My phone is auto correcting the to rye, and differences to distances. Hence the typos in your quote.
But yes, the center channel is invaluable in filling up that loudly image and the height speakers in increasing that scale and height. In a good MCH, when you turn of the ceiling speakers, the soundstage will drop drastically, and when you turn of the MCH, the soundstage will recede further.
Gary who owns Neolith has a MCH and is adding ceiling speakers
I cannot speak for height speakers using Auro synthesis, as I have no experience, although I have an ongoing interest. But, yes, absolutely, the center channel adds important soundstage information in Mch, as, of course, the surrounds do as well.
Yes, the sense of soundstage depth and dimensionality is quite noticeably increased in discretely recorded Mch vs. the same recording mastered in stereo. The sense of dimensionality of the size and "bodies" of some instruments, like cellos, violins, etc. is more realistic and less like a two dimensional "cardboard cutout" of the instruments.
Soundstage depth and front/back layering of the instruments in the ensemble is enhanced, but in a more realistic, not an artificial, way. The sound stage is noticeably extended forward into the room, while still maintaining its phantom rearward projection behind the speakers, as in stereo. This is not a volume thing. It is about the dimensional image. This is my consensus description, as others who have visited my room for the comparison agree in their own words.
I also agree that planars, like my Martin Logan's, seem to create a better, but not artificial, sense of height with many recordings. I seem to be able to tell if an orchestra is on tiered risers vs. a flat floor. Yet, I hear no artificial height stretching with, for example, a string quartet. My good friend Andy Quint, who reviews for TAS, agrees about the height effect with my system vs. his own. He uses point source Wilson Duette 2's all around in his excellent 5.1 Mch setup, but which he concedes does not project an apparent sense of height like my line source setup does.
I could go on and on. But, these are some of the essential reasons I have become a die hard convert to Mch. It just sounds more like the real thing live to me, as it does to Andy and several other active concert-going friends.