If you usually shift to tubes from SS at the average Joe, you will immediately get a better tone, timbre, organic feel, decay, flow, NS, call it what you will.
That said, SS requires more work, in terms of set up. Now, Mike's room, coupled with the lowest noise floor and excellent tweak/component matching, does the decay, flow, dynamic range, etc. When he adds tubes, they will increase his noise floor and add haziness, is my guess, from having heard the big 7 with 300b at his place. It is almost like his system is still, there is no component, and the music just emanates. I am sure I won't prefer the Thrax hybrid to the Dartzeel at his, though I did prefer the Thrax hybrid to Dart 468s on Stenheim Alumine 5 in a direct compare elsewhere. However, that is Mike, and in most cases, SS without much tuning, where many audiophiles just spend lavishly to set up big cones with big name amps, will sound similar to what Brad describes in Munich.
The Yamamura and Pnoe (with Mayer) both did something no other systems could do. The Yams have their own SS amp, and is the best speaker/system I have heard with Mike's though no similarity between the two. What the Yam does is exactly like what SETs horns do, yet with a lower noise floor, and higher microdynamic inflection, using SS. Pietro mentioned that he tried many top end SETs from Shindo and Kondo and they did not work well with the Yams.
In Heihei's system which is fronted by a Lampi, the Audionet Stern and Heisenberg has been preferred by him to Mayer pre, Berning Quadratures, etc. I only compared it with Berning Quads, and the Audionet was quite superior on all fronts.
But these above are exceptions, and require a lot of set up and tuning and expense and serendipity.
I prefer Audioarts' FM acoustics-Zellaton to most valve systems except for the best SETs horns I have heard. Again, crazy expensive. In small systems, Jazzhead's was very good with all SS, but still too expensive
The use of Soulution and Dartzeel preamps into valve power amps, in preference to valve preamps, has been confirmed with more than one system from Allnic, Shindo, NAT, Tenor 75 OTL, and CAT. Smart use of SS sandwiched with valve amps and phonos leads to no loss of valve magic, in fact reduces noise floor, cleans up haze, improves drive and resolution, and adds much higher transparency to recordings. Yet, with Pnoe, all Mayer pre, phono, and power is better left to all valve instead of introducing SS in the middle
I preferred the Vitus and Luxman power amps to Kondo Kagura on Magico and to Ypsilon Aelius on Vivid, and I preferred the Vitus integrated to Luxman hybrid integrated on Tannoy Kensington. I am sure the Plium will sound great at Bob's or Bob's. There is an excellent video of a boulder system with old living voice horns (which were not the same as the current ones but more of a prototype)
So yes, we should be open to SS. That said, it is much easier to set up a musical system plugging in valve components, with less tuning effort for room and for the component, as compared to SS systems. A valve set up with Tannoy or devore will take you a long way, and then simple valve components with great horns will take you probably all the way at a much lower expense. It is fine if it does not sound as good as the Yams or Mike's. Only your ego will be hurt.
And if we are asking such general questions, they should be more targeted to the general population, those with normal rooms, reissues, digital streaming, and accessible equipment.