That sounds about right by Davey.
Although tubes and their inherent sound is an extremely personal thing, you can also custom design the sound you want out of your amplifiers with the choice of tube you prefer, simple as that!
In the past when we had the CJ ART preamp driving the Premier 8A monoblocks, they were fitted with a full set of 6550C tubes directly from CJ. After a few years we tried the KT88 series and that was nice but I wouldn't say better, just different. We then converted the Prem 8's to the "XS" model triode version, incorporating EL34's, which halves the power output from 275w to around 140w, the presentation was superb!
During this time our reference speakers were the big Maggie's MG20 series and it was a wonderful sounding system; Until... The Apogee Divas took over.
Now for the Divas to sound best, the EL34 version wasn't the best config. The Prem 8's were sold and we ordered a pair of Prem 12's fitted with the original 6550C's that were used in the Prem 8's. Once again this drove the Divas to glorious levels without any strain whatsoever and with less power compared to the Prem 8's, the power of the Prem 12's was more than adequate to drive the Divas. This is partly due to the extra headroom of the 6550 compared to any KT88 or EL34.
Having lived with this type of sound, power and quality for nearly all my adult life, I'm very familiar with the KT88, KT90, EL34, 6550A, B & C grade tubes.
Forward 13 years from 2005 to date, now having used the KT120 more significantly in all power amps I've had in Australia, I can definitely agree with Davey, the KT120 is a far superior tube, and the KT150 is definitely a game changer!
I strongly recommend anyone to audition the new CJ ART150 or the ART 300's, it will shatter all preconceived notions of tube performance.
I can certainly understand why someone may experience the KT120 as being dry or solid state in nature with no bloom... but that's the interesting turn! That dryness and bloom can be sorted out in full affect when you partner a KT120 amplifier with the right tube preamp, either with the Mullard M8080's or a refined version of the 6922 or 6N30P, the combination with the KT120 is marvelous!
With a KT150, not only is it a game changer but a mind changer!
Sometime down the line I will modify my LP125m's to accommodate the KT150's. This will be a project in development directly with CJ as these LP125's are my final amplifiers. As for now, I'm absolutely enjoying the KT120's and to the extent of how they truly control and drive the CLX's, effortlessly! Of course with the right preamp to match, which is a huge factor in getting your system to sound musical rather than be used as a switching device...
Cheers to KT120 & 150! A game and mind changer indeed!