Blu-ray player pause issue..


VIP/Donor & WBF Founding Member
Apr 20, 2010
Midwest fly over state..
I recently replaced a Panny blu-ray player with the Oppo 93 and both have the same problem. When I put them on "pause" for any length of time..whizz/beer/munchies break..they go into some sort of sleep mode and you have to do a STOP and restart the damn thing and do a chapter search to get back to where you were. Is this common for all blu-ray players (it never happened with dvds)? Is there a work around?
How is that done??
Go to Video Setup, Display Options and then Screen Saver. from the manual:

"Screen Saver – To turn on/off the screen saver function. The screen saver is designed to
minimize burn-in concerns for plasma and CRT display devices. The available options are:
• On – After about 3 minutes of inactivity, the player will show an animated OPPO logo
moving on a black background. This allows most areas of the screen to rest and gives
all areas an equal opportunity to refresh.
• Off – The screen saver will not be activated. Use this option if your TV does not have a
burn-in issue.
• Energy Saver – Video output will be turned off after 3 minutes of inactivity. Many
projectors and LCD TVs will go into a standby or sleep mode and turn off their
projection lamp or LCD backlight lamp, thus saving energy and prolonging the lamp life.
When you press any button on the OPPO remote control or the player’s front panel, the
screen saver will be canceled and video output will be restored. If your TV is already in
standby or sleep mode, you may need to wake up the TV by pressing a button on its
remote or control panel. "
Sorry Amir, got it. Duh. Went to the setup menu and disabled both screen saver and energy saver. I'm in the middle of a blu-ray movie now and am on pause. Will let you know what happens...thx.
I believe it was. So you just hit enter and not play..hmmm. I'll give it a shot...thx.
You can also try to take your whizzes, beers and munchie breaks in under 3 minutes. :p

Sorry buddy, I couldn't resist! :D
A three minute whizz at my age? You gotta be kidding :(
Rollin', rollin', rollin' , man my prostate's swollen, rawhide!

Which reminds me of my last prostate exam. The doc had me bent over the table and was going where no man had gone before, etc. but this time it hurt like crazy. I told him I was in pain and asked what he was doing differently. He said "this time I'm using two fingers". I said "TWO fingers?....why the hell would you use two fingers??" He said "I thought it would be good to have a second opinion".
Which one? Oh the blu-ray problem...not sure but I think so. Haven't tried a Universal disc yet but a Columbia (?) disc stayed on pause without issue.
Which one? Oh the blu-ray problem...not sure but I think so. Haven't tried a Universal disc yet but a Columbia (?) disc stayed on pause without issue.

Yeah, that was a Universal Studios Blu-ray issue; just like I was saying.

* And because I told you how to skip that small problem, you're good to go now. :b
Thanks Bob!
Probably have taken Jack's advice..

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