Some comments somewhere in the last 15 pages in the long thread about MQA on Computer Audiophile, some comments on Gearslutz (I believe) or elsewhere. You can look it up yourself, if you are in the mood.
That is the nice thing about the web. There are plenty of places where like minded individuals can hang out. There is always room for the Tin Hat conspiracy crowd.
Some comments somewhere in the last 15 pages in the long thread about MQA on Computer Audiophile, some comments on Gearslutz (I believe) or elsewhere. You can look it up yourself, if you are in the mood.
For one that is so particular about what others say and their knowledge behind what they say, ........
"sources" imply a direct line of communication u supposedly had/have regarding the topic at hand, comments are what they are, just comments. There is a big difference
Since my Lumin is now MQA ready, I need to break down some day and subscribe to Tidal. Then I can do some actual listening, and then form an opinion. Along this subject, I asked HDtracks if they were going to offer MQA downloads, and the answer was not at this time. They said they are working on a streaming service, and will stream MQA first.
For one that is so particular about what others say and their knowledge behind what they say, ........
"sources" imply a direct line of communication u supposedly had/have regarding the topic at hand, comments are what they are, just comments. There is a big difference
Since my Lumin is now MQA ready, I need to break down some day and subscribe to Tidal. Then I can do some actual listening, and then form an opinion. Along this subject, I asked HDtracks if they were going to offer MQA downloads, and the answer was not at this time. They said they are working on a streaming service, and will stream MQA first.
That last link above, large square (?); within are three articles, the latest test analysis, ... read more ?
I know my opinion is just that and it has no merit in an audio world.
That being said I think we are @ the precipice of AI, Authentic Intelligence. :b
Seriously, it's like Hollywood finally waking up from the undertaker, the silence hiding underground, the casting couch sick mentality and malpractice.
It's like the new standards of Blu-ray, UHD 4K with Dolby Cinema; Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos. In the process they get rid of 3D to free up space.