The amps Industrial Design is boring and understated but that is no crime.
The speakers are much sexier.
The speakers are much sexier.
Swedish high-end audio manufacturer Marten generally stick to speakers, but their latest work, the attractive M-Amp monoblock, is their first foray into the world of powered amplifiers. But are slick looks and distortion-free sound reproduction worth $45,000/pair to you?
According to Stereophile, this pair of amplifiers produces sound that one would expect from a more technically capable setup. And Ultimate AV Mag describes the M-Amp's internal workings as such:
The fully balanced M-Amp is based on Marten's proprietary Adaptive Modulation Servo (AMS) technology, which is described as an "inverting, globally self-oscillating, class-D stage" as well as a "load-independent, wide-bandwidth, first-order modulator, switching at 600kHz, with a constant loop gain of 30dB all the way up to the switching frequency."
As they say, everything is relative . I think they are comparing it to likes of Boulder at 400+ pounds.I like this quote from the ML website: "The Nº53 is rated at an impressive 500 Watts into 8 Ohms, measures merely 21" H × 9" W × 21" D and weighs only 135 lbs — certainly playing up the strengths for which switching power amplifiers are known." Merely and only, hmmm...
Unfortunately, their web site is full of mistake and lacking in information. Fortunately, there is a white paper with details of design: Background V5 04032010_5.17.10.pdfAnyway, the amp's specs look like the efficiency is pretty good even with a linear supply (nearly 80% into 8 ohms); pretty impressive! I am struggling a bit with the 640 W input and 1000 W output into 4 ohms (New Math? No PFC?)
Power Output ?53 | power consumption | Equivalent Class AB amplifier
500 watts into 8 ohms | 785 watts | 995 watts
1,000 watts into 4 ohms | 1,465 watts | 2,085 watts
I can't explain why but the spurs are at 800 Khz:It sounds like they interleave four amps to get the effective switching frequency to 2 MHz; I would expect spurs at the 500 kHz fundamentals but that's still pretty high.