Big Phono arrived last weekend so is now fully installed and warmed up, although it has less than 10 hours playing time on it (apparently improves all the way to approx 100 hours).
I had high expectations of this based on reviews and the UK distributor's feedback, and I have to say they've been exceeded. The level of detail extraction is incredible as are the dynamics, but perhaps the most impressive aspect is the delineation of instruments particularly front to back. This creates an incredible soundstage particularly when listening to orchestral works. Timbre is also spot-on, particularly around violins.
I re-read Alan Sircom's review, which notes that initial listening sessions are likely to be short given the intensity of the experience, and have found the same! This is not fatigue in the sense of your ears tiring, but rather the fact that the music demands attention - 2 albums and I'm done!
Switching back to the Horizon 360 this evening for the first time and it's definitely not as captivating. Worth noting that I'm still using the AMG Teatro cart the Viella came with.
I'll report back once the Big Phono is run in. Am surprised how little interest / experience there is on WBF for the RCM phonos - my experience so far suggests they are very good.