Capital Audiofest 2023

I thought the Von Schweikert 55’s were absolutely wonderful. I spent a long time in that room. The guys were very accommodating as far as musical selections and product queries. The short tutorial on how they dialed in the room was fascinating.
Sorry for OT
Nice Duettas, they look like they are from True Sound Works
Ron, did you visit the Potomac room where I think VSA had the Endeavor SE? If so, what did you think? Don’t worry - no sugar coating needed on my account. :)
Yes; I did a video from there.

I liked it a lot!

I remember liking an earlier model of Endeavor enormously at a Los Angeles show several years back. I think Endeavor is a good value!
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I The Endeavor was shining in the big ballroom
It was nice seeing some of the WBF membership . I always like when those who are readers and not posters approach me with positive remarks and they are kind and polite. I enjoyed seeing Al Rainbow and of course Ron Resnick and a few other regulars that I am familiar with as well. I am not sure I get what Ron was saying about our room,. It is the same room we have always had at Capfest and at all the shows i do know I get drapes to try to make the echo's in the room less pronounced and also to add some esthetic as well. It takes time folks to figure out or try to figure out how to get the best at these shows especially when you have super high end gear and expectations are so high from visitors.
FYI this year we did not have any sound until around 5 pm Thursday, late equipment deliver, internet issues of course, and the usual amount of time it takes to build the display, unpack all the gear, racks etc and assemble. So we had about 5 hours or so to get it right, and heat it up :). All the gear was on trucks and planes and in cold warehouses. Having said that I will personally say it was the best sounding room we have ever had at any US show. I want to personally thank Brandon Lauer who did the speaker set up and Jonathan Halpern and Silvio Delfino from Tone Imports and Riviera Audio for their assistance and efforts. It was a really fun show with a great crew. I hope those who attended heard it and got some enjoyment from our efforts.
I do realize that Ron's tastes are very different from my own however I do think he enjoyed the system and it was fun seeing him in person.
See you all at Axpona.
I try not to judge sound quality at shows too harshly for the reasons mentioned by @Elliot G. Trying to get cold equipment set up and working, with freshly uncoiled cables, and uncertain room acoustics, would be a challenge under the best of circumstances.

And then there’s the matter of line voltage. When I was in the VPI/ARC/Acora room, the music suddenly stopped and one of the guys announced there would be a 30 second delay. He said the Ref 6 preamp goes into protective mode when the line voltage drops to 90 volts. This was so low that I asked him if he was being facetious and he assured me the 90v figure was real. The ARC amps have a line voltage meter and he knew they were running in that range. It makes sense the room voltages would be low; after all what hotel is designed with this kind of electrical demand throughout so many room. Nevertheless I was surprised it would be as low as 90v.
Yeah you get what you get.somebody always excels and someone falls on their face.
And then there’s the matter of line voltage. When I was in the VPI/ARC/Acora room, the music suddenly stopped and one of the guys announced there would be a 30 second delay. He said the Ref 6 preamp goes into protective mode when the line voltage drops to 90 volts. This was so low that I asked him if he was being facetious and he assured me the 90v figure was real. The ARC amps have a line voltage meter and he knew they were running in that range.

It is true (the ARC shutdown feature) and accurate (at least in my measurements here). It may be 95 V, but it is way lower than you’d expect.

The Ref 6 reported low voltage and shut down here when TVA started swinging wildly in the summer of 2022. I put a meter on my mains, and saw swings from 90 V to over 135 V in one 24 hour period before it settled into the more normal +/- 8%.

That’s when I bought a PS Audio Regenerator. That was the most system performance stabilizing piece of equipment I ever added. I use a P20 on the main components, and a P12 at the phono preamp which is located by the turntables 25’ away.
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I try not to judge sound quality at shows too harshly for the reasons mentioned by @Elliot G. Trying to get cold equipment set up and working, with freshly uncoiled cables, and uncertain room acoustics, would be a challenge under the best of circumstances.

