helped out a few months back. He's a retired PhD in Environmental Fluid Mechanics & he's been designing his own speakers the last couple years. He wanted to build a low budget anechoic chamber. I helped design the space and suggested how to go about dampening to that extent. He was nice enough to offer me access to it, however it's a long drive from where I am. Anyways, I got a call and I gotta run, I'll be on later.
I know I've worked with square skylines that claim to be PRDs. I can only assume they used a combination of patterns, but I couldn't identifiably say so with out calling the company to verify.

RPG owns PRDs. The foam skyline they produce is a prime 157 13x12 PRD with the 13 length coloumns being 12/13 times the width of the 12 length rows, thereby making it square. The HF cutoff is different depending on direction.

No, you're misinterpreting. .. The sum of the width of the 2 diffusers equates to the target low. .. If the diffuser is too small, the wave will literally flow around it regardless of it's 'target low'.

Agreed about the flowing around obstacles. This still doesn't render period width a moot point. The text refered to deals explisitely with this!

"This is illustrated in figure 9.4 where the scattering from diffusers of different period widths is shown. These are both n=7 QRD's with a design frequency of 500 Hz. The well widths are 3 and 9 cm, which means that the period widths are 21 and 70cm respectively. The number of periods for each diffuser is set so that the overall widths of the devices are the same for a fair comparison. For the narrow wells and period width, shown right, the low frequency limit of diffusion is determined by the period width and not by the maximum depth."

Keeping the overall widths of the devices the same means 210 centimeters (10*21 and 3*70) or multiplies thereof. 210cm is wide enough for the obstactle to interfere with a 500Hz wave, the design frequency, yet the expected diffusion for the small repeat width doesn't start before ~1600Hz.

Even if what you describe is the case, it'll only apply below to frequencies below 1100hz, where the wavelengths need the full length of the diffuser, below that it's hard to predict the impact of the other diffusers that fall withing 1/2 the cycle of the highest cutoff.

It's the sum across the diffuser that sends the sound off in many different directions. This also applies to higher frequencies, although the effect of removing parts of the diffuser will be less pronounced.

This is where I think we diverge. I've done calibrations in rooms with professionally built PRDs designed for the space they were in, and they were unable to produce uniform dispersion. We ended up augmenting them with a few additional diffusers to try and correct for this. The math doesn't represent the manifestation of dispersion, it's trying to attempt to achieve this through the random nature of the structure.

Let me guess: the diffusers where suspended lower than the rest of the ceiling, not flush mounted? (or ditto scenario on a wall) The sides of the diffusers are pretty much flat reflecting panels. I have also seen the detrimental results of the flat sides when measuring the performance of those devices in real rooms. At one stage, I ended up treating the offending specular refleciton with two pieces of 4" foam on the sides of the two diffusers that where problematic in that setup.

In any case, relatively simple diffusers like these presumes at least a couple of repetitions for something resembling the mathematically pure results to appear.

This doesn't mean the math is useless for a single device. Modern diffusers aren't built on principles like these, there are too many limits to such approaches. The modern way is brute force mass calculation searching in semirandom fashion for near ideal solutions, by using qualified guesswork and homing in on certain benefitial trends. This gives considerably better diffuser performance than the old school math provides. The set goals to achieve this are the same criterias that where used to determine quadratic residue and primitive root sequences as useful for acoustics. The degree of randomness is quantifiable through the math! A result that is not random in math will not be random in real world either. The math does translate very well to measured and heard performance.

I think of it like this: perfect math gives real world results approaching perfect at best. Bad math will by definition be worse off to start with.

If you read the patent, not every permutation will produce ideal results, and in many cases it's just trial and error to find the ones that work best.

I've read the patent and didn't read that into it. Can you point to the specific trial and error you think about?

I'll post the test data regardless of results and we'll see if my acoustical experiment holds up.

Excellent! Looking much forward to that.



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