Furutech NCF AC Plugs: Gold vs Rhodium Reviewed!

It is not easy to do this, I have discovered. I had to order Cardas cables with special-order (and less expensive) connectors to avoid rhodium.

Iconoclast Belden BAV power cable connectors do not use any rhodium, Bob Howard reported.

Marty gave me the ingredients for Dave Cahoon to assemble a couple of power cables with rhodium-free Furutech components.
There are lots of top tier cables that don't use Rhodium plated connectors. None of the cables in my system - top tier models from Allnic, Echole, Hemingway Audio, Lessloss, Shunyata, Verastarr, and custom Double Helix came with Rhodium plated connectors.
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The issues with rhodium come from unfortunate combinations of rhodium and other materials.

Those who actually try an all-rhodium approach never say the kind of things you guys are saying right now. All rhodium can actually result in a relaxed, lower-fatigue sound.

I've actually solved the kinds of issues you guys are talking about by getting rid of gold. If everyone had all-rhodium plating and you introduced gold as something new, people would see gold the same way you see rhodium.

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