Rodney,...glad to hear you made it through all that; a close (audio-nut) friend in Chicago went through the exact same thing a few years ago and is still with us today. Had a serious heart/stroke-related scare myself 2 years ago November. Life and what's really important gets put into stark and vivid perspective very quickly. Take care of yourself, stick close to your doctor(s) and their direction and do whatever you need to do to heal, relax, change lifestyle and make sure you have plenty of more years to come.
Thanks all , got home today but don't really have the energy to check out thw hifi system.
I have decided to get rid of all my stuff that I no longer use but just "collect" , like a few cars , a lot of excess hifi stuff and so on.. to simplify as it were and pout it where it counts , family time , vacation , enjoyment..
All went real well.. had this not cropped up , undoubtedly I would have died in the next few months.. now I have , according to drs , at least a further 20 years on the ticker.. A relief as I am 57.. too young to just disappear. While I was in there I also had a few of my other systems checked as to working condition , mostly excellent.
Thanks all , got home today but don't really have the energy to check out thw hifi system.
I have decided to get rid of all my stuff that I no longer use but just "collect" , like a few cars , a lot of excess hifi stuff and so on.. to simplify as it were and pout it where it counts , family time , vacation , enjoyment..
All went real well.. had this not cropped up , undoubtedly I would have died in the next few months.. now I have , according to drs , at least a further 20 years on the ticker.. A relief as I am 57.. too young to just disappear. While I was in there I also had a few of my other systems checked as to working condition , mostly excellent.
Thanks all , got home today but don't really have the energy to check out thw hifi system.
I have decided to get rid of all my stuff that I no longer use but just "collect" , like a few cars , a lot of excess hifi stuff and so on.. to simplify as it were and pout it where it counts , family time , vacation , enjoyment..
All went real well.. had this not cropped up , undoubtedly I would have died in the next few months.. now I have , according to drs , at least a further 20 years on the ticker.. A relief as I am 57.. too young to just disappear. While I was in there I also had a few of my other systems checked as to working condition , mostly excellent.
glad you are ok and wishing a speedy recovery. such a life-changing experience. and when you dodge a bullet you are never the same person again the doctors say. either too risk-averse or a risk-taker you become. dodged a bullet myself back in 2003 and i would agree. either you will fill the house with all the super expensive equipment or sell everything and concentrate on the basics. family, friends etc.