Cerious Technologies Graphene Lumniscate Cable


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2013
I have been listening to my system through Bob Grost’s Cerious Technologies Matrix cables for the past 5 years and have been very happy, happy enough to have completely stopped shopping for cables, and I had been cable swapping for a number of years.

I had tried silver cables in the past, and it always seemed like a compromise, such as getting more detail for less warmth. When I found out that Bob had a new cable line than utilizes proprietary pure Silver ribbon conductors made for Cerious Technologies in Germany my curiosity was peaked.

Bob sent me a full loom of what he calls Lumniscate cables, speaker, interconnect and power. I installed, powered up and walked away. The speaker cable were very heavy, much like the Matrix cables before them so I knew what to expect. I came back about 5 hours later and could not believe my ears just how big the difference was. As cliche as it sounds a veil was now missing that I didn’t know existed. I was immediately struck with the immense clarity and realism. It was startling. I couldn’t quite wrap my head around the enormity of the change that had occurred in only a few hours with essentially no burn-in. Bob told me, “just wait until they’re broken in.”

This cable appears to have some very sophisticated technology involved other than just a different type of wire or braiding techniques, shielding etc that every other Cable manufacturer claims is what makes theirs special. I’m not an engineer but I am curious about what makes them tick, so I asked Bob what was in these things and this was his response.

“How is this done? Cerious has developed a proprietary method of forcing the aqueous Graphene into the smallest nook by injecting it under pressure. After each conductor or “Damping Jacket” (both employ the same Aqueous Graphene) is “filled” the entire cable is placed in a vacuum chamber under extreme high pressure sucking out every pocket of oxygen and pulling the Graphene into intimate contact with the pure Silver and Carbon Fiber backbone fusing it into one coherent conductor.
Through this process we have achieved an increase of over 20% concentration of Graphene in each conductor versus Graphene Matrix. The introduction of our aqueous Graphene solution in our damping jackets has resulted in damping at the atomic level for both our individual conductors and cables as a whole.
Matrix was a large step up from Extreme, especially with regard to low level signal devices, namely interconnect and digital cables. Due to their smaller scale more elements of our ideal design were able to be instituted. In Lumniscate we have functionally turned our Loudspeaker Cables and Power Cords into large signal “interconnects” utilizing the same 6N 99.9999% pure Silver as the backbone of all Graphene Lumniscate products. Every inch is custom made and configured even before each individual conductor is hand made out of this pure Silver, Carbon Fiber (made by Toray, the finest available), Graphene and Liquid Ceramic which acts as the agent for our aqueous Graphene. Each conductor is housed in a medical grade Teflon tube, and then hand wound into a specific configuration within the outside jacket. Our aqueous Graphene solution is then flowed into our outer tube to surround the individual conductors and “lock” them into place. This process does require some time for the Graphene to move into place. For this reason, users should avoid moving Lumniscate once connected within a system, as this damping will improve over several weeks yielding quieter backgrounds over time.
Here we must address “the sins of the past”, as many have had bad experiences with pure Silver cables being bright and “overly detailed”. As a material physicist, individual materials are not defined by a single characteristic. When you say “a carbon fiber composite” everyone thinks of something rigid and prone to explosive failure characteristics. If knowledgeable carbon fiber structures can be made that are flexible, especially when combined with other materials. The same can be stated for Silver and the Carbon Fiber we employ within our conductors.
Carbon Fiber, as an individual conductor, can be “tube like” in its presentation and is a perfect complement to high purity Silver. The use of aqueous Graphene is an integral part of successfully combining 48,000 strands of Carbon Fiber (even more in our power cords and speaker cables...) and Silver into one integrated and coherent conductor.
The result is a cable that simply “disappears”. Graphene Lumniscate sets new standards for transparency and neutrality, which are hallmarks of all Cerious Technologies.”

As I listen tonight, I have over 150 hours on the cables without moving them, and I feel like I’ve broken through that wall. There is now a wonderful ease to the sound and yet very dynamic, beautiful clarity, realism and next level transparency that I have not experienced in my system. There is an unrestrained flow to the music, a fullness of soundstage and yet an emptiness of color, resulting in feeling that there is nothing in between the amp and speakers. I’m lucky to easily hear differences because of my quiet components and revealing speakers to help discern the difference.

