HDR: Will you upgrade?

Will you upgrade to HDR?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • No

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • Maybe; I need to see it first.

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters
I have not yet seen the Vizio R but each of its individual LEDs are separately controllable which makes it different than your typical FALD display. Remember, the OLEDs are emissive displays and have had significant uniformity problems due to both manufacturing, QC and programming issues. Check out Home Theater Geeks episode 262 where we discuss those issues. I would love to get an OLED but will not accept the issues I have seen to date. Hopefully in the second half of 2016. CES should pove interesting in that regard.
The LEDs are programmable but with some 350 or so regions, it cannot by definition modulate each pixel. It will light up those regions even if there is a single pixel lit there. It is for sure superior to the rest of the bunch without full array local dimming but it is not in the same class as OLED with individually driven pixels.

But yes, CES will show wider choice of products. Let's hope they don't show a bunch of prototypes with no ship dates as they all did two years ago. I hate going there and hearing no price and no availability, or "Q3 shipping date."
I would be shocked if the next generation of OLEDs didn't come with the dreaded Q3 2016 shipping date. I would hope Panasonic has some good OLED news at CES, namely flat and US availability. Oh, and better pricing too.
I have not seen HDR yet, but I am quite sure it is in my future along with a "4K" UHD set, BD player, etc. However, my own years in the computer technology business taught me not to be too early an adopter. My understanding of technology business and pricing models makes me doubly wary at this juncture. I will let others have that privilege and the "fun" - the bragging rights, but also the high early prices and rapid obsolescence that inevitably ensue. For me, what bears close watching is the degree of UHD BD releases that fully utilize the technology, as well as the enhanced UHD color space, etc. Without a "critical mass" of source material, I do not see much point.

We are still in a period of rapid early development, hence obsolescence. UHD, HDR and related technologies are inevitable, to be sure. Everything I hear indicates this new stuff will be significantly better. But, trying to buy future technologies too early can be an expensive and frustrating proposition. So, I am probably at least a year away, likely more than that. I feel the same about OLED, by the way. It remains to be seen if Quantum Dot technology, perhaps, might be a better long run choice.

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