I have been fascinated by an old '90 Wadia X64.4 dac.
It has body, weight of the sound that gives you an incredibile realism while being luminous, detailed, deep, too
It's a transparent dac too, NOTE in a transparent system, I have Graham LS5/5 speakers
every cd sounds different, with a different tonality
maybe not the most timbral accuracy such as my YBA CD1 dopuble power supply cd player....but it's really astonishing for it's age
I was wondering if I can find a more modern dac with these features
Any suggestions?
I still have my 64.4. I did finally replace it. But not before upgrading it to the hilt. First, let me respond to the all to common claim that "modern dacs are way more advanced". Simply stated, that is completely false. The 64.4 runs at 2.8MHz. Yes, it actually runs at the same frequency as DSD does. But it does it not at a one bit depth, like DSD, but 18. That is still impressive no matter how you slice it. Quadruple your DSD and you still don't have the same depth of information as the 64.4.
Anyway, it would not be feasible to upgrade yours like I did mine. I literally replaced everything except the DSP and DAC chips. As in, I replaced the digital input, the Current to Voltage stage, the output buffer, and the entire power supply. How good was it? Well, at one point I invested in a full stack of dCS only to go back to the 64.4. And I later invested in the previous generation of Playback Designs, only to go back to the 64.4. I also had the top stuff from Esoteric, but went back to the 64.4. I even flirted with MSB only to remain with my trusty 64.4. I also tried several of the more modern Wadia pieces over the years. Namely, the 2000i, three different versions of the 27, the 780i, the S7, and the venerable 922. Of those, only the 27 is still viable. But only because it's the only one that won't spontaneously die on you. All of the others have fatal flaws in their power supplies that run the risk of dying and without recourse. So, despite them STILL being some of the most advanced D to A converters on the planet, stay away from any other Wadias.
If you really want to get more of that beautiful sound I can make two recommendations. First would be the Playback Designs MPD-8. It is, by far, the closest in sound quality and goodness that you love about your 64.4. I have one and use it on a weekly basis. If that one breaks the budget, the MPD-6 will suffice. Or, you can take a risk and track down a DAC that most people around here will look down their noses on. If you dare, find a used Exogal Comet and pair it with as good a 12V linear power supply as you can manage. Why the Comet? Because it's the biggest piece of sleeper gear in the history of high end audio. And because it was designed by the same guy who was on the team that invented the original Wadia DSP. I won't go into great detail but mention just two things. First is that he describes the Comet versus Wadia in this way, "The Wadia is a bicycle, the Comet is a Tesla". Secondly, how impressed am I with the Comet? I own three. One I use every day. The other two are back-ups. I honestly can't imagine life without one. Like I inferred above, people will piss on it because it was "affordable". But these people are convinced that dollar signs equals performance. People who truly understand high level math, and specifically it's application in DSP, know that the Comet contains what is currently THE most advanced DSP in the world. It just so happened to be built to be affordable. (Hence my strong encouragement to also get an exceptional power supply to go with it.)
Congrats on your appreciation of the old 64.4. It really is a magical historic piece.