I put my favorite LP on the platter, the three blind mice recording, Midnight Sugar by Tsuyoshi Yamamoto. It’s already a good recording but now the piano is in the room with me. The bass is tight, and everything is well balanced. I can close my eyes, and I’m in the studio watching them record.

I’m listening at a lower level tonight, not needing to turn up the volume. There is so much detail now at lower volume it’s astonishing. The noise floor is just nonexistent. I also am realizing just how colorful the Matrix cables were, and I suppose all cables color the sound to a degree, but now I understand what real transparency is.

Bob said these cables were a whole new level of transparency. I think it must be said that’s such an understatement. Without any break-in, the Lumniscate cables made the Matrix cables, the cables I’ve been happily living with for the last 5 years, sound just above average.

In my excitement to get these cables broken-in, I put everything in and let it run. The sound has changed significantly during this break-in period. Now I feel that I’m I can systematically remove cables and insert them one at a time to try and determine which ones are making the most impact.

After purchasing these cables, it’s recommended to not move them after placement. just let them break-in properly to maximize results. More to come on that.

I’ve never owned super mega-dollar cables but they must sound like this….. if they’re lucky.

Backert Labs Rhythm 1.3 Pre
Coda No. 16 Power Amp
GamuT RS5i speakers
Modwright Oppo 205
Technics SL1200 GAE, DS Audio Grand Master cart, Integrity Tru-Glider Tonearm
PS Audio P15 Regen
Dedicated power line to Furutech GTX outlet.


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Very interesting this Cerious cable. I have the habit of mixing cables, I use Schinerziger speaker cables, Jorma origo RCA from preamplfier to audiopax Maggiore M50 amplifier, and one Synergistic research RCA from Leplayer metronome to preamplifier audiopax M5, the cupper of Jorma modulates the two silver cables. I think this silver cable with graphene must be very interesting, I was trying to find cables made of niobium, but Arkana cable is hard do find, and the only other is locate in Australia, I will try to build one mixing with graphene .
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Theses cables sound interesting.

BUT, Cerious website has no address, no phone number, no mention of a trial or return policy(that I could find)....just seems weird
Spoke to Bob today and ordered a pair of the speaker cables. Very interesting cables and looking forward to getting them soon.

Anyone else listened to these and have them compared them to any other major brands?
Spoke to Bob today and ordered a pair of the speaker cables. Very interesting cables and looking forward to getting them soon.

Anyone else listened to these and have them compared them to any other major brands?
I have Bob’s CT speaker cables and can compare them to the Morrow Elite, his top-of-the-line cable. The Cerious cable wins in all categories, soundstage, depth, detail and most of all transparency. I sold the Morrow cables.
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I have quite a few of their previous products. When there were issues, they stopped returning my emails and calls.
Just ordered a 3 foot Lumniscate power cord to run between the wall and my power conditioner. Can’t wait to hear what it does!
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Just ordered a 3 foot Lumniscate power cord to run between the wall and my power conditioner. Can’t wait to hear what it does!
Congrats. I’m sure you’ll be very happy. Bob tells me the single greatest benefits in using this power cord are typically realized with digital gear like DACS and streamers. In others words, yes, really good for everything but REALLY shines with digital. I have one for my Manual preamp, my Tambaqui DAC and my Sonore SE streamer. I’m extremely impressed.
Wow! just got my Lumiscate power cord earlier today. You may think some are over the top in their praise of these cables, but my experience, with one power cord, a few hours in, confirms their reports. Transparency, neutrality, natural detail, and realism are all there, right out of the gate! Can’t wait to hear how things sound after it settles/breaks in for a while!
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Wow! just got my Lumiscate power cord earlier today. You may think some are over the top in their praise of these cables, but my experience, with one power cord, a few hours in, confirms their reports. Transparency, neutrality, natural detail, and realism are all there, right out of the gate! Can’t wait to hear how things sound after it settles/breaks in for a while!
No surprise, and welcome to the club! I have 3 of Bob's Lumniscate power cords which in his words deliver even more performance benefit when used with digital gear. For example, I have one for my Tambaqui DAC, one for my Sonore Rendu and one for my Makua preamplifier. All delivered an amazing bump in SQ. His Lumniscate interconnects are also just way over the top superb.


