In general, I tend to agree with Linkwitz, in that I think we have an in-built ability to hear past the room to the direct sound - which is unaffected by the room. Our ears and brains ignore the delayed reflections.
When we find ourselves needing to treat our rooms, are we sometimes, in fact, merely attempting to use 'acoustic EQ' to correct something wrong with our speakers, rather than the room itself?
Maybe vented speakers are the culprit? Vented speakers are now almost universal and I would love to know why. Maybe the changeover from sealed to vented occurred at a time when hi fi was a more mainstream interest, and therefore more generally budget-, and space-, conscious. Since then, only the real high end enthusiasts remain in the hobby, for whom larger boxes would not be an issue, but the reason for the changeover to vented has become lost in the mists of time..?
Edit: just thinking about the OP. Could a reason for the perceived trends in sound be the relatively recent move towards room treatments themselves? Maybe the bass is becoming 'taut' and 'dry' because people are now installing bass traps left right and centre whether they're necessary or not.