And then there’s the matter of line voltage. When I was in the VPI/ARC/Acora room, the music suddenly stopped and one of the guys announced there would be a 30 second delay. He said the Ref 6 preamp goes into protective mode when the line voltage drops to 90 volts. This was so low that I asked him if he was being facetious and he assured me the 90v figure was real. The ARC amps have a line voltage meter and he knew they were running in that range. It makes sense the room voltages would be low; after all what hotel is designed with this kind of electrical demand throughout so many room. Nevertheless I was surprised it would be as low as 90v.
its why most rooms sound their best at shows on the last day. FUN FACT :)
One last observation and I realize many like videos of audio systems but IMO these videos particularly those done at shows truly DO NOT represent the sound of those systems in these rooms. I am not criticizing Ron nor anyone else but the rooms I went in sounded nothing like any of these videos. They really diminish severely what was accomplished. It may be possible, i don't know but so far IMO they fail miserably.
I do appreciate the work and reporting Ron attempted and pictures are better than just words but for evaluation purposes it doesn't do it for me. not close guys not close.
One last observation and I realize many like videos of audio systems but IMO these videos particularly those done at shows truly DO NOT represent the sound of those systems in these rooms. I am not criticizing Ron nor anyone else but the rooms I went in sounded nothing like any of these videos. They really diminish severely what was accomplished. It may be possible, i don't know but so far IMO they fail miserably.
I do appreciate the work and reporting Ron attempted and pictures are better than just words but for evaluation purposes it doesn't do it for me. not close guys not close.

Ron did more than attempt to report. He actually reported. And he shared with his audience the specific rooms he enjoyed most. It was a good effort.
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The NOLA rooms both the Grand Ref and the Champ sounded fantastic. After I heard the big one I sought out the smaller Champ upstairs on 8 I think and was not disappointed. Open baffles makexsome great sound—also loved the Treehaus and the new Clayton Shaw speakers. The beauty of the Treehaus slab of wood both visually and sonically cannot be overstated. I enjoyed my two full days at the show and my vinyl haul from the Pit area as well.
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One last observation and I realize many like videos of audio systems but IMO these videos particularly those done at shows truly DO NOT represent the sound of those systems in these rooms. I am not criticizing Ron nor anyone else but the rooms I went in sounded nothing like any of these videos. They really diminish severely what was accomplished. It may be possible, i don't know but so far IMO they fail miserably.
I do appreciate the work and reporting Ron attempted and pictures are better than just words but for evaluation purposes it doesn't do it for me. not close guys not close.
I find it quite easy to hear harsh digital playback via YouTube system videos. When ever I've demoed a unit that sounded harsh via YouTube it sounds even harsher in real life. So YouTube videos are useful to me.
Billie Eilish sounding great here (6.30 in). Anyone know what the digital source was?
From an overall sound perspective, this was the best audio show I've attended.

From an overall sound perspective, this was the best audio show I've attended.

That's great!

What specifically did you like about it?
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Billie Eilish sounding great here (6.30 in). Anyone know what the digital source was?
just sleuthing a bit onto the Matterhorn Audio Group website and observing the video it appears that the digital is a Creek Audio 4040 CD player.

or more probably the more spendy Creek Audio Voyage CD since it's also a streamer and watching the video they are on Roon.

agree the video sound is quite good.
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That's great!

What specifically did you like about it?
"specifically" dunno - let me try this. Normally, we'd (myself and an audio buddy) zip up to the top floor and make our way down "quickly" to hear "everything" first, try and remember what we liked (and/or take notes), then go back for an extended listen here and there. We started on the 8th floor and then realized, after an inordinate amount if time, that it was Friday afternoon and we were still on that floor - and still had all the rest to visit. An awful lot of upstairs rooms just sounded so nice that we got absorbed in listening and neglected or didn't feel the need to move on.

I've never had the desire to have to pick out a best of show - unless something was SO outstanding that it was warranted. In this show's case there were a number of rooms that just plain sounded great. I could mention them if that's important (and assuming I could remember)

Of course, the material played made a lot of difference. I consistently marvel that in a show context, the material chosen in many instances doesn't do justice to the system or of course is played way too loud (room overload loud). Those are the rooms that I just walk right by - maybe to my detriment. In my book NO speaker can play ALL GENRES successfully. Pick music that the system does justice to - or to put it another way; stay AWAY from the genres that don't.

Maybe above all, I enjoy and appreciate meeting people / renewing acquaintances. Mingling with the folks who are there to display and maybe even sell something along - with the attendees. Think that the main focus of the occasion is to HAVE FUN.
I had a GREAT time - hope you all did also. Can't wait for next years show.

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