Enid Lumley

You won’t believe how much SQ improves by pulling off the plug of refrigerator. Sound becomes more relaxed. Down side is you forget to plug it back and waste the food inside refrigerator.

^Well you’re right.^ it is unbelievable.
It is either some expectation bias, or it is real.
If it is real then it should be able to be proven to be real..

Unplugging switch mode power supplies like tv, computer etc also help. Switch mode power supplies introduce noise to AC line but refrigerator’s motor must be doing something worse cause it made the biggest improvement when we unplugged it.

Maybe an oscilloscope is what is needed?

Unfortunately having 3 phase electricity, dedicated line and phase for audio doesn’t change this situation, at least it didn’t change in our system.

Where in the AC do you believe that the AC might be getting the noise in?
There is the live, neutral and ground.
The last two are generally tied together at some point, and the whole dedicated circuit is tied to the rest of the circuits in the main box.

And then all the other fridges up and down the streets are tied to each other via the poles.
So it makes sense that a dedicated circuit would not really do a lot to help.

If the power supplies in the components are not filtering out the noise, then that points to less than adequate design of those pieces.

If there is noise being introduced by the fridge, then have you considered a choke of some sort on that appliance?
I’m being Enid today. Take your cell phone out of your listening room while listening to vinyl and tell me if your sound improves?

My phonostage, or the i/c's for it, pick up interference from my phone when it's too close. Not impossible that your phone could be interfering with the analogue chain?
^Well you’re right.^ it is unbelievable.
It is either some expectation bias, or it is real.
If it is real then it should be able to be proven to be real..

Maybe an oscilloscope is what is needed?

Where in the AC do you believe that the AC might be getting the noise in?
There is the live, neutral and ground.
The last two are generally tied together at some point, and the whole dedicated circuit is tied to the rest of the circuits in the main box.

And then all the other fridges up and down the streets are tied to each other via the poles.
So it makes sense that a dedicated circuit would not really do a lot to help.

If the power supplies in the components are not filtering out the noise, then that points to less than adequate design of those pieces.

If there is noise being introduced by the fridge, then have you considered a choke of some sort on that appliance?
Better components or setups benefit more from improvements because they’re more transparent.

Let me put it this way:
I heard many high-end dacs and transports/streamers with extremely low noise and low jitter. They have very good internal clocks with extremely low jitter but they still benefit from an external clock. When they’re connected to an external clock SQ improves drastically.

Again, you can hear improvements on AC line more with better, more transparent setups. If your setup is not transparent to reflect improvements you may not hear them but that’s doesn’t mean there isn’t any improvement.
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I’m being Enid today. Take your cell phone out of your listening room while listening to vinyl and tell me if your sound improves?
In my system it makes no difference; my equipment has good RFI immunity.

If yours does not getting some distance from a cell phone could be noticeable. But I would expect the phone to make some pretty audible sounds in the speakers if the equipment has poor immunity.

Since that was not mentioned at all, this sounds like expectation bias.
Better components or setups benefit more from improvements because they’re more transparent.

Let me put it this way:
I heard many high-end dacs and transports/streamers with extremely low noise and low jitter. They have very good internal clocks with extremely low jitter but they still benefit from an external clock. When they’re connected to an external clock SQ improves drastically.

Again, you can hear improvements on AC line more with better, more transparent setups. If your setup is not transparent to reflect improvements you may not hear them but that’s doesn’t mean there isn’t any improvement.

^That^ sounds all flowery, but one can argue that better components are more transparent to AC line noise.
Ideally maybe one would plug the AC into a big battery charger, and then later disconnect it to play the music?

I find the idea of defending a system as superior when one needs to unplug the fridge a bit misguided.
Either the power supplies are not noise immune, or the fridge needs-a-fixin.
It is not proof that the stereo system is in any way good.
More like the system is somewhat rotten, and food will soon be rotten.

The definition of “transparent” does not include letting through RF noise and AC line noise.
Equipment that blocks everything but the rectified DC is more likely to be transparent.

And I say all ^this^ thinking I am more likely to believe that you claim can be real, than most here.
Either this is some bias, or something needs fixin.
I would be looking at an oscillascope.

Without a scope I would at least be railing the volume to max, with no musical signal… and listening to whether you can tell if the fridge is running or not from any speaker sounds.
^That^ sounds all flowery, but one can argue that better components are more transparent to AC line noise.
Ideally maybe one would plug the AC into a big battery charger, and then later disconnect it to play the music?

I find the idea of defending a system as superior when one needs to unplug the fridge a bit misguided.
Either the power supplies are not noise immune, or the fridge needs-a-fixin.
It is not proof that the stereo system is in any way good.
More like the system is somewhat rotten, and food will soon be rotten.

The definition of “transparent” does not include letting through RF noise and AC line noise.
Equipment that blocks everything but the rectified DC is more likely to be transparent.

And I say all ^this^ thinking I am more likely to believe that you claim can be real, than most here.
Either this is some bias, or something needs fixin.
I would be looking at an oscillascope.

Without a scope I would at least be railing the volume to max, with no musical signal… and listening to whether you can tell if the fridge is running or not from any speaker sounds.
Emphasis added.


Better equipment is more resistant to line noise.
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