i will try.
i've owned 10 van den Hul Colibri cartridges. 3 in the last couple of years, the last one being the Master Signature. if you read about the MS, it's a very low distortion, plain talking cartridge, that lives on a knife edge of open and highly detailed and dynamic presentation, falling into edge or snarl if things are not just right. you can read about Tang, or Peter A., or a number of other MS owners who love it, and others who could not tame it fully to work for them. for myself, i did not own it long enough to say which camp i would have fallen into. it does deliver high levels of information. and since it's much talked about here on WBF, i assumed many could relate to my connecting the MS with the Magico sound.
i do think there is one fundamental difference between a speaker and cartridge. you can, and many do, switch cartridges, or switch to digital oR tape, but your speaker is pretty much there all the time.