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I have long been a fan of Audio Note UK. Their cleverly, and appropriately, named top-of-the-line silver “mains” cable is the SOOTTO (SO Over The TOp). I believe it goes for something like 12K. To me, 12K, for a power cable, is crazy money. Still, having read several descriptions of what it brings to a system, by people who have tried it, I put it on my bucket list to try, if I ever win the lottery/have money to burn.

The reason I bring this up, is that this Cerious Graphene Lumniscate power cord is actually doing, in my system, what I imagined the SOOTTO might, if I was ever fortunate enough to try it. Now the SOOTTO could, possibly, be way better, I don’t know. The point is that I no longer really care. I now have something, for a small fraction of the price, that has exceeded my hopes and expectations.
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I have long been a fan of Audio Note UK. Their cleverly, and appropriately, named top-of-the-line silver “mains” cable is the SOOTTO (SO Over The TOp). I believe it goes for something like 12K. To me, 12K, for a power cable, is crazy money. Still, having read several descriptions of what it brings to a system, by people who have tried it, I put it on my bucket list to try, if I ever win the lottery/have money to burn.

The reason I bring this up, is that this Cerious Graphene Lumniscate power cord is actually doing, in my system, what I imagined the SOOTTO might, if I was ever fortunate enough to try it. Now the SOOTTO could, possibly, be way better, I don’t know. The point is that I no longer really care. I now have something, for a small fraction of the price, that has exceeded my hopes and expectations.
HI Tommy; Good to hear you are now a happy, satisfied member of the club! I have had the pleasure of becoming friends with Bob Grost who amazingly lives no more than 25 minutes from my home! I have learned a LOT listening to the professor who clearly has a cut his teeth teaching physics at university level and has a vast knowledge of how materials work to deliver the very best sound your components are capable of creating. I started with his interconnects and then moved on to his speaker cables and power cords. My system is TRANSFORMED
This Lumniscate power cord has got me thinking the most ridiculous thoughts; like “Do I really need to go any further with my system?”
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I realized considerable improvement upon installing the Lumniscate XLR interconnects and speaker cable. Not quite as dramatic as was the case with the power cords, but enough to discern a noticeable improvement. Improvements with power cords are most dramatic with digital gear like streamers and DACS.
These days, each time I play music on my system, of whatever style or genre, I hear things I’ve heard in live music, but rarely, if ever, have heard in reproduced music. Do you get the idea that this Lumniscate cable might be doing something extraordinary in my system? Might it do the same in yours…?
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These days, each time I play music on my system, of whatever style or genre, I hear things I’ve heard in live music, but rarely, if ever, have heard in reproduced music. Do you get the idea that this Lumniscate cable might be doing something extraordinary in my system? Might it do the same in yours…?
Absolutely! Without question the Lumniscate loom in my system conveys a degree of realism and authenticity of music in my system in a way I’d never hoped to experience. For me Lumniscate has been a complete game changer.
Does anybody know how the Cerious speaker cables may compare to Iconoclast SPTPC? I'm considering switching them for Cerious Lumniscate Speakers cable. I'm also considering to replace interconnects for Cerious Lumniscate XLRs (I have now Iconoclast OCC 4x4 XLR Cables).

I'm really happy with the Iconoclast but I have the impression that the Cerious would provide a little smoother and warmer experience.

In my system Luxman 509x amp, Holo May KTE DAC, Klipsch Cornwall 3 speakers. I mostly listen to Roon through Musica Pristina Acapella 3 streamer.

I'm new of this hobby, I appreciate everyone thoughts!

Does anybody know how the Cerious speaker cables may compare to Iconoclast SPTPC? I'm considering switching them for Cerious Lumniscate Speakers cable. I'm also considering to replace interconnects for Cerious Lumniscate XLRs (I have now Iconoclast OCC 4x4 XLR Cables).

I'm really happy with the Iconoclast but I have the impression that the Cerious would provide a little smoother and warmer experience.

In my system Luxman 509x amp, Holo May KTE DAC, Klipsch Cornwall 3 speakers. I mostly listen to Roon through Musica Pristina Acapella 3 streamer.

I'm new of this hobby, I appreciate everyone thoughts!

I own Bob Grost's Lumniscate speaker cables. I have the full loom and no other upgrades have contributed as much to my system as Cerious Lumniscate cables. Previously I had Nordost. Professor Grost knows his competition well, so I suggest you call or write the man and ask him his honest option and I am quite sure he'll be candid with you. He's a very honest man. Good luck to you!

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