From what I can see you are upset because someone did not read a long PM you thought you had put effort in, and gave feedback on a piece of equipment you owned and had not asked about
Regarding other questions at least when I email anyone I start out with those allowing the other person to read, understand, and reply quickly. When he responds I will after a while shoot back a quick to reply one again. Just my style,
Maybe long email is not the best start? I usually ignore the ones I receive especially on gear, and quite often even at work unless they are from my boss because when I get long PMs at work they interfere with my ability to read long threads on natural sound.
If someone gives me Zanden like feedback I will check on it irrespective if asked or not. EQ curve feedback is always a good point, and Fremer has always been anti EQ curve. I have tried EQ curves with FM, Allnic, Esotericsound equalizer, Thoress, a small Italian brand called Faber, they all do things differently does not mean all if any are correct.