Found Music 2A3 Amplifier


Member Sponsor
Aug 7, 2010
Scott Sheaffer of Found Music was kind enough to bring over his 2A3 amplifiers for an audition prior to delivering to Mike L...

Let me preface that the amps had been driven halfway across the country and only had a few hours of break in, but after a few hours the sound was breathtaking. All the tone color you expect from a SET with the speed of mercury rectifiers. Best of all, and somewhat unexpected for a SET was the bass; there was plenty of it and sounds glorious.

I'm sure Mike L will have lots more to add in the coming weeks. If you have efficient speakers, these should definitely be on a short list of state of the art amplification to audition.
Scott Sheaffer of Found Music was kind enough to bring over his 2A3 amplifiers for an audition prior to delivering to Mike L...

Let me preface that the amps had been driven halfway across the country and only had a few hours of break in, but after a few hours the sound was breathtaking. All the tone color you expect from a SET with the speed of mercury rectifiers. Best of all, and somewhat unexpected for a SET was the bass; there was plenty of it and sounds glorious.

I'm sure Mike L will have lots more to add in the coming weeks. If you have efficient speakers, these should definitely be on a short list of state of the art amplification to audition.

thanks Mark. last night i was invited over to Mark's to get a preview of the new amps; i was not there long enough to hear them get their balance....but even so they sounded special.

today Scott (with assistance from Mark) brought the amps over to my room while i was working. tonight i'll be able to listen to them in my room for the first time. i'm encouraged that both Scott and Mark felt like the amps had plenty of gain for my system; which was my only concern. this is a '3' watt amp.

i'll post some pictures 'soon'.

tomorrow Scott will return to my room and install the BNC output plugs on the amps for my 'zeel' cables (the interface of the darTZeel gear). for tonight i am using conversion plugs (BNC->RCA).
What is the minimum efficiency for speakers with these amps?

Are these the 50K ones?

Just curious,as one day I would like to have a horn based system. thanks
What is the minimum efficiency for speakers with these amps?

Are these the 50K ones?

Just curious,as one day I would like to have a horn based system. thanks

my speakers are Evolution Acoustics MM3's, , which have powered bass subs and only present a 93 db, 6 ohm load, and only above 100hz (the powered subs do below 100hz). these are not horns.

yes; the retail for these speakers is approx $50k.

Scott contacted my speaker designer and got the impedence curve to make sure he designed the power supply in the amps to handle it. from Scott's and Mark's feedback it worked.

as far as horns, i've heard plenty of them. none i've heard compete overall with what i hear. and obviously my speakers can use very low lowered amps.
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my speakers are Evolution Acoustics MM3's, , which have powered bass subs and only present a 93 db, 6 ohm load, and only above 100hz. these are not horns.

yes; the retail for these speakers is approx $50k.

Scott contacted my speaker designer and got the impedence curve to make sure he designed the power supply in the amps to handle it. from Scott's and Mark's feedback it worked.

as far as horns, i've heard plenty of them. none i've heard compete overall with what i hear. and obviously my speakers can use very low lowered amps.

Thanks Mike,

The 50K amount was directed to the amplifier cost. I thought some time ago you mentioned the cost figure for the amps.
Thanks Mike,

The 50K amount was directed to the amplifier cost. I thought some time ago you mentioned the cost figure for the amps.

i think these monoblock 2A3 amps (or you can choose the 45 tube) will list for around $20k - $25k. top level build quality, 2 different mercury vapor regulator tubes and 3 different custom transformers.

I use the Daedalus Ulysses speakers which are 96 db efficient with a nominal 6 ohm load. I have a smallish room (probably 1/6-1/8 the volume of Mike's) and the amps had more than enough power to comfortably play at an SPL much higher than I would ever use!

I can vouch that the amps had enough muscle to make Katatonia very briefly reach concert volume in Mike's room. BTW, this is likely the only time that 'Katatonia' and 'Mike Lavigne' will be used in a single post :)

Doc, thanks for the info. I have 96db speakers also,so Mike's take should be interesting. I would guess for 3 watts to pull it's weight the transformers would be mega transparent and the PSU would have a tanker load of capacitance. The amps would have to be pretty special, I personally think that headroom is a essential ingredient to realistic sound. As I said should be interesting.
You guys like the sound of SET but concern about the power of out put, why don't you to make a multi amps system with 3 SET amps of 3 watt, that will be added to getter total 9 watt, and even 3 watt to drive directly to the speaker's coil is quite different to drive a crossover's caps and chokes or resistors , horns is perfect match for SET too
tony ma
i've only listened for a few hours so keeps getting are a few 'quickie' pictures.

the footers are the new Stillpoints. later i'll also be trying the Wave Kinetics A10 U8's. i have some Box Furniture amp stands on the way. should have them in a couple of weeks.



Careful Mike

you're returning to the "Dark Side" again :)


ah yes, the 'dark side'.

actually a large part of my attraction to Scott's amps were the open window and 'light' they put on the music; most other tube amps, even very good ones, impose a bit of darkness on the music. a golden hue so to speak. that viewpoint is lovely but for my personal sonic compass it's not what i like. since i've only had a couple of hours of listening so far and the amp is changing every 10 minutes i'm not ready to comment much....but for sure it's not dark.

btw Steve, it was really great seeing you in Denver and being able to listen some with you. it was also a pleasure meeting your beautiful Daughter.

i've only listened for a few hours so keeps getting are a few 'quickie' pictures.

the footers are the new Stillpoints. later i'll also be trying the Wave Kinetics A10 U8's. i have some Box Furniture amp stands on the way. should have them in a couple of weeks.





