My meanderings around this forum lead me to believe that that aim of high-end hifi is to consume as much real estate as possible. May be due to living in London.
I'm a less is more type of person and would love to have less hifi components. I have however limited myself to whatever fits in a rack I had made that is 650mm wide, 450mm deep and 1,100mm high.
Am I alone in this ergonomic endeavour?
p.s. On a completely separate real estate matter, I need to get a house remodelled/extended in LA (Roxbury). Anyone in that area have any recommendations?
I'm a less is more type of person and would love to have less hifi components. I have however limited myself to whatever fits in a rack I had made that is 650mm wide, 450mm deep and 1,100mm high.
Am I alone in this ergonomic endeavour?
p.s. On a completely separate real estate matter, I need to get a house remodelled/extended in LA (Roxbury). Anyone in that area have any recommendations?