Basis Audio Super Arm 9

Sammy T

Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2012
Basis Audio Super Arm 9 .... Amazing ! Just installed one on my Debut table.
Did you have the Vector 4 before Sam? And in what way was it amazing.
Thanks in advance,
Yes, I did have the Vector 4 . The Super Arm 9 opens so many more doors , that you did not know were closed. First thing: Deep defined articulate bass. It's to die for... Second: Bigger sound stage, musical instruments have a lot more body and are properly placed in the sound field . Third: vocals, larger ,more emotional vibrato . Much less listening fatigue,very smooth yet still lots of detail. My Dynavector XV1 t never sounded better.
Thanks for the feedback Sammy.
Now you've sent me in a spin. I have the 2800 fully optioned (syncro and vac), with the vector 4 and the mysonic ultra eminent EC.
Certainly now on the wish list.:D
The Super Arm 9 is out of this world. Immediate sounding, like real music. And the dynamics! Explosive. Right down to the bottom of what the speakers can do.
Are you able to compare your SA9 to the Kuzma 4pt? If not, would anyone else have experience with both arms?

thanks, sylvester
Has anyone seen or heard a Superarm 9 on a TechDAS turntable?

Has anyone compared the Superarm 9 to the Vertere Reference tonearm?
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