I see your using an Adona Zero GXT amp stand too. I notice that the leg/footer caps on top are billet aluminum. Did you special order them ? Mine came with rather simple beer can tops that are not too appealing.

ah yes, the 'dark side'.

actually a large part of my attraction to Scott's amps were the open window and 'light' they put on the music; most other tube amps, even very good ones, impose a bit of darkness on the music. a golden hue so to speak. that viewpoint is lovely but for my personal sonic compass it's not what i like. since i've only had a couple of hours of listening so far and the amp is changing every 10 minutes i'm not ready to comment much....but for sure it's not dark.

btw Steve, it was really great seeing you in Denver and being able to listen some with you. it was also a pleasure meeting your beautiful Daughter.


Thanks Mike

Can you or Mark explain to me the difference or the sonic benefits when using mercury rectifier tubes
Fascinating Mike, thanks for sharing.

Not sure how 3 watts is working well though---I have 101db speakers (ZU Def2) and have tried 8 watt 300Bs and it isn't enough (and my room is smaller). I am finding 20 watts or so is the best---and had 25W Audion Monoblocks in my room this past weekend. Perhaps it's just because it's over 100hz though. I have built-in subs like you too.

The amps look impeccably built however. Gorgeous!


Fascinating Mike, thanks for sharing.

Not sure how 3 watts is working well though---I have 101db speakers (ZU Def2) and have tried 8 watt 300Bs and it isn't enough (and my room is smaller). I am finding 20 watts or so is the best---and had 25W Audion Monoblocks in my room this past weekend. Perhaps it's just because it's over 100hz though. I have built-in subs like you too.

The amps look impeccably built however. Gorgeous!




You may also wish to consider auditioning one of the First Watt Power Amps (such as the J2 or M2) as an alternative. I know, SS and relatively inexpensive stereo amps, but you may be surprised.

Thanks Mike

Can you or Mark explain to me the difference or the sonic benefits when using mercury rectifier tubes

Speed, speed, and speed.

Speed allows resolution and reveals a more complete palette of tone color and texture. The harmonic structure and unique sonic signature of each instrument is more readily apparent. You become more aware of the size and shape of the musicains and their instruments. You can more readily appreciate the musician's technique.

Speed improves the illusion of instruments and musicians in space. Performers are more solidly anchored within the reproduced soundstage which is wider and more realistic. Depth of imaging also improves. You can more readily see the musicians and their in your mind's eye.

Speed provides more ambient information of the space in which the music was performed.

Speed 'unmuddies' the reproduction and allows the fine variations of timing and dynamic contrasts to become more realistic. This is something that most stereo systems fail miserably at when compared to a live performance.
Fascinating Mike, thanks for sharing.

Not sure how 3 watts is working well though---I have 101db speakers (ZU Def2) and have tried 8 watt 300Bs and it isn't enough (and my room is smaller). I am finding 20 watts or so is the best---and had 25W Audion Monoblocks in my room this past weekend. Perhaps it's just because it's over 100hz though. I have built-in subs like you too.

The amps look impeccably built however. Gorgeous!



Keith --

One thought: all Watts are not created equal. I've had an 18 watt high powered SET manufactured by a well known high-end company that began clipping a very low volume levels in my system.

By contrast, the Found Music ~1 watt amp (using a 45 driver tube) was able to play at reasonable levels in my system and Mike's new 3 watt amps drove my system to SPL levels much greater than I will ever need.
Speed, speed, and speed

How so?

What is different (other than the Hg) that creates speed and are you implying that other tubes lack this or that the mercury rectifier tubes are plain faster

Speed allows resolution and reveals a more complete palette of tone color and texture. The harmonic structure and unique sonic signature of each instrument is more readily apparent. You become more aware of the size and shape of the musicians and their instruments. You can more readily appreciate the musician's technique.

I don't understand why this should be so
How so?

What is different (other than the Hg) that creates speed and are you implying that other tubes lack this or that the mercury rectifier tubes are plain faster

I don't understand why this should be so

i'm not an expert on amp circuits, and can only try to relate how Scott explained why a '3' watt 2a3 amp can handle my speakers, or even why his '1' watt 45 tube amp sounded so good 9 months ago.

wattage is just one part of the equation. there is also how well the power supply stays linear to a load. high powered amps only use small portions of the wattage they are capable of; but they have strong power supplies to stay linear.

Scott has split the tube regulation into 2 separate mercury vapor tubes (for again, more linearity under load) and has three very special transformers all of which allow the 3 watts to be very solid. one other issue is that these amps were specifically designed to work with my particular speakers and the load they present.

the attraction of the 45 tube and 2a3 tube is the speed and lack of distortion they have. i cannot explain why they are like that; but they are. i call it 'speed inside the note'....which is how i hear it.

the whole idea is to get the refinement and purity of a low lowered tube with enough grunt to make music come alive. the powered subwoofer allows this equation to happen in a large room like mine.

please be kind if i've mis-understood how Scott explained this to me.

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